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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

^^^^Buddy you are wasting you time...He would not reply with any facts instead he will come up with some India poor,India dirty BS...
this is the second time I replied about plush islamabad airport...
He would post the same next time in other thread

Better to keep a lair on the run and expose them.

Riaz! we are aware that you can post links and attach youtube video in your post, the above demonstrartion was not required.

Now, i'm asking for the 5th time, what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :lol:

I'm still awaiting your answer :)
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Indias rise makes you heart burn????
You said Indians were amazed and stunned to see Pakistans roads ,airports and skyscrapers....
I replied India has wider city roads,metro rails(which pakistan do not have),glass and steel airports (which pakistan do not have)
skyscrapers(which pakistan do not have)

When run out of facts, Some resort to Lollywood style dramabazi and theatrics. :)
2011 Global hunger Index values

India - 23.7

Pakistan - 20.7

Difference of 3 , another reason to salivate and foam over India's hunger problem


Indias rise makes you heart burn????
You said Indians were amazed and stunned to see Pakistans roads ,airports and skyscrapers....
I replied India has wider city roads,metro rails(which pakistan do not have),glass and steel airports (which pakistan do not have)
skyscrapers(which pakistan do not have)

Unlike you who is deliberately biased or ignorant, the Indians I quote have direct first hand knowledge of India AND Pakistan.

Here's Hindol Sengupta after his visit to tribal areas of Pakistan:

Even in tiny Bajaur in the North West frontier province, hard hit by the Taliban, and a little more than a frontier post, the roads were smoother than many I know in India. Even Bajaur has a higher road density than India! If there is one thing we should learn from the Pakistanis, it is how to build roads.

Haq's Musings: Indians Share "Eye-Opener" Stories of Pakistan
Unlike you who is deliberately biased or ignorant, the Indians I quote have direct first hand knowledge of India AND Pakistan.
big lol for this one ...

Even in tiny Bajaur in the North West frontier province, hard hit by the Taliban, and a little more than a frontier post, the roads were smoother than many I know in India. Even Bajaur has a higher road density than India! If there is one thing we should learn from the Pakistanis, it is how to build roads.
Unlike you who is deliberately biased or ignorant, the Indians I quote have direct first hand knowledge of India AND Pakistan.

Here's Hindol Sengupta after his visit to tribal areas of Pakistan:

Even in tiny Bajaur in the North West frontier province, hard hit by the Taliban, and a little more than a frontier post, the roads were smoother than many I know in India. Even Bajaur has a higher road density than India! If there is one thing we should learn from the Pakistanis, it is how to build roads.

Haq's Musings: Indians Share "Eye-Opener" Stories of Pakistan

Wasn't this already addressed in post 58 on page 4 :rolleyes:

You are so desperate, sometimes I really doubt if you are the person you claim to be. These news reports mean nothing, here's the latest infrastructure index for the year 2011-201, published by the World economic forum,


Yes, sure India has a long way to go, but it is still good 23 places ahead of Pakistan. Yes according to the very same index Pakistan has better road and port infra, but India is catching up fast.


So here we go, another one of your lies busted. I think I ll believe the World Economic Forum index and not what some random journo ( who has no expertise about infrastructure) has to say.

Refer to page 205, 287, 411,

Haq's Musings: Indians Share "Eye-Opener" Stories of Pakistan
I can disprove what is writen on this.... here is one
That realization hit me as a rude shock the moment I stepped out of the plane and entered Islamabad's plush International Airport, easily far more efficient, modern and better maintained than any of its counterparts in India.
look at the 'plush' islamabad airport.............


Now look at a tier 3 airport in india


Not even Better than a tier 3 Indian airport:rofl:
This isnt enough???
Forget about all this BS about improvement.

Why?? Because it exposes the intellectual bankruptcy of your posts/blog ?

Rest of your post is the usual BS about anecdotal articles and cherry picked numbers.. None of which can negate the fact that Pakistan is one of the very few countries that, in recent times is showing signs of regression on Human development and has moved into a LOW HDI group from a MEDIUM HDI group that it occupied for decades


Also a lot of numbers that come out of Pakistan showing it doing better on certain indicators like poverty are all outdated (most poverty reports use 2007 data for Pakistan and its after 2007 that Pakistani economy went into its downward spiral) plus the recent news about 10% overstatement in Pakistan's GDP numbers will put the whole per capita GDP/GNI in a totally different light :)

Caught in the act: Govt may constitute panel to revisit poverty calculations – The Express Tribune

And let me post some of the responses you recvd from the readers of express tribune when you tried to paddle your BS there :lol:

Yes. It is a reality when you consider absolute numbers. But both of us know that India is earnestly working to address the issue of literacy of young kids and has 98.5% net enrollment in school In other words only 1.5% school age kids are not in school. The comparable number for Pakistan is 34%. Per latest available UNICEF figures, youth literacy in India is 81% and that in Pakistan is 70%. Infant mortality rate in India is 47 compared to 63 for Pakistan. Recently news about the double counting Pakistan GDP was published in Tribune and it appears that this double counting was going on for last 10 years. Why then would anyone trust poverty numbers emanating from Pakistan that state that only 17% people live under poverty line? Also the question is if only 17% Pakistanis are poor, why are 34% of them not sending their kids to school? Despite defecating in open, India has eliminated polio. Pakistan is yet to do so.
Do check out the UNDP published HDI rankings. India is amongst the medium development countries and Pakistan among the low development countries as per the report published in 2011.

Please see the following ranking by NAtionmaster

India has 5.1 years of average schooling vs. 3.9 years for Pakistan. This is understandable given that India spends more on education (4.1% ) compared to Pakistan (who spends 1.8%)

Finally the concept of HDI was introduced by an Indian and a Pakistani economist. Just picking and choosing metrics selectively does not change the fact that certain metrics have been used by UNDP after much discussion and debate to assess the state of human development. And while you satated that all South Asian countries have low HDI, the fact is that India is included amongst the Medium Ranked HDI countries (ofcourse Sri Lanka is much higher still). I have provided the UNICEF links in an earlier post.
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