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Photos: Happy Iranians after the Nuclear agreement

India and China have been trading with Iran right through the thick of the sanctions and nothing happened to us. Infact India and China were given a free pass as we refused to go with US on sanctions.
Yes, keep quacking like a duck. Something doesn't become so just because a duck says it. You are oblivious to the fact that China voted yes in sanctioning Iran. But whatever, quackers will quack however much you educated them.
Have you read the deal ?
Several points in Deal published by WSJ
  • Iran has agreed to reduce by approximately two-thirds its installed centrifuges. Iran will go from having about 19,000 installed today to 6,104 installed under the deal, with only 5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years. All 6,104 centrifuges will be IR-1s, Iran’s first-generation centrifuge.
  • Iran has agreed to only enrich uranium using its first generation (IR-1 models) centrifuges at Natanz for ten years, removing its more advanced centrifuges.

  • Iran will not use its IR-2, IR-4, IR-5, IR-6, or IR-8 models to produce enriched uranium for at least ten years. Iran will engage in limited research and development with its advanced centrifuges, according to a schedule and parameters which have been agreed to by the P5+1.
  • • Iran will remove the 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges currently installed at Natanz and place them in IAEA monitored storage for ten years.
  • All centrifuges and enrichment infrastructure removed from Fordow and Natanz will be placed under continuous monitoring by the IAEA.

and one of the most important part :
Iran will be required to grant access to the IAEA to investigate suspicious sites or allegations of a covert enrichment facility, conversion facility, centrifuge production facility, or yellowcake production facility anywhere in the country.

WTF is "Suspicious site" ??

Here are 2 important points :
  • However, core provisions in the UN Security Council resolutions – those that deal with transfers of sensitive technologies and activities – will be re-established by a new UN Security Council resolution that will endorse the JCPOA and urge its full implementation. It will also create the procurement channel mentioned above, which will serve as a key transparency measure. Important restrictions on conventional arms and ballistic missiles, as well as provisions that allow for related cargo inspections and asset freezes, will also be incorporated by this new resolution.
  • U.S. sanctions on Iran for terrorism, human rights abuses, and ballistic missiles will remain in place under the deal.

    Source : http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/IranDealParameters04022015.pdf

    People call this "good deal" ?
    Sorry but why is it good ?

What you said proves my comments, there is no contradiction btw my comment and yours.

Iran is gonna continue the enrichment by 6000 IR1 centrifuges for 10 years, then limitation on enrichment will be removed and Iran will be able to instal more centrifuges even it latest IR8.

As I said earlier:

Irak reactor will remain a heavy reactor .. none of our facilities will be closed .. R&D will be continued by Iran latest centrifuges.. Iran will have access to new technologies and nuclear cooperation ... new reactors will be built ... relief of sanctions and if Iran fulfills its commitments sanctions will be removed ... all resolutions against under chapter 7 will be removed. and after 10 years Iran will be able to increase the number of centrifuges and replace them by its newest ones.​

Those terms about suspicious sites will be discussed, nothing has agreed yet.

But if you ask me that it's a good deal or not , I would just say so-so. and nothing has agrred yet .. it's just a fact paper ..
What you said proves my comments, there is no contradiction btw my comment and yours.

Iran is gonna continue the enrichment by 6000 IR1 centrifuges for 10 years, then limitation on enrichment will be removed and Iran will be able to instal more centrifuges even it latest IR8.

As I said earlier:

Irak reactor will remain a heavy reactor .. none of our facilities will be closed .. R&D will be continued by Iran latest centrifuges.. Iran will have access to new technologies and nuclear cooperation ... new reactors will be built ... relief of sanctions and if Iran fulfills its commitments sanctions will be removed ... all resolutions against under chapter 7 will be removed. and after 10 years Iran will be able to increase the number of centrifuges and replace them by its newest ones.​

Those terms about suspicious sites will be discussed, nothing has agreed yet.

But if you ask me that it's a good deal or not , I would just say so-so. and nothing has agrred yet .. it's just a fact paper ..
as far as I can Understand:
Iran gets:
Sanctions lifted on Oil and Banking system.
Sanctions lifted on non-military (and maybe space) sector.

Iran losses:
almost every centrifuge will be removed except old 70s technology IR-1
IAEA will be able to monitor EVERYTHING.
same of Iran's nuclear centers will become non functional

IMHO good sides :
Iran will stay Nuclear Capable state and will be able to Make bomb in 1 year time.
Iran will be allowed to Enrich Uranium

Bad :
NOT ALL sanctions will be lifted
IAEA (AKA CIA,MI-6 and Co. ) will have upper hand to track everything Iranian nuclear scientists do (hope they wouldn't be allowed to monitor missile bases and other non-nuclear military centers)

IMHO this clearly isn't good deal, Yankees cant get everything they wanted (non nuclear Iran) but Deal could be much better for Iran too.
The terms Iran got are pretty strict and controlling so even though sanctions are lifted the West imposed other regulations and restrictions on Iran with monitoring up to 10 years and even some permanent monitoring. It's nothing people in Iran should go out into the streets and celebrate around, you still have a noose around your neck, it is just loosened up.

Iran will dismantle two-thirds of its 19,000 installed centrifuges. Those devices, which spin uranium into material that can be used for a nuclear weapon, will be stored under International Atomic Energy Agency oversight. Tehran will be left with 6,104 centrifuges, lower than some reported offers by the U.S., and 5,060 of those can be used to enrich uranium.

Iran can keep open an underground nuclear facility at Fordow, a controversial site because it was built in secret and only revealed by the U.S. in 2009. Iran will not be required to close the facility but could use it only for research that does not include the enrichment of uranium.

Rigorous transparency and inspection measures to ensure that Iran doesn’t cheat on any deal. They include granting the IAEA intrusive access to Iran’s nuclear facilities and supply chain, including to its domestic uranium mines and mills. The inspections would continue even after many elements of the deal have expired in 2025, including surveillance of Iran’s centrifuge rotors until 2035. Iran has also agreed to some indefinite transparency measures.

In return for the limits on Iran’s program, the U.S. and EU will suspend sanctions after the IAEA has verified Iran’s compliance with the deal; those sanctions can automatically “snap back” if Iran violates the agreement at any time. (Obama can temporarily suspend sanctions passed by Congress, although only Congress can permanently repeal them.) The United Nations will also lift its sanctions on Iran after it meets the deal’s requirements.

Read more: Obama on Iran nuclear deal - POLITICO

Basically with Iran only being allowed to use 5,060 centrifuges to enrich uranium and 2/3 centrifuges being dismantled under inspection, it's nuclear program has been minimized.
Looks to me both sides wanted a deal, and left the table feeling unsatisfied. But relieved that at least a step was made.
Congratualations Iran.You made it.
You have reached a deal with World Powers on equal terms :tup:

@SOHEIL @haman10 @yavar and others.

What about your dearest friend Israel? Whose side are you on anyway?

Good for Iran!
First of all.There ia no dearest friend or permanent friends in geopolitics .There is only permanent interests .We only cares about our interests.That is our diplomacy and an alien concept to Pakistan.

Not good enough. In fact, an extremely feeble attempt. Stop picking and choosing to your liking. You're either with one side or the other. The hypocrisy is dripping from all sides. It's very easy to worship a rising sun (which Indians excel at I must confess).

I wonder how the Israeli members think about this Indian behaviour? After all, don't we see in other threads how Indian members swear allegiance to their Israeli brothers? I'm just very curious...

Pakistan has excellent relations with Iran. Pakistanis don't need lecturing from a hypocritical Indian who picks sides when it suits his narrative. Pakistan supports a strong nuclear Iran. Pakistan doesn't apply double standards unlike some hypocrites. Our stance on Israel is clear as crystal.

Show some support for your ally Israel, Indian... I want to see you plead Israel's case. Don't be shy now. Fulfil your duty as a good and brave ally would. You buy sophisticated weapons from Israel. You participate in various defence related joint ventures with Israel which benefit you directly. You boast day and night about how strong this bond is between your two nations. You reap all the benefits from this relationship, yet are unwilling to stand with your dearest ally in these difficult times? Very convenient I must say, Indian.

You will play a lot of diplomacy .But you will put a brake when the KSA told you to stop it.
But we dont have any that type of problems.We have a good relation with entire world.Except your nation.and there is obvious reason for that.

That's it, Gaurav! That's what I want to hear. Clear lingo. No if and buts. I wonder what the official stance is of the Indian government? I want to hear it all.

India welcomes agreement over Iran's nuclear programme

Go and polish the shoes of your KSA masters.
Now we will go in top gear for Chabhar port and we will doubled our import of oil from Iran.
That's it, Gaurav! That's what I want to hear. Clear lingo. No if and buts. I wonder what the official stance is of the Indian government? I want to hear it all.
The terms Iran got are pretty strict and controlling so even though sanctions are lifted the West imposed other regulations and restrictions on Iran with monitoring up to 10 years and even some permanent monitoring. It's nothing people in Iran should go out into the streets and celebrate around, you still have a noose around your neck, it is just loosened up.

Iran will dismantle two-thirds of its 19,000 installed centrifuges. Those devices, which spin uranium into material that can be used for a nuclear weapon, will be stored under International Atomic Energy Agency oversight. Tehran will be left with 6,104 centrifuges, lower than some reported offers by the U.S., and 5,060 of those can be used to enrich uranium.

Iran can keep open an underground nuclear facility at Fordow, a controversial site because it was built in secret and only revealed by the U.S. in 2009. Iran will not be required to close the facility but could use it only for research that does not include the enrichment of uranium.

Rigorous transparency and inspection measures to ensure that Iran doesn’t cheat on any deal. They include granting the IAEA intrusive access to Iran’s nuclear facilities and supply chain, including to its domestic uranium mines and mills. The inspections would continue even after many elements of the deal have expired in 2025, including surveillance of Iran’s centrifuge rotors until 2035. Iran has also agreed to some indefinite transparency measures.

In return for the limits on Iran’s program, the U.S. and EU will suspend sanctions after the IAEA has verified Iran’s compliance with the deal; those sanctions can automatically “snap back” if Iran violates the agreement at any time. (Obama can temporarily suspend sanctions passed by Congress, although only Congress can permanently repeal them.) The United Nations will also lift its sanctions on Iran after it meets the deal’s requirements.

Read more: Obama on Iran nuclear deal - POLITICO

Basically with Iran only being allowed to use 5,060 centrifuges to enrich uranium and 2/3 centrifuges being dismantled under inspection, it's nuclear program has been minimized.

Please don't trust wording of this factsheet released by white house. It has a very biased tone, while Iran's fact sheet has a biased tone towards Iran. That's the thing about fact sheets, they are not official. U.S did exactly the same thing for interim deal, releasing a fact sheet that didn't cover all the reality and had a very biased tone. You should wait for the text of final deal and not this one. Iran's foreign minister also said on Twitter not to trust the U.S released fact sheet as its wordings is extremely biased and one sided. Seems more like something to appease warmongers, GOP and Israeli lobby.
Happy good deal ! If this deal is as good as they say and not as bad as benjamin Ntanyahu says , then soon Insha'allah there'll be no more missiles , sams and warplanes to post in this section :lol:
They are not retards. Just gullible. There are few venues of being socially happy in countries like Iran. Emotional politics is one of those few venues. Emotional nations need emotional politics, emotional science, emotional economics, emotional social structure, so on and so forth.

But it does not turn them into retards.

Retards are isis.
I told serpentine before, I believe we've got different of causes, but the same tone here, but all in all let's agree to agree. lol
You may coat it with layers of white sugar, you may tend to call it a gullible situation, you may try it the card of emotionality of a nation, you may call it as you like, but never you can change the sheer realities on the bare ground, that's just the term stupidity that suits the best on these retards.
Just a herd of illiterate, ignorant sheeps, wandering around while they've got no true sense of what's going on around.
I can make it a hundred percent guess, you won't understand what I am talking about here, and I've got no intention to explore it any further.
What you said proves my comments, there is no contradiction btw my comment and yours.

Iran is gonna continue the enrichment by 6000 IR1 centrifuges for 10 years, then limitation on enrichment will be removed and Iran will be able to instal more centrifuges even it latest IR8.

As I said earlier:

Irak reactor will remain a heavy reactor .. none of our facilities will be closed .. R&D will be continued by Iran latest centrifuges.. Iran will have access to new technologies and nuclear cooperation ... new reactors will be built ... relief of sanctions and if Iran fulfills its commitments sanctions will be removed ... all resolutions against under chapter 7 will be removed. and after 10 years Iran will be able to increase the number of centrifuges and replace them by its newest ones.​

Those terms about suspicious sites will be discussed, nothing has agreed yet.

But if you ask me that it's a good deal or not , I would just say so-so. and nothing has agrred yet .. it's just a fact paper ..
here some correction is needed , Iran use IR-1 centrifuges for 10 year but don't forget the deal allow Iran research on new models of centrifuge , so after 10 year we probably use something like IR-12 or IR-14.

The terms Iran got are pretty strict and controlling so even though sanctions are lifted the West imposed other regulations and restrictions on Iran with monitoring up to 10 years and even some permanent monitoring. It's nothing people in Iran should go out into the streets and celebrate around, you still have a noose around your neck, it is just loosened up.

Iran will dismantle two-thirds of its 19,000 installed centrifuges. Those devices, which spin uranium into material that can be used for a nuclear weapon, will be stored under International Atomic Energy Agency oversight. Tehran will be left with 6,104 centrifuges, lower than some reported offers by the U.S., and 5,060 of those can be used to enrich uranium.

Iran can keep open an underground nuclear facility at Fordow, a controversial site because it was built in secret and only revealed by the U.S. in 2009. Iran will not be required to close the facility but could use it only for research that does not include the enrichment of uranium.

Rigorous transparency and inspection measures to ensure that Iran doesn’t cheat on any deal. They include granting the IAEA intrusive access to Iran’s nuclear facilities and supply chain, including to its domestic uranium mines and mills. The inspections would continue even after many elements of the deal have expired in 2025, including surveillance of Iran’s centrifuge rotors until 2035. Iran has also agreed to some indefinite transparency measures.

In return for the limits on Iran’s program, the U.S. and EU will suspend sanctions after the IAEA has verified Iran’s compliance with the deal; those sanctions can automatically “snap back” if Iran violates the agreement at any time. (Obama can temporarily suspend sanctions passed by Congress, although only Congress can permanently repeal them.) The United Nations will also lift its sanctions on Iran after it meets the deal’s requirements.

Read more: Obama on Iran nuclear deal - POLITICO

Basically with Iran only being allowed to use 5,060 centrifuges to enrich uranium and 2/3 centrifuges being dismantled under inspection, it's nuclear program has been minimized.
some explanation are needed, the centrifuges won't be dismanteled . they will be held in storage so if the need arises they can be put to work in 1 to 2 month.
Fordo was not revealed by USA , it was revealed by Iran according to its obligation under NPT.

IAEA already have intensive access to Iran nuclear facilities and supply chains.and They already have installed cameras in those mines and facilities to monitor them 24 hours per day 7 days per week
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