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PLA Self-powered thermal insulation cabins at Ladakh border

China had made no claims at all. In fact China didn't even acknowledge the J-20 existed until 2017 even as US SecDef Robert Gates visited in 2011 and it was test flown right when he visited.

All RCS figures are derived from simulations by others.

It's hilarious that you think just having the radio means you have the doctrine, after not even a year of integration.
Firstly Israeli data link is being bought so there is one common system throughout the IAF fleet and all IAF aircrafts can share data with each other, with the Israeli Phalocon Awacs and vice versa.

It is not like, that before this data link..IAF aircrafts did not have any data linking capabilities. As said before Russian aircrafts had their own data links...French had their own. So doctrines are already in place.
If India was smart, it would've just signed a permanent peace treaty with China with the current line of control being the permanent one. But as usual, Indian politicians are short sighted, blustering idiots.

After 19 rounds of boundary talks over the decades.

This we know for a fact..It is China, who does not want to sign a peace treaty or even define the LAC or exchange maps of what it actually believes is the border.
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You fought Korean war 7 decades back and lost more than four hundred thousand soldiers in the process.

It has been more than 4 decades, since your army fought any war, unless you count running your tanks over your own civilians.

Indian army lost 1962 war.. because they were not acclimatised and trained to fight a war in Himalayas. They were in comforts of their barracks, when they were suddenly called up on to fight on the harshest battlefield in the world.

Since then Indian army has made it a point, to continuously deploy and train on the harshest battlefields in the world.
if a war break out it wont be Chinese soldiers fighting indian soldiers face to face :) .
why would they play in indian domain ?
i think if a war breaks out PLAAF OR Chinese Rocket Force will play the vital role & india knows that . thats the reason why india so eagerly follows "no first shot" policy even after their high rank officer gt killed .
if a war break out it wont be Chinese soldiers fighting indian soldiers face to face :) .
why would they play in indian domain ?
i think if a war breaks out PLAAF OR Chinese Rocket Force will play the vital role & india knows that . thats the reason why india so eagerly follows "no first shot" policy even after their high rank officer gt killed .
India has changed its policy and has notified China of the same.

As 1993 bilateral agreement between Indja - China is now dead after the Galwan clash. The bilateral agreement which stated, neither side would carry weapons when patrolling the LAC. Now Indian soldiers are allowed to fire in self defense.
Infact after Aug 30 ..when Indian forces captured more than 36 dominating heights on the South Bank of Pangang Tso (some of which Chinese claim as their own).
The Chinese soldiers tried to approach Indian position in large numbers to overwhelm them.

India soldiers had to fire warning shots in the air to intimidate them before they turned back.

They turned back and came back in APCs. This time Indian soldiers had to show off Carl Gustaf rifles they had ..before the Chinese stopped and turned back.

As far as air power is concerned ..it is India which enjoys significant advantage over the India - China border. As India has many times more air bases and in the plains.
Where as Chinese air bases in Tibet are much fewer in number and at much higher altitudes (which carries a very significant max Take off weight penality.)
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specially designed for high plateau deployment from PLA army engineering university, easy installation, reusable.

Designed by people without combat experience, or experience in moving containerized housing units around. This is another gimmicky idea that is far less useful than it appears.

Firstly, who is going to be better prepared for combat operations at altitude and low temperatures (particularly during surprise engagements) ? The troops who are doing it rough but are acclimated to the conditions, or the troops who have been lounging around in their comfortable environmental bubbles? Good field commanders know the value of keeping troops on the edge and battle ready at all times.

Secondly, these units are not self-powered. The amount of power generated by those solar arrays would barely run a couple of light bulbs, let alone power heating and hot water. That would require at least 20kw per unit judging by their size, probably more. And how would these solar arrays provide power at night or in low light conditions? The truth is there would be diesel powered generators supplying most of the barracks energy needs.

Thirdly, these units are not set up to be easily transported or moved, especially in the kind of rough terrain they are being deployed in. I spent 18 months living in a insulated containerized housing unit that was part of a large mobile worksite of around 60 40 foot containers. We moved about once a month, and I have a practiced eye for the kind of problems involved when moving these things around. I see bunkers not bolted to the floors, free standing furniture that will fall over and break, plenty of windows to break, solar panels that are likely to shatter when folded back on the roof and driven on rocky terrain, Air conditioning units are the most commonly broken pieces of equipment in these type of set-ups.

Much like the drone delivered food video posted last month, its a gimmick designed to create an illusion of competence. It's a smokescreen to distract from more important issues such as the actual combat effectiveness of the soldiers deployed to the area.
Somehow Indians are still convinced of their Hindu warrior spirit despite their troops having worse equipment and logistics. It's like cavemen bragging about how physically strong they are at carrying loads on their shoulders, when the other tribe has moved on to invention of wheels and metalworking.
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Which even this part exist only in their dream.
I know, which is why the "we're tough because we can take it" shit so amusing. China actually had that type of propaganda a lot in the 1980's and 1990's, by emphasizing how much hardship troops could take compared to "pampered" American soldiers. It's what you do to cheer yourself up when you have nothing else going for you.

By all measures, China has better support infrastructure on its side of the line. It has better logistical support and equipment for its troops. It has more funding to conduct large scale combined arms exercises on a regular basis with live rounds. Having better accommodations keeps peace time casualties to a minimum, nothing pampering about it. Somehow Indians think allowing harsh weather to cause troop attrition is tough, and that Chinese troops having better shelter makes them "pampered conscripts".

By the way, conscription is not enforced in China. It's actually a very competitive process to get "conscripted" in China, especially for those that want to work in the government.

If PLA has enough drones to deliver hot food to its troops as a "gimmick", then it certainly will have more than enough armed drones to deliver munitions on Indian positions.
Designed by people without combat experience, or experience in moving containerized housing units around. This is another gimmicky idea that is far less useful than it appears.

Firstly, who is going to be better prepared for combat operations at altitude and low temperatures (particularly during surprise engagements) ? The troops who are doing it rough but are acclimated to the conditions, or the troops who have been lounging around in their comfortable environmental bubbles? Good field commanders know the value of keeping troops on the edge and battle ready at all times.

Secondly, these units are not self-powered. The amount of power generated by those solar arrays would barely run a couple of light bulbs, let alone power heating and hot water. That would require at least 20kw per unit judging by their size, probably more. And how would these solar arrays provide power at night or in low light conditions? The truth is there would be diesel powered generators supplying most of the barracks energy needs.

Thirdly, these units are not set up to be easily transported or moved, especially in the kind of rough terrain they are being deployed in. I spent 18 months living in a insulated containerized housing unit that was part of a large mobile worksite of around 60 40 foot containers. We moved about once a month, and I have a practiced eye for the kind of problems involved when moving these things around. I see bunkers not bolted to the floors, free standing furniture that will fall over and break, plenty of windows to break, solar panels that are likely to shatter when folded back on the roof and driven on rocky terrain, Air conditioning units are the most commonly broken pieces of equipment in these type of set-ups.

Much like the drone delivered food video posted last month, its a gimmick designed to create an illusion of competence. It's a smokescreen to distract from more important issues such as the actual combat effectiveness of the soldiers deployed to the area.

Not sure what you are smoking there. These units from what i can deduce are not meant to be used to conduct warfare for months but to station troops for presence and prevention. wars if they breakout are likely to be few weeks and no one will be counting on these shelters then. But until then they will keep the troops in prime of their shape.

WHy do they need to self powered ? these are not outposts in mars but few hundred kms away from china - the land of abundant supplies of fuel - and with logistics to nearby places in existence for decades.

why do bunkers need to bolted? to prepare for earthquakes? and what furniture? this is not commercial property with dainty furniture but soldiers with weapons and need of a place to keep warm.
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India has changed its policy and has notified China of the same.

As 1993 bilateral agreement between Indja - China is now dead after the Galwan clash. The bilateral agreement which stated, neither side would carry weapons when patrolling the LAC. Now Indian soldiers are allowed to fire in self defense.
Infact after Aug 30 ..when Indian forces captured more than 36 dominating heights on the South Bank of Pangang Tso (some of which Chinese claim as their own).
The Chinese soldiers tried to approach Indian position in large numbers to overwhelm them.

India soldiers had to fire warning shots in the air to intimidate them before they turned back.

They turned back and came back in APCs. This time Indian soldiers had to show off Carl Gustaf rifles they had ..before the Chinese stopped and turned back.

As far as air power is concerned ..it is India which enjoys significant advantage over the India - China border. As India has many times more air bases and in the plains.
Where as Chinese air bases in Tibet are much fewer in number and at much higher altitudes (which carries a very significant max Take off weight penality.)
the point is .
is india capable to pushbback Chinese from captured territory ? no .
is india in any position to ignite a war ? no .
there is a reason why indian military send dozens of high rank military officers in border talks while China send a single Junior Rank Officer.
its been 6 months .
I'll give you a credit for the long paragraph..:wave:

Long paragraph devoid of sense and full of nonsense and rubbish :rofl: :D
If PLA has enough drones to deliver hot food to its troops as a "gimmick", then it certainly will have more than enough armed drones to deliver munitions on Indian positions.

This Chinese drone not going to deliver hot food and hot meals.

And those drones will be coming in swarms with gifts to keep the soldiers of the other side eternally young. :enjoy:

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Firstly, who is going to be better prepared for combat operations at altitude and low temperatures (particularly during surprise engagements) ? The troops who are doing it rough but are acclimated to the conditions, or the troops who have been lounging around in their comfortable environmental bubbles? Good field commanders know the value of keeping troops on the edge and battle ready at all times.

Just because Indian soldiers are hungery and cold, doesn't mean they are better fighters. After 1962 defeat, one of IA's reasonings/excuses was, precisely, frontline soldiers were hungery and cold.

Soldiers will turn their INSAS on their commanders if the latter keep them on the edge all winter long, just like one did a couple days ago.
Somehow Indians are still convinced of their Hindu warrior spirit despite their troops having worse equipment and logistics. It's like cavemen bragging about how physically strong they are at carrying loads on their shoulders, when the other tribe has moved on to invention of wheels and metalworking.
Warriors my a** ... even if we are going by martial prowess, India has not demonstrated anything close to "Hindu warrior spirit" ever. Conflict after conflict, we have seen Indians seek to surrender rather than fight to the last man. In a way, the Hindu warrior spirit is basically the complete opposite of the Japanese bushido.
Looks like china has no experience and is deploying troops for the first time on high altitude himalays. That is the reason for photo ops/video recording for everything.
China has the biggest and highest plateau in the world, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is almost as big as India continent. The average altitude of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 4000 meters. Millions of people live in the plateau. We not only have military establishment there, but also business and infrastructures, even high-speed trains which equipped with oxygen supply. I don’t understand why Indian keep saying that we don’t have experiences in high altitude.
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