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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

Thats the second indicator where Pakistan is better than India.. Then what are the indicators where Pakistan is so bad that it drags the average so low that the overall Human development rating drops to low

BTW, are there any other nations in the area that have shown downward movement in their HDI levels recently?

India's disappointing human development status is well known. It is a virtual tailender among the newly emerging BRICS economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – which are expected to become the engine of global economic growth as the developed countries slow down.

What is more serious is India's status in its region. Not only is it well behind the long-term regional leader in development, Sri Lanka, it is also behind Bangladesh and Pakistan in some key indicators.

Pakistan is ahead of India in mean years of schooling and ties with India for the second-lowest place in life expectancy.

Rising disparity: How to bridge the gap? - Rediff.com Business
India's disappointing human development status is well known. It is a virtual tailender among the newly emerging BRICS economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – which are expected to become the engine of global economic growth as the developed countries slow down.

What is more serious is India's status in its region. Not only is it well behind the long-term regional leader in development, Sri Lanka, it is also behind Bangladesh and Pakistan in some key indicators.

Pakistan is ahead of India in mean years of schooling and ties with India for the second-lowest place in life expectancy.

Rising disparity: How to bridge the gap? - Rediff.com Business

I hear you.. But my question was that if Pakistan is so much better in these indicators, what are the indicators that lead to Pakistan moving to a low Human Development Index group last year.. Doe that mean that the socio-economic conditions in Pakistan are actually on a down ward trend?
Personal attacks can not change the fact of India's backwardness as reflected in its high disease burdens from lack of basic hygiene.

In the range of DALYs/1000 capita from 13 (lowest) to 289 (highest), WHO's latest data indicates that India is at 65 while Pakistan is slightly better at 58. In terms of total number of deaths per year from disease, India stands at 2.7 million deaths while Pakistani death toll is 318, 400 people. Among other South Asian nations, Afghanistan's DALYs/1000 is 255, Bangladesh 64 and Sri Lanka 61. By contrast, the DALYs/1000 figures are 14 for Singapore and 32 for China.

Recent research shows that there are potentially far reaching negative consequences for nations carrying high levels of disease burdens causing lower average intelligence among their current and future generations.


Haq's Musings: Indians and Pakistanis Suffer Heavy Disease Burdens

yeah we know all these things. But what pleasure do you get by writing extensively about India's suffering? How does that satisfy you ? People of your age must earn the respect of others by being more universal in thoughts and approach. From what I see on this forum, even the Pakistanis seem to be embarrassed by your narrow minded posts. Use your free time wisely and do something that you and your community will be proud of .
For such a old man , Riaz Haq's behavior is pretty immature. Like those hyper jingoistic,intellectually bankrupt kids making videos like "why India hates Pakistan" or vice versa on youtube. You need to improve your standard Mr.Riaz.

By his logic, even China has more illiterates than Pakistan. I think he cannot comprehend percentage, absolute numbers and literacy rate.

Actually, his data interpretation skills are at best primary school grade.

I have noted the typical tendency of trying to be too clever by half, scavenging whatever scraps of facts support his notions, cherry picking them and ignoring the big picture and just obsessing with India for no rhyme or reason.

He just feels it very natural to start comparing his country with India. That pathetic mindset of compulsive need to do this is based on the constant need to justify his existence. The identity crisis.

If he and his ilk can believe that they are better off than India, that justifies his identity and existence.

Only till the next day, then it starts all over again...
Actually, his data interpretation skills are at best primary school grade.

I have noted the typical tendency of trying to be too clever by half, scavenging whatever scraps of facts support his notions, cherry picking them and ignoring the big picture and just obsessing with India for no rhyme or reason.

He just feels it very natural to start comparing his country with India. That pathetic mindset of compulsive need to do this is based on the constant need to justify his existence. The identity crisis.

If he and his ilk can believe that they are better off than India, that justifies his identity and existence.

Only till the next day, then it starts all over again...

If he is so keen on cherry picking on the negative news about India, one can imagine his suffering when he sees the good image of Indians globally and the very many positive stories about India on the media. That is going to be a life of hell . I kinda feel bad for him.
If he is so keen on cherry picking on the negative news about India, one can imagine his suffering when he sees the good image of Indians globally and the very many positive stories about India on the media. That is going to be a life of hell . I kinda feel bad for him.

Yes, it's a sad old life.

Yet, it explains so much.

Why a person won't do anything for his own country in the ripe old age when the time is to rise above hatreds and do something good for people that matter to you.

Instead, some people prefer to write a pathetic lazy blog full of hatred that reinforce the notions that are so prevalent about their ilk.
Yes, it's a sad old life.

Yet, it explains so much.

Why a person won't do anything for his own country in the ripe old age when the time is to rise above hatreds and do something good for people that matter to you.

Instead, some people prefer to write a pathetic lazy blog full of hatred that reinforce the notions that are so prevalent about their ilk.

Budhape mein aadat badalna bahut mushkil hota hai..

When one has lived the life of hatred and inferiority complex, its kind of tough to change your track at that ripe old age...
Not authentic as China Stand at "45" in the success causes...:blah:
If he is so keen on cherry picking on the negative news about India, one can imagine his suffering when he sees the good image of Indians globally and the very many positive stories about India on the media. That is going to be a life of hell . I kinda feel bad for him.

Talking about "Shining India" media hype, here's your own Times of India story on Indian exaggeration of Indian professionals in US:

It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The number of physicians of Indian-origin in the US is a little easier to estimate. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans – assuming not everyone is registered with AAPI.

These numbers in themselves are remarkable considering Indians constitute less than one per cent of the US population. But in its enthusiasm to spin the image of the successful global Indian to its advantage, the government appears to have milked a long-discredited spam - an effort seen by some readers as the work of a lazy bureaucrat and an inept minister.

The story has attracted withering scrutiny and criticism on the Times of India's website, with most readers across the world trashing it. "The minister should be hauled up by the house for breach of privilege of parliament (by presenting false information based on hearsay). We Indians are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in USA, be it in Medicine, Engineering, Entrepreneurship. BUT, that does not translate to those ridiculous numbers that have been presented....this is a circulating e-mail hoax," wrote in Soumya from USA, who said he worked at the NASA facility in Ames, California, and the number was nowhere near what was mentioned in the figures given to Parliament.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India
Talking about "Shining India" media hype, here's your own Times of India story on Indian exaggeration of Indian professionals in US:

It's an Internet myth that has taken on a life of its own. No matter how often you slay this phony legend, it keeps popping up again like some hydra-headed beast.

But on Monday, the Indian government itself consecrated the oft-circulated fiction as fact in Parliament, possibly laying itself open to a breach of privilege. By relaying to Rajya Sabha members (as reported in The Times of India) a host of unsubstantiated and inflated figures about Indian professionals in US, the government also made a laughing stock of itself.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The number of physicians of Indian-origin in the US is a little easier to estimate. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans – assuming not everyone is registered with AAPI.

These numbers in themselves are remarkable considering Indians constitute less than one per cent of the US population. But in its enthusiasm to spin the image of the successful global Indian to its advantage, the government appears to have milked a long-discredited spam - an effort seen by some readers as the work of a lazy bureaucrat and an inept minister.

The story has attracted withering scrutiny and criticism on the Times of India's website, with most readers across the world trashing it. "The minister should be hauled up by the house for breach of privilege of parliament (by presenting false information based on hearsay). We Indians are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in USA, be it in Medicine, Engineering, Entrepreneurship. BUT, that does not translate to those ridiculous numbers that have been presented....this is a circulating e-mail hoax," wrote in Soumya from USA, who said he worked at the NASA facility in Ames, California, and the number was nowhere near what was mentioned in the figures given to Parliament.

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India

Cherry picking again are we?but I can understand. when you see so many successful Indians on the news, you have to find out a few articles that will help you not get a heart attack in sheer jealousy. But I am not here to do you any favor.
Go through this list if you can handle it
List of Indian Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dollars and sense of American desis | DAWN.COM
Cherry picking again are we?but I can understand. when you see so many successful Indians on the news, you have to find out a few articles that will help you not get a heart attack in sheer jealousy. But I am not here to do you any favor.
Go through this list if you can handle it
List of Indian Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dollars and sense of American desis | DAWN.COM

Even after these exaggerations, it's a long stretch to believe that a few privileged Indians in US are representative of India's population at large. If these exaggerations had any semblance of reality, then India wouldn't be among the poorest countries in the world...even poorer than sub-Saharan Africa.


The new multi-dimensional measure of poverty confirms that there is grinding poverty in resurgent India. It highlights the fact that just eight Indian states account for more poor people than the 26 poorest African countries combined, according to media reports. The Indian states, including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh , Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, have 421 million "poor" people, compared to 410 million poor in the poorest African countries.

Haq's Musings: New Index Finds Indians Poorer Than Africans and Pakistanis
His own country is poorer, has worse child mortality and is beset by the worst fanaticism and extremism in the world.

Yet, the coolie obsesses about India in the ripe old age! :crazy:

Says you, india is hungrier, poorer, and what about the indian killing of dalit's etc. RH has achieved more in a day than you will do in a life time, so stop stalking him.
Says you, india is hungrier, poorer, and what about the indian killing of dalit's etc. RH has achieved more in a day than you will do in a life time, so stop stalking him.

Seems as a Shia and Sufi follower (mushrik and munafiq) at great risk (a bus ride in Pakistan for you is the most dangerous activity in the world, statistically more lethal than trying to scale Mount Everest), the only way for you is consoling yourself this way.

RH is a typical obsessed loser. A small time coolie who can't clear up his messed up head even in this ripe old age.
Says you, india is hungrier, poorer, and what about the indian killing of dalit's etc. RH has achieved more in a day than you will do in a life time, so stop stalking him.

Is Riaz a representative of what Pakistan has achieved.. ?? Stop being a fanboy of a bitter old man whose only way to pass time is to cherry pick data to create some how create a negative image of India so Pakistan does not look too bad in comparison..

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