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PLAN’s Xia submarine to Pakistan?

China will always support behind Pakistan, but the hostility between India and Pakistan should also be ended as soon as possible. The Western Nations want to see Asian countries kill each other and this mess was all created by the Brits after South Asia just gained its independence.

Damned those Western Imperialists, today they may have their tactics, but they have never changed their purposes.

And India should stop being brainwashing and being a wannabe of these warmongers. You should see who is your true worthy ally in the future. :china:

In the past, India was never hostile towards China, but this hostility between China and India was also the legacy of the Brits.

You are right. In the past, there was never hostility between India and China. Here's a tid bit, supposedly a group of sailors of the great Chinese Admiral Zheng He settled in Kerala. In the west, Chinese and Indians get along very well.
@ star dont spoil this thread its not about some chinese guy who settled in india.....Its about a nuke sub Pakistan is or might be interested in.
About indians being so innocent wonder why borderinf countries of india dislike it so much??
i personally felll it is possible if pn now get up from sleep and get some work to do and if pn push govt pn can get 2 easily on lease and china will be glad to provide them as they also want their dominance in arabian sea
Pakistan should go for Chinese submarines with TOT. This will be beneficial for the long term industrial growth. Long Live Pakistan China Friendship.:china::pakistan:
You are right. In the past, there was never hostility between India and China. Here's a tid bit, supposedly a group of sailors of the great Chinese Admiral Zheng He settled in Kerala. In the west, Chinese and Indians get along very well.

I am glad that you do support the close relationship between China and India. Sometimes it starts to piss me off because of the non-stop China bashing from some Indian members. :angry:

Howerver, I am still very happy to see the support from the Indian people. Hopefully China and India could be united in the future to flourish with prosperities in Asia. :cheers:
Pakistan should go for Chinese submarines with TOT. This will be beneficial for the long term industrial growth. Long Live Pakistan China Friendship.:china::pakistan:

TOT? are people just throwing around that acronym now? no one can even buy SSBN's let alone TOT. and the xia is ancient not what one would want to get TOT for.
I am glad that you do support the close relationship between China and India. Sometimes it starts to piss me off because of the non-stop China bashing from some Indian members. :angry:

Howerver, I am still very happy to see the support from the Indian people. Hopefully China and India could be united in the future to flourish with prosperities in Asia. :cheers:

I agree. Our countries stand to gain so much if we just worked together. There is no question that China is ahead in so many ways; India has a huge pool of talent but lazy, corrupt and inefficient bureaucrats hinder development. On top of that, the Western gov't stands to gain so much from all of us fighting. You have some politicians who use scare tactics which easily fool the uneducated masses. At the same time, the military build up of China and its huge support for Pakistan in terms of military tech increases insecurity for India; as a result India turns to the West for support. Just think If China opened up her military establishments and did some joint projects with India, that could in reality spell the doom to Western hegemony in this region (the reason it would increase positive perception is due to the West not being granted any access; I also hear of the USA complaining of lack of access). I am also sure there are steps India can do to help increase trust. Unfortunately, this would require incredible forward thinking on the part of leaders of both countries who are easily swayed by corruption and emotion. India is a really great country but its people need to be taught the basics. I mean India has taught me a lot but the masses needed to be educated and from an early age. So many folks have ideas to change and improve the situation but it falls on deaf ears. Hopefully, the current gov't is doing a great job and will continue to do so.

Remember, all our of countries were brutally exploited by Western powers and continue to do so. There should be no double standards, an Asian life is equal to a Western life and vice versa. Sorry for going off topic.
The Type 039 / Song Class attack submarine was built by Wuhan Shipyard (Wuchang Shipyard) for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China. It was the first indigenously built submarine of China. The class is preceded by Type 035 (Ming Class) and succeeded by Type 041 (Yuan Class) submarines.

The Type 039 was introduced to replace the Romeo / Ming Class submarines. The keel of the first submarine of the class, No. 320, was laid down in 1991. It was launched in May 1994 but was not commissioned until June 1999 due to design and performance problems.

Following extensive redesign work, a new modified version known as Type 039G was introduced. The new design reduced the acoustic signature and enhanced the underwater performance of the submarine.

The first Type 039G sub, No. 321, was launched in November 1999 and commissioned in April 2001.

The second of the class, No.322, was commissioned in December 2001, while the third submarine, No. 323, entered service in November 2003.

The construction on another new version, Type 039G1, commenced at Wuchang Shipyard and Jiangnan Shipyard in 2004. A series of 12 submarines were built at the two shipyards.

Type 039 design

"The submarine incorporates Chinese and Western technologies."The design features a low-drag hydrodynamically profiled hull and sail. Type 039 was the first submarine to use a teardrop hull design. The body is water-drop shaped and the hull is covered with rubber tiles to absorb the sound waves of sonar. The class is equipped with a seven-blade propeller and an engine fitted with a shock-absorbing base. The submarine incorporates Chinese and Western technologies.

Type 039 has a length of 75m, a beam of 8.4m and a draught of 5.3m. The submerged displacement of the boat is 2,250t. The submarine has 12kt - 15kt surfaced and 22kt dived speed. It can complement 60 crew members. The submarine is primarily designed for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare. It can also perform the missions of reconnaissance, mine laying and patrolling.

Submarine command and control

The Song Class is equipped with a multi-role combat and command system. It is an upgraded version of the combat and command system used in the Ming Class submarines. The data provided by the system is used to control the submarine, and firing of torpedoes and missiles.

Song Class torpedoes

The Song Class submarine is fitted with six 533mm bow torpedo tubes for torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. These tubes can launch Yu-3 acoustic-homing anti-submarine torpedoes and Yu-4 passive acoustic-homing anti-ship torpedoes. Yu-4 has a speed of 30kt and a range of 6km. The submarine can also carry 24 to 36 tube-launched naval mines in place of torpedoes.

Submarine missiles

Type 039 is also armed with YJ-8 anti-ship cruise missiles launched from the torpedo tubes. The YJ-8 travels at a speed of Mach 0.9, and can strike the surface vessels within the range of 80km. It carries a 165kg warhead.

Submarine countermeasures

The submarine is fitted with SRW209 electronic warfare suite comprising electronic support measures, a radar warning receiver and a radio direction finder. The system is fully automatic and manually operated. It operates on S - Ku bands and can be linked with the combat data system.

Type 039 sensors / radars

The underwater sensor suite consists of a medium-frequency active / passive bow array, a passive interception and ranging array and two passive flank arrays.

"Type 039 is equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system."The bow-mounted sonar can track 4-12 targets simultaneously, while flank-mounted low-frequency tracks four targets simultaneously to a maximum range of 30km.

The sonar array also performs underwater communication and torpedo approach warning functions. An I-band radar is also fitted for surface search missions.

Diesel-electric propulsion system

The Type 039 submarine is equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system. Three German MTU 16V396SE84 diesel engines drive the large asymmetrical seven-bladed skewed propeller through a single shaft. The submarine is equipped with four alternators and an electric motor
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