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Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

According to World Bank(2010)- Agriculture is 51.1% & Industry is 23.4%.


Textile Sector export revenues were $33.3 Billion during 2011-12 while the IT Sector export revenues stood at $77.9 Billion during the same period.Nice try belittling the Indian IT sector :lol:

Let me repeat what I said: Employment in IT and BPO sectors is DWARFED by employment in agri & textile sectors of India.

My assertion stands regardless of the Indian code coolie output or exports.

Haq's Musings: Indian IT Sweatshops Exploiting Cyber Coolies?
That's how these surveys build their reputation. Come out with a topic and results that one would like to see and agree with. Then later do the biding of their masters through their controversial surveys to spread propaganda. And when that happens you have no leg to stand on when you want to disagree with their results.
That's how these surveys build their reputation. Come out with a topic and results that one would like to see and agree with. Then later do the biding of their masters through their controversial surveys to spread propaganda. And when that happens you have no leg to stand on when you want to disagree with their results.

Propaganda and controlling the masses is an exact science, not an art any more.
If u survey the people in any country no one will say that hardwork don't bring success...
My assertion stands regardless of the Indian code coolie output or exports.

Haq's Musings: Indian IT Sweatshops Exploiting Cyber Coolies?


An average Indian Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : Rs. 650 i.e $11.7

PayScale India - India Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

An average Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : $ 9

PayScale Pakistan - Pakistan Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

So what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :lol:

An average Indian Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : Rs. 650 i.e $11.7

PayScale India - India Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

An average Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : $ 9

PayScale Pakistan - Pakistan Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

So what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :lol:

There have been 3 instances in a software company that my friend owns in Bangalore, where a free lance programmer picked up programming work from the company and subcontracted it to another free lancer in Pakistan for half the rate.. Looks like cyber coolies of India are turning into entrepreneurs and creating work for wanna be cyber coolies of Pakistan :)
There have been 3 instances in a software company that my friend owns in Bangalore, where a free lance programmer picked up programming work from the company and subcontracted it to another free lancer in Pakistan for half the rate.. Looks like cyber coolies of India are turning into entrepreneurs and creating work for wanna be cyber coolies of Pakistan :)

Good know a that fellow cyber coolie in Pakistan , working hard to improve his nation unlike those sitting in developed nations and mocking us. :bad:
Good know a that fellow cyber coolie in Pakistan , working hard to improve his nation unlike those sitting in developed nations and mocking us. :bad:

Interestingly though.. Pakistanis have been coming up with better startup's specifically due to these lower wages in these past few years.. Since India's IT lead has also led it to be IT snobbish..asking more for projects which are delivered the same in Pakistan for as you stated.. coolie rates.

The biggest issue is not that Pakistanis work hard.. we do.
The thing is that we work hard to get everything.. by hook or by crook.
Interestingly though.. Pakistanis have been coming up with better startup's specifically due to these lower wages in these past few years.. Since India's IT lead has also led it to be IT snobbish..asking more for projects which are delivered the same in Pakistan for as you stated.. coolie rates.

The biggest issue is not that Pakistanis work hard.. we do.
The thing is that we work hard to get everything.. by hook or by crook.

Once Pakistani IT industry reaches greater size, the labour wages should increase with the greater demand or maybe overall size of the economy.

PS: coolie rates is not my term .

Like i have mentioned earlier, i have respect for a Pakistani, Chinese etc. IT industry worker, irrespective of differences in wages,
Good know a that fellow cyber coolie in Pakistan , working hard to improve his nation unlike those sitting in developed nations and mocking us. :bad:

By the way, the old guy mocking Indian IT professionals was allegedly of the same profession in his younger days.. Just because he coolied all the way to Amreeka, he finds it fit to sit there and mock others..
I wonder why Pew, an American polling company, put America (77%) second to Pakistan (81%) in faith in hard work to succeed?

Probably because these surveys are not really as biased as some people make them out to be.. Specially when they put Pakistan in a bad light..

An average Indian Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : Rs. 650 i.e $11.7

PayScale India - India Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

An average Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer earns hourly : $ 9

PayScale Pakistan - Pakistan Country Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

So what do you call a Pakistani Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer who earns less than Indian code coolie ? :lol:

So a couple more dollars means Indians are super coolies rather than just coolies?

Probably because these surveys are not really as biased as some people make them out to be.. Specially when they put Pakistan in a bad light..

I know the only time you believe any news of Pakistan is when it's bad news.

Here's how an Indian writer Yoginder Sikand put it:

Islamabad is surely the most well-organized,picturesque and endearing city in all of South Asia. Few Indians would, however, know this, or, if they did, would admit it. After all, the Indian media never highlights anything positive about Pakistan, because for it only 'bad' news about the country appears to be considered 'newsworthy'. That realization hit me as a rude shock the moment I stepped out of the plane and entered Islamabad's plush International Airport, easily far more efficient, modern and better maintained than any of its counterparts in India.

Haq's Musings: Indians Share "Eye-Opener" Stories of Pakistan

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