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Photos: Happy Iranians after the Nuclear agreement

It is funny to see Indians jump up and down in this thread when they always claim that Israel is their best ally bla bla bla. Aren't the best of allies supposed to support each other in times of distress? P
icking and choosing to your own liking now?

This is what Israel a dear friend of India has to say on this matter:

Netanyahu to Obama: Iran nuclear deal threatens Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

I think the Indians should be very concerned for the wellbeing of Israel. I don't understand Indian members celebrating and congratulating our Iranian members.

Pakistan and Iran can now fully resume the Iran Pakistan pipeline project. It would be good to add China to the equation. I like it, IPC. I think the Chinese would be rubbing their hands and licking their lips after this great news.

WTF man why you keep getting Israel into every thing, we have good relation with Israel that is more on defence and high tech sector, but we have cultural relation Iran dating 1000 years back, And by the way We have good relation with Saudi also , its called diplomacy which your peanut size brain can't understand. Stop all this BS.
Iran and Israel problem is their own problem and it will get solved tomorrow or in 20 years time , India does not intervene and take side between two friends. If both country want India to mediate then India can help otherwise it has strong relation with both countries equally.
And stop cheer leading for China into everything, get your act together and do something on your own. Its not surprising to see your country in such bad shape, the Pakistani member getting more Patriotic about China then the chinese also. Damn fool people.:lol::lol:
I'm sorry, but when was Iran ever an "Islamic superpower" for history to repeat itself?

Sorry ! History in the sense Nuclear weapons programmes .As they will achieve their goals to create Nuclear war heads . From getting sanctions to getting hold of Nuclear Missiles .
That's it, Gaurav! That's what I want to hear. I wonder what the official stance is of the Indian government? I want to hear it all.

I have no idea what the official stance of the government is, I don't think anyone would care either when the UN security council and Germany say it's a good deal.

anyway, Hindustan has had cultural ties with the Persians for centuries now.
Sorry ! History in the sense Nuclear weapons programmes .As they will achieve their goals to create Nuclear war heads . From getting sanctions to getting hold of Nuclear Missiles .

Thats a given. They are a proud warrior race. An ancient race. One which brought another super warrior race to its knees. I don't see them buckling anytime soon.
WTF man why you keep getting Israel into every thing, we have good relation with Israel that is more on defence and high tech sector, but we have cultural relation Iran dating 1000 years back, And by the way We have good relation with Saudi also , its called diplomacy which your peanut size brain can't understand. Stop all this BS.
Iran and Israel problem is their own problem and it will get solved tomorrow or in 20 years time , India does not intervene and take side between two friends. If both country want India to mediate then India can help otherwise it has strong relation with both countries equally.
And stop cheer leading for China into everything, get your act together and do something on your own. Its not surprising to see your country in such bad shape, the Pakistani member getting more Patriotic about China then the chinese also. Damn fool people.:lol::lol:

LMAO You imbecile. Stop fooling everyone. What you call diplomacy is called flip flopping. You like to conceal your duplicity under the cloak of "diplomacy" because your hypocritical stand is clear as daylight. You only like to reap the benefits and not share the burden to speak. It's very easy to sing praises and lullabies of Israel day and night, but when it comes to actually supporting and standing your ground you apply double standards?

Cut the nonsense you fool. Convenient, isn't it to leave your ally stranded? You and your country has to take a stand now. Don't fool us with it's their problem bla bla bla. It's your problem too since you proclaim to be the best ally of Israel.

This coming from an Indian whose country is reeling with rape incidents day after day? I would be more worried about your own country where your own women don't feel safe sitting/standing in public transport next to Indian men. Don't worry too much about China and Pakistan. I know your butt is always on fire regarding Pak/China, but you'll have to deal with that for the rest of your ugly and miserable life. LMAO Stupid Indian.
Truly happy for Iranian people.. They deserve better, to achieve their massive potential.. Hopefully this shift will also move them away from religious fundamentalism and become the world power they are quite capable of.. You guys have a great civilization build on that
Allow me to break your bubble.

The reason why you have not started the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project has NOTHING to do with sanctions but with Saudi
Arabia stopping Pakistan.

Did Modi tell you that? LMAO what a fool. Don't become a fortune-teller buddy. You suck at it. Pakistan has good relations with Saudi Arabia, but that doesn't mean that unlike Indian flip flopping Pakistan will just jump on the bandwagon.

Pakistan does not do what Saudi does not want Pakistan to do.

Really? Is that why Pakistan has rejected to join the war against the Houthis? You fool. Stop reading into conspiracy theories. You Indians are hypocritical and good at flip flopping.

India and China have been trading with Iran right through the thick of the sanctions and nothing happened to us. Infact India and China were given a free pass as we declined to go with US on sanctions.

So? What do you want to prove to me? Irrelevant to this discussion.

Just remove the dot and add the symbol and the link will take you there:
bloomberg dot com/news/articles/2012-06-11/u-s-exempts-seven-countries-from-iran-oil-sanctions-1-

The public of Pakistan was fooled by Nawaz Sharif that sanctions are the reason the pipeline cannot commence.

So as far as we are concerned, we are happy that things are working out with Iran. Unlike Pakistan, India does not depend on any nation nor is ruled by whims and fancies of other nations like KSA and USA rule Pakistan.

India is flip flopping and leaving Israel high and dry in time of dire need. It's for everyone to witness. Indians always like to derail the topic at hand. Always bringing in China/Pak into any discussion. Totally irrelevant. There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone. All your excuses are feeble. You should have stood by Israel which you proclaim to be your best ally.

FYI, Pakistan is going ahead with the pipeline project with or without approval from anyone.
Your entire post has nothing but rhetoric and excuses.

The facts are simple - despite the heavy sanctions on Iran. India has continued to trade with Iran for billions of dollars each year. India refused to abide with US sanctions, like China.

Pakistan did in fact stop its trade with Iran, stopped its pipeline citing sanctions.

That should clearly tell you which nations support and work for Saudi Arabia and which are independent nations.

Everything you bark about is just plain rubbish. You have no counter arguments because you know that you're busted. India is leaving Israel high and dry. Admit it. You're not taking the stand you should be taking. You're just taking the easy way out.

Irrelevant again. Pakistan's relationship with Saudi Arabia is fine. Pakistan's relationship with Iran is fine. We don't have any problems with any of the aforementioned nations. Your conspiracy theories don't add up. Stop making up complicated conspiracy theories and stop making a fool out of yourself.
Not good enough. In fact, an extremely feeble attempt. Stop picking and choosing to your liking. You're either with one side or the other. The hypocrisy is dripping from all sides. It's very easy to worship a rising sun (which Indians excel at I must confess).

I wonder how the Israeli members think about this Indian behaviour? After all, don't we see in other threads how Indian members swear allegiance to their Israeli brothers? I'm just very curious...

Pakistan has excellent relations with Iran. Pakistanis don't need lecturing from a hypocritical Indian who picks sides when it suits his narrative. Pakistan supports a strong nuclear Iran. Pakistan doesn't apply double standards unlike some hypocrites. Our stance on Israel is clear as crystal.

Show some support for your ally Israel, Indian... I want to see you plead Israel's case. Don't be shy now. Fulfil your duty as a good and brave ally would. You buy sophisticated weapons from Israel. You participate in various defence related joint ventures with Israel which benefit you directly. You boast day and night about how strong this bond is between your two nations. You reap all the benefits from this relationship, yet are unwilling to stand with your dearest ally in these difficult times? Very convenient I must say, Indian.

My dear Hindu brother,

We do understand your concern at this point in time. Hedged as you now find yourself between a hostile nuclear state on one side, and another hostile state on the other that is on the verge of going nuclear.

Don't embarrass yourself by claiming good relations/Muslim brotherhood with Iran. We know the reality. Afghanistan knows the reality. And your Saudi masters play on that reality.
My dear Hindu brother,

We do understand your concern at this point in time. Hedged as you now find yourself between a hostile nuclear state on one side, and another hostile state on the other that is on the verge of going nuclear.

Don't embarrass yourself by claiming good relations/Muslim brotherhood with Iran. We know the reality. Afghanistan knows the reality. And your Saudi masters play on that reality.

LMAO another conspiracy nut job. You keep thinking that way buddy.

You only like to flip flop. You only like to take the path to convenience. Israel should be ashamed of having such an ally. India is an untrustworthy ally.
Pakistan's relationship with Saudi Arabia is fine. Pakistan's relationship with Iran is fine. We don't have any problems with any of the nations mentioned.
And also with china,
That makes them best poker player.

I have no idea what the official stance of the government is, I don't think anyone would care either when the UN security council and Germany say it's a good deal.

anyway, Hindustan has had cultural ties with the Persians for centuries now.

what historic cultural ties?you had the people of Pakistan between iran for centuries.
LMAO another conspiracy nut job. You keep thinking that way buddy.

You only like to flip flop. You only like to take the path to convenience. Israel should be ashamed of having such an ally. India is an untrustworthy ally.

As a pure blood Hindu you should be feeling a sense of pride that Aryan races are re-establishing their pre-eminence on this sacred land.

You and I both know that you cannot say it out aloud.

But so what. Its the thought that counts.

what historic cultural ties?you had the people of Pakistan between iran for centuries.

Well, not to make too much of a much belabored point, but the "people of Pakistan" are either Indic or Iranic anyways.

A rump state in every sense of the word. A problem child to both parents.
what historic cultural ties?you had the people of Pakistan between iran for centuries.
ties predating not just what is now modern day Pakistan but even predating Islam itself.

Well, not to make too much of a much belabored point, but the "people of Pakistan" are either Indic or Iranic anyways.

A rump state in every sense of the word. A problem child to both parents.
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