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PLA could blockade India with just 10 submarines: Sina

this news will create massive feel good factor in a country near to us !
we even don't take whites, how do you expect we take someone from a country poorer than africa?
we even don't take whites, how do you expect we take someone from a country poorer than africa?
Look who is talking here..wow..the ONE and HALF ft aliens from our neighbouring communist country..dare to cross northeast ,u wont hav to face the indian army coz ur one and half feet tall armies will b half dead before facing the indian army..north eastern indians are eagerly waiting for u to land ur feets so tht we can cut them into pieces..
Chinese seem to be upset because of the US-India cooperation growing day by day!

What a bid deal of US-India cooperation will be a cause of concern for China?:rofl: Buy few arms from US or doing military exercise will upset us?? :lol:

10 diesel submarines is within PLAN's reach.

However what is fantasized in the above article would require nuclear submarines, which is beyond PLAN's budget.

It was by one of the Chinese posters either Sinochalleger or Kiss of the Dragon

That's not a bad Idea to have an sub in Bratmaputra, that will scare the shit our of Indians.:rofl:

This is noicy Chinese subs shall be detected from Reconesses Aircraft and Helicopters carrying depth charrge and it shall be all over. We are least bothered of CHinese subs.

:rofl::rofl: At least we were not so noisy as Indians when we had our sub call to Sri Lanka port...LMAO
Ten Subs? That's a lot man..
for a blockade just one or two is sufficient now days.
Those 10 SUBMARIMES Would Be Called 10 SUBMERGED Coffins If They Ever Dare Such An adventure.

Really?? and who was crying when only toke one of Chinese sub to submerged in Sri Lanka port?:lol: First try to cope with you Indians unstable emotion about our sub adventure in IOR before thinking on how to make our subs the coffins.:rofl:
Pakistan is becoming a battle ground for Indians and Chinese. Looks like they both have formulated not to hit eachother's mainland. Let's fight inside Pakistan.
Really?? and who was crying when only toke one of Chinese sub to submerged in Sri Lanka port?:lol: First try to cope with you Indians unstable emotion about our sub adventure in IOR before thinking on how to make our subs the coffins.:rofl:
incase your inability to comprehend a simple statement as to what had been stated in my previous post. You should know the difference between blockade and a port call you idiot. Next time do not quote me unless you have read my post at least 20 freakin times.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Chinese who suggested sending PLAN submarines to India from China

@Capt.Popeye , @SamantK , @Kinetic :lol:
He's a joke. Like Xexe ha ha we used to deal with
He's a joke. Like Xexe ha ha we used to deal with

Miss the good old days of pdf's golden era of trolls,

Chinese trolls like "Communist" were dropping like flies back then, was alot more fun back then :D
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Chinese who suggested sending PLAN submarines through Brahmaputra to India from China

@Capt.Popeye , @SamantK , @Kinetic :lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl:We chinese dont lack of imagination :azn:

incase your inability to comprehend a simple statement as to what had been stated in my previous post. You should know the difference between blockade and a port call you idiot. Next time do not quote me unless you have read my post at least 20 freakin times.

With port calling, we had already scare the shit out of Indians, if we decide to set the blockade, you think we're so stupid to let our sub to be a submerged coffins as you claim...if we dare to set the blockage mean that our subs are more than capable to defend itself against Indian anti-submerine warfare.
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