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Photos: Happy Iranians after the Nuclear agreement

Over the long run good for Iran
That country has a dynamic young population and with better leadership could use that to lead Middle East towards a path of peace,growth and prosperity


Iranian hardliners criticize nuclear deal - Yahoo News
Supreme leader support the deal , so they can't do anything . they can complain but both Government and supreme leader support it even Expediency Council support it, and I'm sure if the supreme leader support it then Guardian council also support it.
Petroleum, natural gas, coal, chromium, copper, iron ore, lead, manganese, zinc, sulfur etc worth billions of dollars.

Iran has one of the world's largest reserves of copper; deposits are located throughout the country, but the major lode lies in the central region between the cities of Yazd and Kerman. This region also serves as a center for the mining of bauxite, coal, iron ore, lead, and zinc. Additional coal mines operate throughout the Elburz Mountains; iron ore mines also exist near Zanjan in the northwest, near Mashhad in the northeast, and on Hormuz Island in the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran also has valuable deposits of aluminum, chromite, gold, manganese, silver, tin, and tungsten, as well as various gemstones, such as amber, agate, lapis lazuli, and turquoise.

Yep! Worth hundreds of billions of dollars! :-)
Actually something like Trillions of dollars suits better for Mineral resources only.... total resources of any kind would value around 45 to 50 Trillion dollars!!
here some correction is needed , Iran use IR-1 centrifuges for 10 year but don't forget the deal allow Iran research on new models of centrifuge , so after 10 year we probably use something like IR-12 or IR-14.

Buddy you didn't read my post carefully, as I mentioned "..after 10 years Iran will be able to increase the number of centrifuges and replace them by its newest ones..." & ".. R&D will be continued by Iran latest centrifuges. .."

Mr Zarif in twitter and Mr Araghchi both have emphasized again that all sanctions will terminated once agreement get implemented which is a good point. no relief.
Reactor Arak has been redesigned by Iranian scientists and will remain a heavy one.
Fordow will have 1000 centrifuges by all equipments and once the other side wants to turn the table Iran will be able to start enriching uranium within 24hs.
Nothing will be dismantled no centrifuges, no nuclear facilities except Arak core reactor which will be redesigned .
Qaddafi agreed to ship out his entire nuclear program, after that there was no NP in Libya whatsoever .. while Iran will remain a N-country and will enrich uranium .. nothing will send out .. just a period of limitation to make trust.
The idea of Iran having 20 centrifuges even for R&D was a red line for western power and now they've accepted our right to enrich.
congrats to all Iranian brothers . Live today and fight tomorrow , i wish a day would come when all secterian divide would also come to an end and we would celebrate same like this all over the muslim world .
I have to disagree with you . Let's imagine that they know what's going on. what should they do ? I think it's just an excuse to go crazy and be happy. Nobody cares about morteza pashayi or nuclear deal , wallyball ..etc ."So dance like you've never danced. Scream like you've never screamed 'Cause this one might be your last " :lol:
Through the chaos
I pretty much know what you are trying to say, bro. And I believe you pretty much know me and my political stance, dear.
I've got no problem people celebrating, rather do appreciate it. But believe me @rahi2357 one day you would be to the point I stand today, and you would see the picture, from the point I see it today.
farz kon ye kad khoda tooye ye deh ye gav dare ke shiresho midooshe, too saresh mizane tahghiresh mikone, gav ahan ro behesh mibande va bahash zaminhasho shokhm ham mizane, in kad khoda inghad az in gav badbakht kar mikeshe ke har lahze in gav mire ke talaf beshe, hala age in kadkhoda shabha ye livan ab va ye boshghab yonje bede be in gav bara chiye?
bara inke doosesh dare, ya azash hesab mibare?
na bara ine ke az felakat namire, ta betoone bazam barash shokhm bezane o azash shir bedoushe.
US-Iran deal is a good step for the region, good for rationality to prevail and bad for mullah regime in the longer run bcz its steal their strongest weapons from their sleeves since 1979 forever i.e., "only the Islamic Iran can confronts the great Satan".

"Islamic Iran make deals with USA/Great Satan"
An atom bomb on the anti American sentiment throughout the shia/sunni world.
As a pure blood Hindu you should be feeling a sense of pride that Aryan races are re-establishing their pre-eminence on this sacred land.

You and I both know that you cannot say it out aloud.

But so what. Its the thought that counts.

Well, not to make too much of a much belabored point, but the "people of Pakistan" are either Indic or Iranic anyways.

A rump state in every sense of the word. A problem child to both parents.

Congrats 2 People of Iran :)
It is funny to see Indians jump up and down in this thread when they always claim that Israel is their best ally bla bla bla. Aren't the best of allies supposed to support each other in times of distress? Picking and choosing to your own liking now?

This is what Israel a dear friend of India has to say on this matter:

Netanyahu to Obama: Iran nuclear deal threatens Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

I think the Indians should be very concerned for the wellbeing of Israel. I don't understand Indian members celebrating and congratulating our Iranian members.

Pakistan and Iran can now fully resume the Iran Pakistan pipeline project. It would be good to add China to the equation. I like it, IPC. I think the Chinese would be rubbing their hands and licking their lips after this great news.

what historic cultural ties?you had the people of Pakistan between iran for centuries.

PK should accept the reality that it is a weak nation which had cut all ties with Iran to please its Saudi masters
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