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PKR falling like a meteorite.

Right at this moment the interbank rate is 242...

The journey started from 173 and now it's at 242. Everyday we loose about 4, 5 rupees.

No single head is turned. Federal government is busy in god knows what. SBP is chilling. Khan is busy conquering provinces.

Is there anyone who cares for the economy and not the stupid kursi?

Khan's economic plan is pretty shit expecting remittances to complete the dollar shortfall. People speculating on polictical uncertainty.

Is there any party or organisation that has a proper plan to set things straight? Why can't all the stupid politicians sit together and form a charter of economy which should be followed irregardless.

Why does khan say weird shit like I'll negotiate with taliban who literally killed and butchered people but won't talk to politicians accused of corruption, is his ego more important or the country. Let's be honest sharifs and zardaris are not going anywhere.

The state of affairs so literally so pathetic.
As you can see from the replies on this thread, Pakistanis care more about whose baba is better, rather than Pakistan's economy. Last year I was ghaddar for saying the military shouldn't interfere. Today I am probably nooni or whatever because I don't believe IK is infallible and holding Pakistan hostage for his politics. People are welcome to change my opinion through logical arguments and facts. Sloganeering never has and never will work.
. People are welcome to change my opinion through logical arguments and facts. Sloganeering never has and never will work.
No need sir, you can think yourself as hero who knows everything while those who thought that imran khan is doing good by increasing exports and remittance are fools.
No need sir, you can think yourself as hero who knows everything while those who thought that imran khan is doing good by increasing exports and remittance are fools.
Like I said sloganeering is not going to work. All of these politicians are same khait ki moli. You mark my words, as soon as IK comes to power he will say the same things as Shehbaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif will say the same things as IK is saying now. To quote aunty gormint yeh sab hamko milke pagal bana rahay hain. All the while no one will ACTUALLY focus on any real reform, but just do truck ki batti crap that Pakistan is so famous for. So sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm about your current baba IK. He's just the most recent in the long line of establishment experiments gotten out of hand.
Pakistan's kashmir obsession and desire to compete with India has ruined pakistan's economy. Otherwise pakistan due to its geo position could have been in much better shape instead of running to US one day, China next day and Arab countries day after tomorrow for money as she does today.
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Like I said sloganeering is not going to work. All of these politicians are same khait ki moli. You mark my words, as soon as IK comes to power he will say the same things as Shehbaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif will say the same things as IK is saying now. To quote aunty gormint yeh sab hamko milke pagal bana rahay hain. All the while no one will ACTUALLY focus on any real reform, but just do truck ki batti crap that Pakistan is so famous for. So sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm about your current baba IK. He's just the most recent in the long line of establishment experiments gotten out of hand.
It surprises me that most people do not understand how political parties work. Regardless of what someone's motivation and ideology may be when entering politics, running a political party is like operating a for profit enterprise. Every party has workers whose livelihood depends on the party's electoral success and that means the party leader (CEO) should win elections by hook or crook. Only winning the election matters, not the principles that people may think of. The senior leaders in a political party are like executives who are directly accountable to keep the party workers fed and clothed through thick and thin. In Pakistan's case, the 'establishment' has taken the role of board members who decide who their favorite CEO is from time to time. But this may be changing now.

People need to realize that ideology and things like that are just opium to keep the naive voters in line. More savvy voters accept bribe for vote in the form of subsidy. :pop:
Like I said sloganeering is not going to work. All of these politicians are same khait ki moli. You mark my words, as soon as IK comes to power he will say the same things as Shehbaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif will say the same things as IK is saying now. To quote aunty gormint yeh sab hamko milke pagal bana rahay hain. All the while no one will ACTUALLY focus on any real reform, but just do truck ki batti crap that Pakistan is so famous for. So sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm about your current baba IK. He's just the most recent in the long line of establishment experiments gotten out of hand.
awam bhi same hi khait ki moli rahi 1 briyani ki plate per biknay wali

phir khata hai tou lagata bhi hai.

Kept voting for nawaz knowing he got NRO, ppp corrupt but sindhi people kept voting for ppp. Imran khan nei theka lei rakha hai akelay pakistan ko sahi karney ka? ke its only his responsibility?

This is same bore thinking saying everyone is same how come $ 24 billion export pmln time is same as $30 billion exports PTI time?

Tell me 1 project by pmln which increase our revenue or exports? name 1 project let's see if everyone is equal or not. As for reforms lots been done and still needing lots of doing list here

Crap mentality has just rotten pakistani thinking that they are nuclear country so will never go default. Nothing gonna happen. When choosing corrupt and do nothing over naan qeema then yes nothing gonna change.
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Like I said sloganeering is not going to work. All of these politicians are same khait ki moli. You mark my words, as soon as IK comes to power he will say the same things as Shehbaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif will say the same things as IK is saying now. To quote aunty gormint yeh sab hamko milke pagal bana rahay hain. All the while no one will ACTUALLY focus on any real reform, but just do truck ki batti crap that Pakistan is so famous for. So sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm about your current baba IK. He's just the most recent in the long line of establishment experiments gotten out of hand.
^^^ This. We agree.

S.N.A.F.U., in other words.
Pakistan's kashmir obsession and desire to compete with India has ruined pakistan's economy.
So it has nothing to do with corrupt leadership 60$ Mil USD from BB days and 41.9 mil USD Panama account in Messers Nawaz Sharif et al, not to mention misappropriate of public funds, overpriced contracts, shrinkage, bribes, kickbacks and dodgy contracts?

That has nothing to do with it? Right? Right?

FFS, do you people even read what you type on PDF?
Like I said sloganeering is not going to work. All of these politicians are same khait ki moli. You mark my words, as soon as IK comes to power he will say the same things as Shehbaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif will say the same things as IK is saying now. To quote aunty gormint yeh sab hamko milke pagal bana rahay hain. All the while no one will ACTUALLY focus on any real reform, but just do truck ki batti crap that Pakistan is so famous for. So sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm about your current baba IK. He's just the most recent in the long line of establishment experiments gotten out of hand.

Agreed, right now the things are well beyond any politican, the state's very survival is now at stake, many people will deny this fact but now the possibility IMO of surrendering nukes to bail out is very real. People and other institutions used to look upon generals to save each others a* but now even they have now fubar.
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