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PLA deploys "India-killer" light tank divisions to Sino-Indian border!

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I clearly wrote....

Do you forget what was your position vis-a-vis Soviet Union and the United States from 1949-1991 in terms of nuclear weapons or military might or economy whatever and what could they have made of you if they were so inhuman and arrogant as you??

You arrogant inhumans, you are on a self destructive path by feeding the Pakistanis nuclear weapons. the Pakistanis may very well use nuclear weapons against China someday in a fit of you know what... that desire to go to heaven by killing unbelievers because that is the surest way to go to heaven of ... you know what.

But thankfully a great majority Chinese are good people and do not think like you. when democracy comes to China, you know perfectly well what will happen to the relations between china and Pakistan.

There are rotten people in every community and most Chinese including the Chinese intelligence will agree that you and your Chinese friends are rotten.

DO NOT STOOP SO LOW LIKE MUSLIMS otherwise there will be no difference between you and Muslims.

Just see the videos of a ***** Muslim Zaid Hamid who stupidly speaks openly about Muslims wish to convert the whole world into their slaves on Pakistani TV including you Chinese and you will understand the love of Muslims for you. There are millions of such videos recorded in arabic and pakistani languages about infidels where muslims spew venom against all infidels. Open your eyes and learn to see differentiate between friends and enemies. Muslims are the greatest liars and full of deceit and I wonder why you people cannot see that on this forum and everywhere on the net and in real life everywhere.

I know what you want to say, I already told you that I refused to say to others that Monsoon weapon is just a theoric, is has no menace...what else you want more from me?

Failed to see the map?

See where it hits. See the region it covers. Now figure it out.

don't watch too much of bollywood fiction.
were there a lot of trees in 1962?

Please don't congratulate yrself for '62 win. You were fighting a nation whose PM believed India did not need an Army. IAF wasn't even pressed into attack.
With a man like Nehru at helm of affair you would have trounced us even if we had nukes.
So is the Indian strategy to count on USA and Russia to lend India satellite?

As we speak, India has eleven remote sensing satellites in the orbit, including radar imaging satellites that can see through the clouds.
So is the Indian strategy to count on USA and Russia to lend India satellite?

Just wondering whose satellite Chinese would depends when we take chinese satellite out. Perhaps Pakistani and NoKo. :lol:. These are only friend China got.
Just wondering whose satellite Chinese would depends when we take chinese satellite out. Perhaps Pakistani and NoKo. :lol:. These are only friend China got.

first you don't have ASAT or demonstrate yet, second we can fight even without SAT.
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