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PLA could blockade India with just 10 submarines: Sina

There were reports on India today that Chinese submarine of type 039 or something .. had docked in Gwadar port
The 039s keep visiting the area for reasons other than just the Chinese expanding. They are being used for familiarization purposes.

Yes, before the Pakistan navy acquires the 8 submarines, plus this was the same day when Indian Naval chief said, IN monitoring Chinese movement in IOR. This was may be regarding this docking.
Yes, before the Pakistan navy acquires the 8 submarines, plus this was the same day when Indian Naval chief said, IN monitoring Chinese movement in IOR. This was may be regarding this docking.
The OP is a bit overreaching.

Yes, the PLAN could blockade India with such a small number but the prerequisite to that is the Indian fleet being anchored at port and these subs making it out there undetected.
Once that does happen, the Air based ASW assets of India will have to be rendered ineffective. too.
The OP is a bit overreaching.

Yes, the PLAN could blockade India with such a small number but the prerequisite to that is the Indian fleet being anchored at port and these subs making it out there undetected.
Once that does happen, the Air based ASW assets of India will have to be rendered ineffective. too.

The blockade requires time and counter blockade releases the grip. Our Islands are sufficient to keep them at straights of malacca
The blockade requires time and counter blockade releases the grip. Our Islands are sufficient to keep them at straights of malacca

Most likely our DF-21D in Tibet will keep your navy to have a second thought :lol:, I don't know what India will look like without navy:rofl:
Most likely our DF-21D in Tibet will keep your navy to have a second thought :lol:, I don't know what India will look like without navy:rofl:

fools like you if become military planners China will definitely lose the war.

You launch IRBM to take ground targets in the main land or nuclear strike and you want DF21 to fly over Indian main land so that we detect it and take it down easily with AMB and give our navy time to change it's position .. Hats Off

you don't deserve to be on defence forum.

fools like you if become military planners China will definitely lose the war.

You launch IRBM to take ground targets in the main land or nuclear strike and you want DF21 to fly over Indian main land so that we detect it and take it down easily with AMB and give our navy time to change it's position .. Hats Off

you don't deserve to be on defence forum.


If I'm Chinese military planners, it will be a matter of concern for India, I will make Indians crie all day long:rofl:, And don't talk like you reach American's sophistication with your ABM: If we have already deployed Df-21D against Japan and US navy under the high multi layers US's AMB, what make you think that we will fail against India when you still use 1950's SA-6 copy such Akash missile :rofl: unless you claim your AMB is far superior than US.


If I'm Chinese military planners, it will be a matter of concern for India, I will make Indians crie all day long:rofl:, And don't talk like you reach American's sophistication with your ABM: If we have already deployed Df-21D against Japan and US navy under the high multi layers US's AMB, what make you think that we will fail against India when you still use 1950's SA-6 copy such Akash missile :rofl: unless you claim your AMB is far superior than US.



Don't quote me with your nonsense Posts.

DF 21D flying over India splashing somewhere in Indian ocean giving 25 minutes time for Indian vessel to change it's position. This is what you planned?
The Chinese are becoming more and more like the Pakistanis. Next they will say the boat that sank in the River was RAWs work...

The CCP has Chinese Copy Pasted(CCP) Pakistani mentality.
Chinese started reverse engineering Pakistani bragging too :o:

Why don't you interrogate the spy pigeon ... Or spy camel or the spying planets...

Indian trolls who believe "10 kadam Pak khatam" (10 steps and Pak destroyed)...

A sad sate of affairs..

you would think the Chinese have Seawolf and Yasen class subs.

most of their clunkers are really loud :lol:

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | Daily Mail Online

China sub stalked U.S. fleet - Washington Times
Don't quote me with your nonsense Posts.

DF 21D flying over India splashing somewhere in Indian ocean giving 25 minutes time for Indian vessel to change it's position. This is what you planned?

:rofl::rofl: don't talk like you have earlier warning detection when our DF-21D leave the ground, by the time we hit your vessel wouldn't even know where it came from :lol:. And how about those vessels that still at the port for repair and maintenance especially your Vikramatiya and other big combat vessel....LMAO your Navy's vessel will just be a turkey shoot.
:rofl::rofl: don't talk like you have earlier warning detection when our DF-21D leave the ground, by the time we hit your vessel wouldn't even know where it came from :lol:. And how about those vessels that still at the port for repair and maintenance especially your Vikramatiya and other big combat vessel....LMAO your Navy's vessel will just be a turkey shoot.
Why don't you interrogate the spy pigeon ... Or spy camel or the spying planets...

Indian trolls who believe "10 kadam Pak khatam" (10 steps and Pak destroyed)...

A sad sate of affairs..

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | Daily Mail Online

China sub stalked U.S. fleet - Washington Times

You post is such a nonsense that its not worth even a read, I wasted my two minutes. But the gem is the laugh on my face after seeing comedian like you. Thanks :D
Unless China finds a way to block advance Indian cruise missiles, Nuclear missiles, Anti submarine measures.
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