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PLA Tibetan border troops move into newly built barracks for the coming winter on the Chinese National Day,the best in the world

Indian media eats their heart out..

Chinese Army will be using thermal shelters to fend off the sub-zero temperatures along the India-China border this winter
OCT 8, 2020, 17:01 IST

China’s new thermal shelters
China's new shelters have dorms for sleeping, canteens, washing rooms, toilets, warehouses, microgrids, and heating equipment that can function in temperatures as low as minus 55 degrees Celsius and altitudes up to 5,500 meters above sea level.

Even with sub-zero temperatures outdoors, the temperature inside the shelters can be maintained at above 15 degrees Celsius, according to a report by PLA Daily, the army’s publication. Diesel heaters ensure emergency heating, and over 90% of the shelter’s components can be reused.

However, PLA Daily asserts the new self-powered thermal insulation homes aren’t new. Border troops have been using them at several outposts across the plateau and alpine areas over the last two years.



Words that they loved to use

-Surgical strike
-Battle hardened
-Game changer

Well they do commit a lot of suicides. If they are brutal enough to shoot themselves in the head, imagine what they can do to you!
29th September, 2020 08:11 IST
China Hawks New Unmanned Plateau Helicopter Drone; Claims AR-500C A 'powerful Addition'
China's first homemade unmanned helicopter focussing on high-altitude areas successfully completed a maiden flight in a plateau region, its manufacturer said

Jay Pandya



As the situation along the India China border in Eastern Ladakh remains tense, Beijing has come up with a 'plateau-focused' unmanned helicopter to help PLA in "logistics missions and armed reconnaissance". China's first homemade unmanned helicopter focussing on high-altitude areas has successfully completed a maiden flight in a plateau region, its manufacturer said on Monday.

AR-500C can carry a payload of 80 kilograms
The AR-500C prototype completed its first plateau flight at the Daocheng Yading Airport, which is the world's highest civilian airport with an elevation of 4,411m, the state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) said in a statement. It said that this flight broke the record for the elevation at which a domestically built unmanned helicopter took off and landed.

During the 15-minute flight, the drone completed a series of tests including climbing, hovering, rotating and other operations manoeuvres, before steadily landing, AVIC said. This demonstrated the AR-500C's general ability to fly in all types of terrain, the company said.

An AVIC statement in May said the AR-500C drone will be used in missions including reconnaissance and communication relay, with optional functions including electronic disruption, target indication, fire strikes, cargo delivery, and nuclear radiation and chemical contamination reconnaissance. The Sunday's test flight showed that the AR-500C can carry a payload of 80 kilograms and fly for more than five hours at an altitude of 4,411m, Chinese Communist Party's mouthpiece Global Times reported.

'A powerful addition to PLA arsenal'?
The mouthpiece quoted an Indian media report which said that in its biggest military logistics operation in decades, the Indian Army has rushed weapons, fuel, food and winter supplies to the border region to maintain combat readiness through the treacherous winter that lasts about four months. It further said that to maintain logistics support in the difficult plateau terrain, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has adopted drones, including using them to deliver food, water and medicine.

The AR-500C could be a powerful addition to PLA arsenal, as it is expected to carry heavier payloads, have longer endurance, fly higher and be more versatile than the drones currently in service, a military expert who asked not to be identified told the Chinese daily on Monday. The Indian Army and the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA) have been locked in a tense standoff in multiple areas along the Line of Actual Control(LAC) in eastern Ladakh since early May.
Hi Indians say they like and will finish off Chinese and use these for themselves.
New PLA detachable self-powered barracks have recently been deployed at frontline border troops based on plateaus in China's Xinjiang and Tibet, better supporting military patrol and training events under harsh climate and environmental conditions.

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