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PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

arent they killing your soldiers? today they will say we are fighting for rights tomorow for land

Jundallah, or Jondollah (جندالله, lit. "Soldiers of God"), also known as People's Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI),*[14] is a militant organization based in Pakistan that claimed to be fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran. It was allegedly founded by Abdolmalek Rigi who was captured and executed in Iran in 2010.[3] It is believed to have between 700[7] to 2,000 fighters[13] and is said to be responsible for killing 154 and injuring 320 Iranian citizens since 2003,[15] while Jundullah commanders claim the group has killed up to 400 Iranian soldiers.[16]

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South azerbaijan Leader


what u mean ? u mean that turkey can support them in return of Iran backing PKK ? what ever it is as I said Iran doesn't support this group Era-923 pointed out very well several times that we've been fighting with them for years as we fought with Jundullah bringing a piece of news from one source which belongs to turkey doesn't make your claims reliable .

we do know , every one on this planet knows that turkey has become hub of funding syrian rebels and Iran has already condemned it numerous times but what about turkey if your claims were correct your country would condemn it before .

it's 5 AM and im weary , good night
If this is really true, then Iran is digging its own grave. Any public support and sympathy towards Iran would be destroyed like a mirror when this hits the news in Turkey.

If U.S and Israel attack Iran, we should not directly help them but certainly free the way for them to strike Iran hard. Not only from a moral standpoint, since Iran is responsible for the deaths of Turkish soldiers, but also to destroy Iranian threat once and for all. And perhaps create independent south-Azerbaijan which is a side benefit.
First of all, majority of Kurds in Turkey are not seeking for independence as well.
Secondly, Not just by Iran but, seperatist movements in Turkey has been already supported by almost every country in the region.
Thirdly, Turkey has huge experience on dealing with seperatism.

So i assure you, Iran would lose in a such "competition".

Iran is master of assymetrical warfare and supporting insurgents all around the world. The only real combat you guys have seen is some skirmish in the east of the country and thats also the reason why there are so many Turkish casualties. You guys would get smashed by Iran in this game. You should read how Iranian (and US) SOF destroyed the Taliban in Afghanistan in the Battle of Herat. Maybe you can also read on Hezbollah's development and their stand against Israel.
If this is really true, then Iran is digging its own grave. Any public support and sympathy towards Iran would be destroyed like a mirror when this hits the news in Turkey.

If U.S and Israel attack Iran, we should not directly help them but certainly free the way for them to strike Iran hard. Not only from a moral standpoint, since Iran is responsible for the deaths of Turkish soldiers, but also to destroy Iranian threat once and for all. And perhaps create independent south-Azerbaijan which is a side benefit.
It's all your wishful thinkings in your dreams.
Iran hasn't helped PKK,Turkey is not going to help anyone attack Iran and nowhere is going to be separated.Get real.
get real!? ok... some fanatic mullahs are ruling your country, you are seeking nuclear weapons, you are under sanctions, you guys are living in a propaganda bubble, your vintage army is from 70s, supporting terrorists or balistic missles are not enough to win a war especialy the one that is approaching, you gonna be bombed back to the Stone Age. it is time for you guys to get real! otherwise your beloved mullahs will soon cause great suffering for ''what you call a nation''....

P.S Iran not just helped pkk but also some other terrorist groups for instance Turkish hizbullah and ibda-c
get real!? ok... some fanatic mullahs are ruling your country, you are seeking nuclear weapons, you are under sanctions, you guys are living in a propaganda bubble, your vintage army is from 70s, supporting terrorists or balistic missles are not enough to win a war especialy the one that approaches, you gonna be bombed back to the Stone Age.

P.S Iran not just helped pkk but also some other terrorist groups for instance Turkish hizbullah and ibda-c

My country has been standing tall for over 3000 years and it will take more then your empty threats to "bomb us back to stone age". I would ask for proof that we are supporting these groups you claimed, but I know there is no point.
Targon,let me make it clear for you,if Iran really wanted to fully support PKK,you guys would have seen far larger casualties in your army fighting them.You just accuse other countries especially Iran,because you can't handle PKK very well,it's more for domestic consumption.
As I said,Iran too has lost soldiers fighting PJAK the off-shoot of PKK,why the hell should we support our enemy?
Again,you can believe these lies,it won't change anything.bringing excuses is not a good way to win a war.
If we really supported them,we would declare it,not scaring of anyone.Just as Iran declared that it's supporting Hezbollah.There is nothing to be afraid of.

Era, not in the same degree as you think but as I said locations and routes of recent skirmishes proves that those terrorist packs definitely coming from PKK camps in Iran.


There are several reasons that allowed PKK to survive.

-First, I don't know if you know this but Hakkari and Şırnak are the main reasons of why they're that effective, that piece of land is like a heaven for guerilla entities, don't even compare Kurdish regions of Iran with that, they're studied their lessons well, they very well know the guerilla warfare, they're using that geoghraphical advantage well.

-But is it impossible to beat them in that region ? no its not, skilled commanders are almost destroyed PKK in the 90s, but not all commanders are skilled, many of them simply big ***** regularly getting promotion without doing anything(like any other army without constant war situation), in the guerilla warfare, command is the most important factor, if the command is poor its doesn't matter how strong you're, if the command was good, PKK problem was solved years ago.
I just skipped to the end after reading the first 2 pages, it's unbearable to read irrational conversations and attempts to start a flame war.

First of all if PKK has moved to a camp in Iran then we have secure our hold on the area they've left, and by this I mean establish safety and better living conditions for the people left there. since they most likely didn't have an easier time while the terrorists were there. This means we have to be PROACTIVE!

Secondly PKK moving to a camp in Iran would be a problem for Iran because the economic relations with Turkey are doing well, and even though Turkey has had to reduce the gas imported from Iran we've still economic interests that ties us. If the PKK escalates the tension in the area with attacks etc. (They'd be attacking turkish trucks etc only since attacking Iranian trucks etc. would be even more stupid of them) Turkey will have to take action, and one way of taking action as I see it is, request/buy the US drones for that purpose.

Let me explain a little in depth. having the US manage the drones along the border to Iran would give US immediate intel on the area and possibly even strengthen US presence towards Iran. We'd of course receive information after it has been transmitted to the US (the way the previous deal worked I think). This would most likely upset Iran even further, and they'd probably start spewing fire at Turkey in a fit of rage. The relations with Turkey will sour even further and Iran would isolate itself even more or do something that'll worsen our ties even further (like putting a hold on the visa deal).

So what do we have... PKK is attacking Turkey, and we're doing something about it, and Iran gets pissed off and all the while US and Israel are dancing happily.

Personally I think that if PKK has gone to the camp in Iran it'd be in Irans interest to react on it, trying to use it as a political tool would be a mistake because Turkey has more "friends" who don't like Iran, than Iran has friends who don't like Turkey.
get real!? ok... some fanatic mullahs are ruling your country, you are seeking nuclear weapons, you are under sanctions, you guys are living in a propaganda bubble, your vintage army is from 70s, supporting terrorists or balistic missles are not enough to win a war especialy the one that is approaching, you gonna be bombed back to the Stone Age. it is time for you guys to get real! otherwise your beloved mullahs will soon cause great suffering for ''what you call a nation''....

P.S Iran not just helped pkk but also some other terrorist groups for instance Turkish hizbullah and ibda-c
As long as you are unable to provide proof,your words are just empty talks.the rest is not important actually.
Dude I can't send a Heron to check it right ? :D with a high change of reality, its a claim coming from a well respected former soldier that stayed in that region successfully for years, thats what he says, routes and locations proves that those groups are definietly coming from Iran, they can't come from anywhere else.
Dude I can't send a Heron to check it right ? :D with a high change of reality, its a claim coming from a well respected former soldier that stayed in that region successfully for years, thats what he says, routes and locations proves that those groups are definietly coming from Iran, they can't come from anywhere else.
So you leave the northern Iraq and stick to Iran?Turkey can not control its border with Iraq,then some random guys accuse Iran,blaming their failure in fighting PKK on Iran.As I said,it's more like an excuse and more for domestic use.There is no reason for Iran to support its enemies.
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