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Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

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It's really amusing to see Indians predicting break up of Pakistan.As long as Army is united Pakistan will not break up..period and American AID should be rejected at all costs.


Am not predicting break up ... only and ONLY if PA was not there (with its rational minded officers to ensure sense of stability) I would be worried.

Majority of Indians are shouting so that GoP does take concrete steps asap. Indian security is also hinging on your being able to regain control of your territories - howsoever hard it may be for my fellow Indians to accept.
It's really amusing to see Indians predicting break up of Pakistan.As long as Army is united Pakistan will not break up..period and American AID should be rejected at all costs.

Indians always dreamed about breaking Pakistan ever since partition. Take a look at this
thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...d-break-up-pak-1971-secret-papers-reveal.html

Now anyone who has read Pakistan's history, read Indian newspapers, watched Indian media, visited Indian forums, and talked to Indians and heard statements of Indian politicians regarding Pakistan...tell me why we shouldn't see India as a threat. They do have most of their troops near our border.
Indians always dreamed about breaking Pakistan ever since partition. Take a look at this
thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...d-break-up-pak-1971-secret-papers-reveal.html

Now anyone who has read Pakistan's history, read Indian newspapers, watched Indian media, visited Indian forums, and talked to Indians and heard statements of Indian politicians regarding Pakistan...tell me why we shouldn't see India as a threat. They do have most of their troops near our border.


I agree that is one dream most Indians have .... but it shall be counter productive to our need to ensure security in the present scenarios .......

I laugh at my fellow country men who want to see Pakistan collapse - for if that happens, we shall reap the "benefits" for generations in terms of conflict and strife in our cities and homes ........ Our security today hinges on Pakistan's today.
Indians always dreamed about breaking Pakistan ever since partition. Take a look at this
thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...d-break-up-pak-1971-secret-papers-reveal.html

Now anyone who has read Pakistan's history, read Indian newspapers, watched Indian media, visited Indian forums, and talked to Indians and heard statements of Indian politicians regarding Pakistan...tell me why we shouldn't see India as a threat. They do have most of their troops near our border.

exelent reply

I agree that is one dream most Indians have .... but it shall be counter productive to our need to ensure security in the present scenarios .......

I laugh at my fellow country men who want to see Pakistan collapse - for if that happens, we shall reap the "benefits" for generations in terms of conflict and strife in our cities and homes ........ Our security today hinges on Pakistan's today.

Most Indians and even some Indian politicians are dreaming of Pakistan to be collapsed, which is a threat that no Pakistani should ignore and I hope no one in Pakistan's government and army is ignoring the threat from India.
Petraeus isn't predicting a breakup in two weeks per this article. He's calling a critical period in assessing what's going to happen though.

There's a massive difference that most of you numbskulls haven't seemed to grasp. Thus you're appropriately mis-fueled to go off on your rants- for which I thank you.

May your emotions dominate the narrative. See the color?:usflag:

BE the color. Yup. Red, white & blue is all we need to get to you. Waving a red kerchief at a bull.

...and with that your voices heard at last to reject whatever is brought forth from congress because we WILL, sadly, offer something. Why, I'm unsure. We can only reasonably safely deliver civil aid to Sindh (maybe) and Punjab (maybe). Important but not anywhere near where we'd hoped to make a difference. NWFP, FATA, N.A., Baluchistan-you know, those places that see way to little of your own public monies?

As to ARMY TRAINING, SIR!!, it's B.S. to think that you need any. You've been directing insurgent ops in Kashmir for decades. You know all about how networks are set up, who, and where-on both sides of your country. You've decades of after-action debriefs from mujahideen fighters in the Afghan-Soviet and Kashmir fights.

At least...you should.

Finally, as I've previously mentioned and icecold pointed to here-if at war, fight. You'd fight the Indians with anything at hand- knives, pitchforks, brooms, rocks. Why not the taliban?

If not your war then quit being mercenary guns for hire and get out or declare war on us as we'll not be getting out of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan (at least w/ PREDATOR) anytime soon.

So you might as well aid the Waziris against us.

I'm sure most here would agree that this would clarify matters tremendously for everybody concerned.
totally agree with IceCold....

comin back to the topic. i dont know in wat sense has petraeus said that. but to me this could be true. ISPR said that it will take one week to flush militants out of buner (whole district). now lets give them two weeks for doin that. if army fails to do that then we are obviously doomed. taliban will start strengthening their grip on other areas of pakistan. only way to stop them from advancing will be to carry out an armed long march towards swat
Most Indians and even some Indian politicians are dreaming of Pakistan to be collapsed, which is a threat that no Pakistani should ignore and I hope no one in Pakistan's government and army is ignoring the threat from India.

dont ignore, keep it in cold storage

and deal with the one you have off hand, for make no mistake, if you are even seen as giving into further demands of Taliban (howsoever mild they may be) you are going to end up painting your self as too weak to deal with them.

There is no question of peace now or withdrawl of operations against them. do so and you risk your nation ......
What a stupid Yanks. Has the countdown started?

She described as "the unthinkable" a situation in which the Zardari government were to be toppled by the Taliban, adding "then they would have the keys to the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan, and we can't even contemplate that. We cannot let this go on any further..."

Okay, the nuke keys will be handed over to the Taliban whilst the Zardari government will be toppled. How bloody convenient. These Yanks do love to spice things up now and then.
Petraeus isn't predicting a breakup in two weeks per this article. He's calling a critical period in assessing what's going to happen though.

There's a massive difference that most of you numbskulls haven't seemed to grasp. Thus you're appropriately mis-fueled to go off on your rants- for which I thank you.

May your emotions dominate the narrative. See the color?:usflag:

BE the color. Yup. Red, white & blue is all we need to get to you. Waving a red kerchief at a bull.

...and with that your voices heard at last to reject whatever is brought forth from congress because we WILL, sadly, offer something. Why, I'm unsure. We can only reasonably safely deliver civil aid to Sindh (maybe) and Punjab (maybe). Important but not anywhere near where we'd hoped to make a difference. NWFP, FATA, N.A., Baluchistan-you know, those places that see way to little of your own public monies?

As to ARMY TRAINING, SIR!!, it's B.S. to think that you need any. You've been directing insurgent ops in Kashmir for decades. You know all about how networks are set up, who, and where-on both sides of your country. You've decades of after-action debriefs from mujahideen fighters in the Afghan-Soviet and Kashmir fights.

At least...you should.

Finally, as I've previously mentioned and icecold pointed to here-if at war, fight. You'd fight the Indians with anything at hand- knives, pitchforks, brooms, rocks. Why not the taliban?

If not your war then quit being mercenary guns for hire and get out or declare war on us as we'll not be getting out of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan (at least w/ PREDATOR) anytime soon.

So you might as well aid the Waziris against us.

I'm sure most here would agree that this would clarify matters tremendously for everybody concerned.

hmm intresting to note that when pakistan demands night vision equipment,survellience equipment,predator drones...america says no can't do...and yet america wants us to take care of there illegitimate child called the "TALIBAN"....pakistan should do more....well i say "MR.PETREAUS THE WORLD SHOULD DO MORE"....if defeating a gruealla campaign was so easy US of A wouldn't have been embarrased in vietnam,IRAQ and now AFGHANISTAN....it is quite easy for him to say oohhh my good look there look at pakistan messing up....when will the US point a finger at itself and say hey look at us we haven't been winning either or getting close to winning....so i say instead of giving timelines as of 2 weeks he should give timelines of when the US will end this "WAR ON TERROR" which in my opinon is chasing shadows...because recently they started saying we think the "terrorists" are moving to africa....i guess someone is airlifting them...
dont ignore, keep it in cold storage

and deal with the one you have off hand, for make no mistake, if you are even seen as giving into further demands of Taliban (howsoever mild they may be) you are going to end up painting your self as too weak to deal with them.

There is no question of peace now or withdrawl of operations against them. do so and you risk your nation ......

hmm and the US "NEW POLICY" is all about "DAILOUGE WITH MODERATES"....while pakistan doesn't get this choice of dialouge.... talk about american double standards....but more than that the AUDACITY of indians writing about pakistan risking the nation:tsk::tsk::angry:
Okay, the nuke keys will be handed over to the Taliban whilst the Zardari government will be toppled. How bloody convenient. These Yanks do love to spice things up now and then.

I think we should hold the ceremony in lahore or islamabad....how utterly stupendous of people to think that us as a nation will give in to the taliban...

as for the countdown babur seriously these boys have timers for us but no time for the withdrawl of forces from afghanistan or when will the US achieve its goals or does it have any goals in the first place.....
is this a warning or pruessure build up..ahh god when this evil US empire will collapse.so the world will have finally some peace
Well ISPR today again acknowledge that arms in FATA is coming from cross border and some foreign agencies are taking full advantage of this heat and with full thrust spraying fuel on this fire. So, its all coming from other side of border. Well to bring peace, first India and its ally need to dislodge all their cells. Otherwise no peace in south asia. Don't tell taliban are fighting on their own, THEY ARE GETTING HELP FROM OUTSIDE IN ORGANIZED WAY. How come they are using state of the art communication system, that govt or US unable to block. Not only this someone providing they combat zone strategy how to fight with regular army.
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