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PM and Army worried about Afghanistan while Karachi?

It's weird. I haven't seen any other country in the world they they systematically and deliberately destroyed their biggest city. No wonder Pakistan is an economic failure. Karachi is not even part of Pakistan. It is actually the capital of Sindhudesh.

For every person from Karachi who complains on a forum, or joins a party like MQM, there are 1000 who silently pack up their bags and leave the country. Over 90% of my family have left and I hope the few remaining will leave as well.

I'll tell you a story. Over 40 years ago, during the time of Bhutto, when I a teenager living in Karachi my father told me about a friend who was a senior officer in Pakistan Navy. He resigned from the navy and was moving to America. People asked him why he wanted to move to America and live as a second-class citizen. His reply was, "I'm living as a second-class citizen in Pakistan. I would rather be a second-class citizen in a first class country, rather than a second-class citizen in a third-class country."

Nothing has changed since then. In fact, it's far, far worse for people in Karachi. They have less rights then Palestinians in Gaza or Kashmiris in Indian Kashmir.
federal govt need to stop hiding behind 18th amendment IK need to stand up to fauji Mafia and force them to stop protecting Zardari and his mafia fk it give them acres and acres of land somewhere far from karachi if that fullfils their dhas greed but someone has to do something its not about us Non Punjabi keeras yes us so called "Mohajirs" as our punjabi friend like to label us its about Pakistan we lost part of Pakistan because we our Fauji mafia was protecting one wadera i fear we might lose Khi as Fauji mafia is protecting another wadera!!

Can you explain (without emotional diarrhea of course) how can federal govt bring change evading 18th amendment? Maybe there is something I'm missing?

As what I understand federal have 2 options, either dissolve parliament and bring dictatorship and arrest all other parties(can they do this, will they have establishment and military backing). Second option is to crush 18th amendment using parliament. (not possible with PMLN and ppp in parliament).

Further more, logically speaking, PPP have strong support in Sindh and Balochistan region. The change has to come slowly because ppp is the largest and most pro federation party in these regions.

P. S Anyone who doesn't share your view is not a punjabi. I'm from karachi and my ancestors were Muhajirs from UP and Maharashtra. Lol
But you started it though didn't you?…..
this isnt my actual account! my real account is banned!

ny argument when it comes to karachi or sindh has always been that Zardari/PPP is a threat to national security why is he not rotting in a c class jail is beyond me! but then i see the pattern how mqm flourished under fauji mafia, and how zardari is doing the same under the patronage of fauji mafia and how we the people (every Pakistani) is suffering because of this corrupt alliance since federal pays a huge sum to Zardari govt and there are proofs that he siphons the fund launder it to dubai and europe is costing Pakistan huge money every year! so why is he still not in jail! we have Uzair baloch in custody but he is not tried but is a guest of pindi boys! does that make sense to anyone? or is this some strategic bs that security establishment cant do anything about zardari because it will start some sindhu desh movement then this argument is bs we are a nuclear nation we destroyed ussr, we cleared ttp from Pakistan, we fought USA in afghanistan and we cant end a chindi chor zardari!

or our security establishment only care about their military inc that is expanding more than apple inc because sindh govt keeps awarding them free land and thaikas!
If you don't control the harms coming from Afganistan you can't initiate solving problems in Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar or Queta......
It's weird. I haven't seen any other country in the world they they systematically and deliberately destroyed their biggest city. No wonder Pakistan is an economic failure. Karachi is not even part of Pakistan. It is actually the capital of Sindhudesh.

For every person from Karachi who complains on a forum, or joins a party like MQM, there are 1000 who silently pack up their bags and leave the country. Over 90% of my family have left and I hope the few remaining will leave as well.

I'll tell you a story. Over 40 years ago, during the time of Bhutto, when I a teenager living in Karachi my father told me about a friend who was a senior officer in Pakistan Navy. He resigned from the navy and was moving to America. People asked him why he wanted to move to America and live as a second-class citizen. His reply was, "I'm living as a second-class citizen in Pakistan. I would rather be a second-class citizen in a first class country, rather than a second-class citizen in a third-class country."

Nothing has changed since then. In fact, it's far, far worse for people in Karachi. They have less rights then Palestinians in Gaza or Kashmiris in Indian Kashmir.
I could agree with your post until I read your nonsense last Para. That's just ridiculous lie.
If you want me to name one to my liking than its the different nullah rehabilitation projects. This is probably something no-one else would have done, the least marketable project but will have big impact.

Transmission lines to provide more electricity to KE.

Health card is what I am looking forward to.

Rest are transportation projects. ( KCR though they got it running but the modernization project let's see how it progresses).

Road carpeting is done on a level not done after musharraf era. Plus they have laid considerable new sewage lines in small neighbourhoods probably after musharraf time. Local parks ( probably need a lot more).

We need to understand this government does not enjoy the fiscal luxury like others ( a topic for an another discussion).

Anyways we karachites know what the actual problems in karachi are and the root cause of it all. Infra projects are not going to solve it.

Not even a single major project you can name that PTI government has done for Karachi. Not even a single one

Health card is not for people of Karachi for now

Transmission lines. Well nothing specific for Karachi

Nullah rehabilitation projects. Well that too when whole Karachi got drowned . Not a big achievement in any ways

Rest are road carpeting and some random parks. Not important to be discussed

Overall a big ZERO. That is what PTI has done for Karachi. Not once PTI tried to to trouble Pee Pee Pee for all its crimes

No Karachiite with some self respect would vote for these guys again
Can you explain (without emotional diarrhea of course) how can federal govt bring change evading 18th amendment? Maybe there is something I'm missing?

As what I understand federal have 2 options, either dissolve parliament and bring dictatorship and arrest all other parties(can they do this, will they have establishment and military backing). Second option is to crush 18th amendment using parliament. (not possible with PMLN and ppp in parliament).

Further more, logically speaking, PPP have strong support in Sindh and Balochistan region. The change has to come slowly because ppp is the largest and most pro federation party in these regions.

P. S Anyone who doesn't share your view is not a punjabi. I'm from karachi and my ancestors were Muhajirs from UP and Maharashtra. Lol
how about labeling zardari a threat to national security based on Uzair balochs testimony and getting rid of him? how were we able to clear ttp from swat?

or you are just a smart *** who will wait for political system (thats rotten to core) to amend or abolish 18th amendment that might take forever as corrupts in every dept have coluded and only care about theirbinterest and till politicians get their act together their is high chance ppp will destroy the province and change the geography of Pakistan? 13 years they have been allowed to loot murder how long your intelligent beings are willing yo wait!
God willing when our Ghwadar port starts it will share its success with rest of Pakistanis and not bang on about it’s most important role to our peoples

And you moaners from Karachi can then keep your port and idolise it as your saviour kill each other at least we won’t hear your constant demands.
Let's make you pay high amount of tax and then deprive you of your fair share and when you ask for it declare you "moaner". Lol
I could agree with your post until I read your nonsense last Para. That's just ridiculous lie.
can you stand up to a wadera who harresses you daughter,wife without fear of being murdered! if your answer is yes than dear sir you are a liar Shahrukh jatoi is a living example people of khi are cockraoches!

Not even a single major project you can name that PTI government has done for Karachi. Not even a single one

Health card is not for people of Karachi for now

Transmission lines. Well nothing specific for Karachi

Nullah rehabilitation projects. Well that too when whole Karachi got drowned . Not a big achievement in any ways

Rest are road carpeting and some random parks. Not important to be discussed

Overall a big ZERO. That is what PTI has done for Karachi. Not once PTI tried to to trouble Pee Pee Pee for all its crimes

No Karachiite with some self respect would vote for these guys again
pdf smart *** logic if you dont vote for pti you support mqm!

thats just stupid!
how about labeling zardari a threat to national security based on Uzair balochs testimony and getting rid of him? how were we able to clear ttp from swat?

or you are just a smart *** who will wait for political system (thats rotten to core) to amend or abolish 18th amendment that might take forever as corrupts in every dept have coluded and only care about theirbinterest and till politicians get their act together their is high chance ppp will destroy the province and change the geography of Pakistan? 13 years they have been allowed to loot murder how long your intelligent beings are willing yo wait!
Unfortunately, I don't have time for your illogical verbal diarrhea and name calling. Carry on.
can you stand up to a wadera who harresses you daughter,wife without fear of being murdered! if your answer is yes than dear sir you are a liar Shahrukh jatoi is a living example people of khi are cockraoches!
Agreed here with you. This is one of the main reason mqm came into power.
Agreed here with you. This is one of the main reason mqm came into power.
my dear ser!

mqm or ptm or any such bs be it ttp they only come to power because they can tap into pain points of people they deliver their evil msg in a very cute package to gain support! and how are they able to manupilate the people whats the pain point! injustice!

comon people feel that a malik a wadera a choudary has power over his life because he is protected by state and he is above the law and the only way comon man can stand up to these powerful bastards is if arms himself or join a group that is against these powefuls then bastards like altaf step in and exploit the people! what had state of Pakistan done to end this injustice! fk all! the all powerful in Pakistan military establishment is working with the corrupts to expand their military inc!
Almost 3 decades since Sindh Rangers has been posted in Karachi.

Anti State / terrorist / Indian sponsored political party of the city / urban sindh is finished since half a decade but still crime hasn't decreased ?

Thousands of Personal of Sindh Rangers deployed in the city ,and billions of rupees spent annually. Still the crime and security in the city hasn't improved but is deteriorating every single day.

18th Amendment is one thing, BUT All the officers of the Sindh Rangers are posted / appointed from Pakistan Army.

So, How the HELL IS THE INSTITUTE OR COAS IN PARTICULAR NOT ANSWERABLE TO PEOPLE OF KARACHI and take responsibility of the worst security in Karachi?
Almost 3 decades since Sindh Rangers has been posted in Karachi.

Anti State / terrorist / Indian sponsored political party of the city / urban sindh is finished since half a decade but still crime hasn't decreased ?

Thousands of Personal of Sindh Rangers deployed in the city ,and billions of rupees spent annually. Still the crime and security in the city hasn't improved but is deteriorating every single day.

18th Amendment is one thing, BUT All the officers of the Sindh Rangers are posted / appointed from Pakistan Army.

So, How the HELL IS THE INSTITUTE OR COAS IN PARTICULAR NOT ANSWERABLE TO PEOPLE OF KARACHI and take responsibility of the worst security in Karachi?

It's beyond the mandate of the Sindh Rangers to present challans of apprehended criminals in the courts. That's the jurisdiction of Sindh Police.

So, untill and unless you want Sindh Rangers to shoot the criminals instead of arresting them and handing them over to Sindh government LEAs and courts, you can't blame them for the law and order situation in Karachi.

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