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Chiwenga agrees to station China's Special Forces in Zimbabwe?
by Itai Mushekwe/Mary-Kate Kahari
10 hrs ago | 8274 Views

China is reportedly planning to station an elite special force from it's red army in Zimbabwe, as Beijing moves to crystalize military cooperation with Harare, amid growing fears that the Asian powerhouse has formally approved plans to commence construction of an underground military base in the country, Spotlight Zimbabwe reported.

This publication's sister website, The Telescope News, first broke the story about China's planned secret state of the art underground base in the diamond-rich Marange fields in eastern Zimbabwe in December 2014, which was going to be equipped with advanced radar systems, an operational control tower and other world-class aviation technology facilities. Our disclosures resulted in a United States panel on Africa interrogating the matter during a hearing on Zimbabwe by the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations in 2015, thus raising alarm in Washington which was worried about China's growing influence in Africa.

California Congresswoman, Karen Bass, went on to seek clarification on the issue from then U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Dr Shannon Smith, who had returned from a visit in Harare, but she was not provided with a direct answer.

The new mystrey of China's red army's special force stationing in Zimbabwe, also comes barely a year when Spotlight Zimbabwe, reported that China has reportedly deployed and installed a dreaded new generation of surface-to- air missiles (SAM) in the country. Experts say the SAM technology is similar to the one, which Beijing deployed to the South China Sea on Woody Island, comprising of her latest HQ-9 missiles.

It is thought that the special force, is primarily concerned with protecting China's new military base in Zimbabwe, her huge diamond claims and gold mines across the country, where some of the SAM technology is believed to be installed.
According to a former minister with a security related portfolio in one of ex-leader President Robert Mugabe's administrations, whose story has been corroborated by Asian diplomatic sources in South Africa, China has been working on sending her special military force to Zimbabwe since 2014 "to offer technical assistance and support" to the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA), and an agreement was finally reached the following year between the two countries through their defence ministries and army leadership, but Mugabe called it off on the eleventh hour, after accusing the Chinese of corruption, and the plunder of diamonds in Marange.

Mugabe it is also now coming to light, had become suspicion of his then deputy, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's relationship with China, and that he was courting their support to replace him under the guise of war games and military exchanges with the red army.
BS report, nothing but hearsay. What purpose does a secret base in Africa serve the interest of China? And one that need HQ9 SAM and special forces, full of BS.
BS report, nothing but hearsay. What purpose does a secret base in Africa serve the interest of China? And one that need HQ9 SAM and special forces, full of BS.
I agree.
AR also reported this 'news' now...i have no idea why...(but of course i had to share)
Best case is China sending forces for a bilateral exercise.
Cyclone Idai just hits Zambabwe causing more than 1,000 deaths in March 18th this year, you don't see the news in headlines of typical bias Western newspaper. China has responded by sending a team of medical personnel to help them. They are probably the "Special Forces" mentioned in the fake news. The medical team has returned to China few days ago.

BeiDou-powered frontier defense system to cover China border
By Deng Xiaoci Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/23 20:08:40

Display board for the BeiDou+ frontier defense and control system by NORINCO Group Photo: Deng Xiaoci/GT

China arms industry giant China North Industries Group Corp Ltd (NORINCO) on Thursday said it is building a new frontier and coastline defensive system across the country with the home-developed BeiDou Satellite Navigation System, or BDS, at its core.

Codenamed "BeiDou+ Land and Maritime Defense and Control System," the system is designed to provide high precision monitoring and communication capability for border defense personnel and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to conduct missions in border regions, Yang Hua, the project leader from NORINCO, said during an exclusive interview with the Global Times on Thursday on the sidelines of the 10th China Satellite Navigation Conference in Beijing.

As part of the Beidou-powered project, the company aims to build land-based Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) every 40 to 50 kilometers along the country's land and maritime border to achieve an extreme high precision position, reaching centimeter-level accuracy on moving targets and millimeter-level accuracy on static ones, Yang said.

Some 2,000 CORS stations have already been deployed and put into use in border and interior regions, including Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province, and islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

Display board for the BeiDou+ frontier defense and control system by NORINCO Group Photo: Deng Xiaoci/GT

The high precision system can make drones carry out more frequent routine patrols in regions with perilous climates or geographical conditions, which greatly protects the lives of frontier army men, Yang said.

The BDS can also provide short messaging services to its users. This can help frontier soldiers holding BeiDou-enabled terminals on mission, either at land or sea, to contact the rear more efficiently, helping the frontier soldiers better respond to emergency situations, Yang said

According to Yang, "the system has also been used as part of the local anti-terrorist campaign in Xinjiang, which has been proven effective."

NORINCO's display board for the system at the exhibition area shows that customers of such a system include the country's land and maritime frontier army, public security and coast guards.
China's mobile anti-aircraft gun capable of eliminating drones, cruise missiles: experts
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/27 16:44:37

A new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is used during a comprehensive exercise conducted by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense, which started on May 17 and is due to end on Friday. Photo: Screenshot of PLA Daily's Sina Weibo post

China revealed a new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun on Sunday, as military experts said on Monday that the artillery is highly mobile and could eliminate threats from precision weapons such as drones and cruise missiles.

The anti-aircraft gun seems to be based on an eight-wheeled armored vehicle, featuring a single 35 millimeter cannon as its main means of attack, Chinese military analysts said on Monday, citing a photo released by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily on its Sina Weibo account on Sunday evening.

It was deployed in a comprehensive exercise conducted by the PLA Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense, which started on May 17 and is due to end on Friday, according to the PLA Daily report.

Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Monday that the appearance of the weapon in a PLA Daily report indicates the technology has now matured and the weapon might have already been commissioned into the Chinese military.

One of the highlights of the weapon are its wheels, which enable the new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun to have higher mobility compared to those that are already in the PLA service and use tracks, and are more suitable for off-road operations, Wei said.

High mobility also means the weapon could cover a wider range of airspace, is more difficult to detect and better able to survive enemy attacks, analysts noted.

The report did not elaborate on the weapon, nor did it give the weapon's designation.

The gun is likely equipped with an electro-optical aiming system that can send 35 millimeter shells to accurately intercept targets in the air, including drones and cruise missiles, Wei predicted.

Objects in the air might not be the only targets of the new weapon, Wei said, noting if aimed horizontally, the gun could also serve as a very powerful weapon against ground targets like light armored vehicles and fortifications.
China's mobile anti-aircraft gun capable of eliminating drones, cruise missiles: experts
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/27 16:44:37

A new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is used during a comprehensive exercise conducted by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense, which started on May 17 and is due to end on Friday. Photo: Screenshot of PLA Daily's Sina Weibo post

China revealed a new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun on Sunday, as military experts said on Monday that the artillery is highly mobile and could eliminate threats from precision weapons such as drones and cruise missiles.

The anti-aircraft gun seems to be based on an eight-wheeled armored vehicle, featuring a single 35 millimeter cannon as its main means of attack, Chinese military analysts said on Monday, citing a photo released by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily on its Sina Weibo account on Sunday evening.

It was deployed in a comprehensive exercise conducted by the PLA Army Academy of Artillery and Air Defense, which started on May 17 and is due to end on Friday, according to the PLA Daily report.

Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Monday that the appearance of the weapon in a PLA Daily report indicates the technology has now matured and the weapon might have already been commissioned into the Chinese military.

One of the highlights of the weapon are its wheels, which enable the new self-propelled anti-aircraft gun to have higher mobility compared to those that are already in the PLA service and use tracks, and are more suitable for off-road operations, Wei said.

High mobility also means the weapon could cover a wider range of airspace, is more difficult to detect and better able to survive enemy attacks, analysts noted.

The report did not elaborate on the weapon, nor did it give the weapon's designation.

The gun is likely equipped with an electro-optical aiming system that can send 35 millimeter shells to accurately intercept targets in the air, including drones and cruise missiles, Wei predicted.

Objects in the air might not be the only targets of the new weapon, Wei said, noting if aimed horizontally, the gun could also serve as a very powerful weapon against ground targets like light armored vehicles and fortifications.

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