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PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

well , I wonder why some member thinking you are an Irani , .... IMO you are more anti IRan than even Mossa and this so called TheFreesyrian ....

acting like you are anti regime ( Government ) but fact you has a hatred toward all Iranian and want make enemy for us ....

No, I'm just anti-regime, anti-Khamenei and anti all other marmoolaks that are controlling Iran. You sir, are just a fool.
Taking lands from Turkey is not possible for bunch of monkeys in the mountains. These animals are trying to accomplish someting for almost 30 years now. They haven't been successful about anything other than spreading terror. So you're either too naive or do not have enough knowledge about the issue. Like i said, you might want to make some research.
This organization has always been a tool for Turkey's enemies. We're seeing it in Syria right now.
We've seen it during Mavi Marmara raid, when they attacked Iskenderun military port. There are many examples like this...

So saying, Iran doesn't have any interests in supporting PKK... :disagree:
You get angry too soon.That's was just an assumption and a scenario.I didn't say it will necessarily happen.
You can do whatever you want to PKK.;)

Iran supporting the PKK does seem far fetched seeing as you have also suffered losses from the PJAK, thats why i'm taking this news report with a pinch of salt. You also do make valid points that some turkish members should read before jumping on the war path.

This is all idle speculation but the only reason i can see Iran ever supporting the PKK (I stress again that this is very unlikely) is to create a situation where Turkey would have to divert attention from the Syrian front to focus on the new PKK threat from the Iran border. Reports are suggesting that we are taking a very active role in supporting the FSA. If we were to lessen our support to them due to the PKK then the FSA would lose much of their logistical and intelligence support from Turkey. This in turn would allow Asad's forces to launch a counter offensive that could shift the balance in their favour.

If this did happen and it allowed Asad to re-estbalish control in Syria then the PKK's usefullness to Iran would be at end and Iran could expel them from the region. (This wouldn't be hard as you guys completely destroyed the PJAK in Iran in a matter of months).

Even to me the scenario above sounds stupid and implausible but its the only one I can think of.
Yes,that was a good reasoning.
I think what Turkey is doing today in Syria is the exact opposite of Iran's interests and even Turkey's interests.You may not agree with me on this,but even if Assad falls,Turkey wouldn't gain very much,while it has helped to strengthen a Kurdish entity in northern Syria which will probably form a allied state with northern Iraq.I don't know if it's true or not,but yesterday Kurds in northern Syria declared they have captured 12 Turkish soldiers entering Syria.Before the revolts in Syria,Turkey was a friend to Assad and didn't have any problems with him.What I see today is,Turkey's stance toward Syria serves the interests the Arab regimes of Persian Gulf more than it serves the Turkish nation.

Era remember the peace thread?
Yes I remember it very well,but you are unable to hold yourself not to take aggressive stances toward Iran.Showing videos of killing Iranian soldiers won't change the facts.I have an argument with all respect here.Did I insult anyone?Did I post provoking posts?but you can't hide your deep hatred towards Iranian.I could also put pictures of dead Turkish soldiers here,but I'm not ignorant and at least I can still feel a little of humanity in myself.
That's why I usually try not to argue with you.
After US and Israel bust up Iran Persian regime. It is very likely, it will be replaced by another regime.

I see the prospects of being a south-Azerbaijan being created very likely. If Iran enters this war and ends up being filleted and neutralized once and for ever. We should there to do everything that Iran is doing against us to them when the time comes. Payback bill will be delivered soon. The deaths of Turkish soldiers won't be forgotten.
You get angry too soon.That's was just an assumption and a scenario.I didn't say it will necessarily happen.
You can do whatever you want to PKK.;)

Since i know you are a decent person, i wasn't angry while writing that post. And i mean every single word of it.

Yes,that was a good reasoning.
I think what Turkey is doing today in Syria is the exact opposite of Iran's interests and even Turkey's interests.You may not agree with me on this,but even if Assad falls,Turkey wouldn't gain very much,while it has helped to strengthen a Kurdish entity in northern Syria which will probably form a allied state with northern Iraq.I don't know if it's true or not,but yesterday Kurds in northern Syria declared they have captured 12 Turkish soldiers entering Syria.Before the revolts in Syria,Turkey was a friend to Assad and didn't have any problems with him.What I see today is,Turkey's stance toward Syria serves the interests the Arab regimes of Persian Gulf more than it serves the Turkish nation.

Well, many of us here would agree with you on that one. Like i explained in my previous posts, i have no sympathy for an "organization" or army or whatever it is, that i know nothing about. I mean, i don't know their motivation, we've seen lots of terrorist act from them, and executions without questioning etc...
But, again, we shouldn't have involved in this mess in the first place, but since we did thanks to our "great" foreign policy, we should be the one finishing it, especially after the jet crisis...

But there is a fact that must be recognized by everyone, Iranians in this forum included, that Assad is a psychopath.
iran had the same problem with the PKK branch called PEJAK ! and we still have ! do you think we will help our enemies who killed many people and IRGC soldiers to camp in our soil?!
After US and Israel bust up Iran Persian regime. It is very likely, it will be replaced by another regime.

I see the prospects of being a south-Azerbaijan being created very likely. If Iran enters this war and ends up being filleted and neutralized once and for ever. We should there to do everything that Iran is doing against us to them when the time comes. Payback bill will be delivered soon. The deaths of Turkish soldiers won't be forgotten.
Because of trolls like you,Ottoman Turk and some Iranian trolls,a peaceful and logical discussion between us is impossible.Just one day after I started that peace thread,it's almost broken.
Just about your daydreaming,there is nothing as South Azerbaijan,there is just one main Azerbaijan which belongs to Iran and there is a republic of Azerbaijan that separated from Iran by Russia.Not everything you dream comes to reality.
Just the same way you guys don't like us to talk about separation of Southeastern Turkey in favor of Kurds,we don't like you talking about our mainland.
I ask the mods to delete such provoking posts and apply appropriate punishments.
about 200 of special forces were killed to kill about 3000 of them and kick them out of the iran! we won't let them enter in iran to have the same problem again!
Talking from the experience, don't believe everything your government says.
Talking from the experience, don't believe everything your government says.
I don't know who you are referring to,but we shouldn't believe anything that any government says in the world completely,not just Iran or Turkey.
Yes, I'm not believing everything my government says, thats why I'm suggesting to don't believe everything Iranian government says about PJAK
You get angry too soon.That's was just an assumption and a scenario.I didn't say it will necessarily happen.
You can do whatever you want to PKK.;)

Yes,that was a good reasoning.
I think what Turkey is doing today in Syria is the exact opposite of Iran's interests and even Turkey's interests.You may not agree with me on this,but even if Assad falls,Turkey wouldn't gain very much,while it has helped to strengthen a Kurdish entity in northern Syria which will probably form a allied state with northern Iraq.I don't know if it's true or not,but yesterday Kurds in northern Syria declared they have captured 12 Turkish soldiers entering Syria.Before the revolts in Syria,Turkey was a friend to Assad and didn't have any problems with him.What I see today is,Turkey's stance toward Syria serves the interests the Arab regimes of Persian Gulf more than it serves the Turkish nation.

Yes I remember it very well,but you are unable to hold yourself not to take aggressive stances toward Iran.Showing videos of killing Iranian soldiers won't change the facts.I have an argument with all respect here.Did I insult anyone?Did I post provoking posts?but you can't hide your deep hatred towards Iranian.I could also put pictures of dead Turkish soldiers here,but I'm not ignorant and at least I can still feel a little of humanity in myself.
That's why I usually try not to argue with you.

I never posted videos of dead iran soldiers , i posted video of jundallah like 1 hour long , plus you cant find dead soldier pictures other than world war ones . Also remember you said without insulting , i never insulted i stated my opinions but did you see tabriz azari?
lol, really? do you want to show you the pictures of Saberin forces who were killed by Pjak?!

Yes,that was a good reasoning.
I think what Turkey is doing today in Syria is the exact opposite of Iran's interests and even Turkey's interests.You may not agree with me on this,but even if Assad falls,Turkey wouldn't gain very much,while it has helped to strengthen a Kurdish entity in northern Syria which will probably form a allied state with northern Iraq.I don't know if it's true or not,but yesterday Kurds in northern Syria declared they have captured 12 Turkish soldiers entering Syria.Before the revolts in Syria,Turkey was a friend to Assad and didn't have any problems with him.What I see today is,Turkey's stance toward Syria serves the interests the Arab regimes of Persian Gulf more than it serves the Turkish nation.

Yous is also a likely scenario.

Our foreign policy cocked up quite badly and I will admit this as well. Davutoglu's 'Zero problems with neighbours' idea was a good one, but ultimately it is not suited to a region where there are so many simmering ethnic and religious tensions.

Btw its quite nice talking to an Iranian brother about important issues without either of us resorting to childish trolling and insults :tup: So many Turks and Iranians on the forum create stupid flame wars that I tend not to get involved in most threads.
I never posted videos of dead iran soldiers , i posted video of jundallah like 1 hour long , plus you cant find dead soldier pictures other than world war ones . Also remember you said without insulting , i never insulted i stated my opinions but did you see tabriz azari?
Just not insulting is not the only terms of a good discussion.In the video you posted,those savages were about to behead the soldiers,maybe it isn't shown in the video (I don't like to watch these things),but it's still provoking.

Btw its quite nice talking to an Iranian brother about important issues without either of us resorting to childish trolling and insults So many Turks and Iranians on the forum create stupid flame wars that I tend not to get involved in most threads.

Thanks,for me too,it's really nice to have a decent and respectful discussion with you or other Turkish members.At least in this way,we can come with a good understanding from the other side's mentality and intentions.:tup:
I think terrorist sympathizers are not allowed in this forum. So be gone, and Turks do not answer to him. His existence on pdf will be short. If you answer him, he will think we take him seriously.
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