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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

And here again, like a robot without thought, just pathetic obsession.

Let me repeat:

Now some simple facts, not that I expect them to change such pathetic behavior. Just a reminder.

2. Nearly one in two Pakistanis at risk
Pakistan suffered from widespread hunger even before the monsoon floods, with an estimated 82.6 million people – a little less than half the population – estimated to be food insecure.

3. Widespread poverty
An estimated 36 percent of Pakistanis live below the poverty line and almost half are illiterate. Poorer households typically spend over 60 percent of their income on food.

4. Poor sanitation
50 percent of all Pakistanis have little or no access to clean toilets and drinking water, a condition that renders them vulnerable to infectious diseases.

5. Child mortality
The biggest killers of children under five in Pakistan are diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. Undernourishment is an underlying cause in 38 percent of those cases.

Pakistan hunger facts : The Face of Hunger

None of this should please any human being. Poverty and deprivation of human beings is a tragedy, only such pathetic people (who consider the murders of their ancestors as their heroes) can enjoy them.


The reality of the failure of Indian state is as obvious as daylight. The Indian state's abject failures in delivering bare minimum services to its people, and its inability to solve India's basic problems are there for everyone to see.

Not unlike North Korea, India is engaged in a massive arms buildup while almost half of its children are near starvation. A nation-state like India that fails to take care of 46% its children's basic nutrition needs has to be a failed state.




The myth about Pakistan being a failed state is being pushed by people who are either ignorant about Pakistan, or have an ax to grind.

Haq's Musings: Are India and Pakistan Failed States?
What is the literacy rate of Pakistan and education budget of Pakistan compared to India. :laugh:

Regardless of literacy rates, the fact remains that India has the world's largest population of illiterates.

India has the dubious distinction of being among the top ten on two very different lists: It ranks at the top of the nations of the world with its 270 million illiterate adults, the largest in the world, as detailed by a just released UNESCO report on education; India also shows up at number four in military spending in terms of purchasing power parity, behind United States, China and Russia.

Haq's Musings: India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending
Regardless of literacy rates, the fact remains that India has the world's largest population of illiterates.

India has the dubious distinction of being among the top ten on two very different lists: It ranks at the top of the nations of the world with its 270 million illiterate adults, the largest in the world, as detailed by a just released UNESCO report on education; India also shows up at number four in military spending in terms of purchasing power parity, behind United States, China and Russia.

Haq's Musings: India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending

Pakistan's literacy rate is 58% and education budget is 0.9% of GDP.

What is the literacy rate of Pakistan and education budget of Pakistan compared to India. :laugh:

Here is example of illiteracy ... asks question and laughs in advance when a sensible person knows India is highest illiterate country <facepalm>
Pakistan's literacy rate is 58% and education budget is 0.9% of GDP.


This misrepresents the reality of total spending on education....the data you have is obviously deeply flawed...it claims 0.9% of GDP is the same as 0.58% of budget which makes absolutely no sense!

The not-for-profit private sector organizations, mostly NGOs, have stepped up to try to fill the gap. Last year, a Pakistani government commission on education found that public funding for education has been cut from 2.5% of GDP in 2007 to just 1.5% .

The number of private schools in Pakistan grew 10 fold from about 3000 in 1983 to over 30,000 in 2000. Primary school enrollment in 1983 has increased 937%, far greater than the 57% population increase in the last two decades.

Contrary to the incessant talk of doom and gloom, the fact is that the level of educational attainment has been rising in recent decades. In fact, Pakistan has been increasing enrollment of students in schools at a faster rate since 1990 than India, according to data compiled and reported by Harvard University researchers Robert Barro and Jhong-Wa Lee . In 1990, there were 66.2% of Pakistanis vs 51.6% of Indians in 15+ age group who had had no schooling. In 2000, there were 60.2% Pakistanis vs 43% Indians with no schooling. In 2010, Pakistan reduced it to 38% vs India's 32.7%.

Education and development efforts are beginning to bear fruit even in remote areas of Pakistan, including Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The Guardian newspaper recently reported that FATA's Bajaur agency alone has 616 school with over 60,000 boys and girls receiving take-home rations. Two new university campuses have been approved for FATA region and thousands of kilometers of new roads are being constructed. After a recent visit to FATA, Indian journalist Hindol Sengupta wrote in The Hindu newspaper that "even Bajaur has a higher road density than India"

Haq's Musings: Upwardly Mobile Pakistan on 66th Independence Day
Blah blah...

The myth about Pakistan being a failed state is being pushed by people who are either ignorant about Pakistan, or have an ax to grind.

Haq's Musings: Are India and Pakistan Failed States?

Pakistan's pathetic social indicators are the least of your concerns now.

It is the terrorism, fanaticism and extremism that has made Pakistan the terror central and a failed state that is the bigger worry, more than the increasing hunger, open defecation, poverty, the worst child mortality in the world.

All the while the security state just obsesses on building an outsized military that only wins against its own people, a pathetic obsession with parity with India that seems to percolate to people who have run escaping from the terror and wretchedness at home and passing their advanced years writing pathetic low class blogs obsessing about India rather than working to help their own country by returning there and doing something on the ground.
It's the country that Harvard researchers Robert Barro Lee and Jhong-Wa Lee say graduates more people as percent of its population from high schools and colleges than India.

Imagine getting low rating of HDI despite the above claim.. The other indicators must suck like crazy to average out to a low rating.. right?

what does this Riaz haq do for a living?

I think, he is a retired code coolie (his term.. I would have used the term software professional)
For such a old man , Riaz Haq's behavior is pretty immature. Like those hyper jingoistic,intellectually bankrupt kids making videos like "why India hates Pakistan" or vice versa on youtube. You need to improve your standard Mr.Riaz.
Regardless of literacy rates, the fact remains that India has the world's largest population of illiterates.

It also has the 2nd largest population of literates.. Right ??? ;)

For such a old man , Riaz Haq's behavior is pretty immature. Like those hyper jingoistic,intellectually bankrupt kids making videos like "why India hates Pakistan" or vice versa on youtube. You need to improve your standard Mr.Riaz.

There is a saying in Punjabi that goes

"bachha Buddha ik barabbar" ;)
It also has the 2nd largest population of literates.. Right ??? ;)

There is a saying in Punjabi that goes

"bachha Buddha ik barabbar" ;)

By his logic, even China has more illiterates than Pakistan. I think he cannot comprehend percentage, absolute numbers and literacy rate.
For such a old man , Riaz Haq's behavior is pretty immature. Like those hyper jingoistic,intellectually bankrupt kids making videos like "why India hates Pakistan" or vice versa on youtube. You need to improve your standard Mr.Riaz.

Personal attacks can not change the fact of India's backwardness as reflected in its high disease burdens from lack of basic hygiene.

In the range of DALYs/1000 capita from 13 (lowest) to 289 (highest), WHO's latest data indicates that India is at 65 while Pakistan is slightly better at 58. In terms of total number of deaths per year from disease, India stands at 2.7 million deaths while Pakistani death toll is 318, 400 people. Among other South Asian nations, Afghanistan's DALYs/1000 is 255, Bangladesh 64 and Sri Lanka 61. By contrast, the DALYs/1000 figures are 14 for Singapore and 32 for China.

Recent research shows that there are potentially far reaching negative consequences for nations carrying high levels of disease burdens causing lower average intelligence among their current and future generations.


Haq's Musings: Indians and Pakistanis Suffer Heavy Disease Burdens
Personal attacks can not change the fact of India's backwardness as reflected in its high disease burdens from lack of basic hygiene.

In the range of DALYs/1000 capita from 13 (lowest) to 289 (highest), WHO's latest data indicates that India is at 65 while Pakistan is slightly better at 58. In terms of total number of deaths per year from disease, India stands at 2.7 million deaths while Pakistani death toll is 318, 400 people. Among other South Asian nations, Afghanistan's DALYs/1000 is 255, Bangladesh 64 and Sri Lanka 61. By contrast, the DALYs/1000 figures are 14 for Singapore and 32 for China.

Recent research shows that there are potentially far reaching negative consequences for nations carrying high levels of disease burdens causing lower average intelligence among their current and future generations.

Thats the second indicator where Pakistan is better than India.. Then what are the indicators where Pakistan is so bad that it drags the average so low that the overall Human development rating drops to low

BTW, are there any other nations in the area that have shown downward movement in their HDI levels recently?

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