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Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

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Again an Indian member showing his hatred towards Pakistan.

Oh please! What a weak rebuttal! I mean you cant even prove I "hate" Pakistan. Have infact quite a few friends from the same. I admire the country and have wish to visit it. Be objective and stop the nationalistic approach. Rebuttal should be for my post. Your approach shows a lack in depth for strategic thinking irrespective of the lenght of time you may have spent in being a member of the forum.

Pakistan is going through some tough times right now and Pakistan will get out of these tough times, whether you like or not.

I said in lieu of present world economic crisis. Or was that difficult to read (too small a font size maybe?). We are looking at 2-3 year term for India to come out of present mess (and we have much more depth that ways and are very minutely affected), China is in same position. I did say itsdifficult for Pakistan in near future didnt I?

Who are you to predict the future? Pakistan's economy will improve.

It shall.

We will see where Pakistan is in 5 years from now and we will always side with China.

That is known.

Also Sri Lanka already offered a naval base to China.

And we got Trincomalee ..... what we always desired. But how far do Chinese get to base naval assets there, we have to wait and see.

You Indians need to wake up and smell the coffee. More Indians are living below the poverty line than the entire populations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh combined. Your India is stricken with poverty it will never become a global power. China has a much better chance of being a global power. You can't compare 3rd world developing country India to China. Everyone knows China is the power of Asia.

Apparently you are very severely limited in your visualisations. China is not as myopic as you are in its views about India. And as for numbers, obviously we have a hell lot of larger population. And what of China? They are on same plank. Go and do some research on the impact of present financial crisis on Chinese employment (or rather unemployment) and the wages paid!! You will understand what they are. Pakistan??? why even bother ... !

Also all your neighbors have problems with you because India cant mind its own damn business. If China wants to help Pakistan build ports in Pakistan's territory, it shouldn't concern you, same with ports of Sri Lanka. We Pakistanis are going to help China become a global power and Pakistan will get out of this economic crisis inshAllah

If the almighty had some nice plans for you, He would have long given some indications, seems even He is disappointed in you now and you have lost His blessings.

for now very less likely to do so seeing the growing instability and flight of foreign capital in backdrop of global financial meltdown)

hellfire this is what pakistani's believe...that the instability is directly correlated with building of gawadar...and india is funding to make pakistan unstable as well as other countries who don't wish pakistan to develop gawadar...!!


Honestly whether Gwadar is developed or not, India can do little except make noise. Short of war we cant do anything so we developed Chabahar in in Iran cooperating extensively with finances and in other ways.

Its GoP's decision and rightfully they can do whatever the hell they please in their own territory, India or US or even any other person has no say in it. And its my frank and honest approach.

I told you why Indians jump. Its not for we feel threatened by your subsequent 'economic progress', but Chinese building quite a few bases in near proximity (Myanmar, Srilanka, Maldieves, Pakistan) which if you see, are in reaction to Indians doing the same (under garb of outreach programs with Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan etc. piggybacked on US). Its normal crap and as such has got nothing to do with Pakistani Economy. In addition China is making steady inroads to CARs and we want that area to be dominated by us. So the hue and cry.

Lack of investor confidence in Pakistan is due to:

a. Lack of credit due to present financial crisis.

b. Increased perception of risk of fundamentalistic takeover in pakistan (whatever you say public perception does count and even if you say its grossly distorted it does not change the fact that you are loosing out today)

c. Heavy expenses being incurred by PA to maintain conventional military parity vis-a-vis India which have greatly skewed the financial system in Pakistan (effects being seen with the latest downsizing in various crucial projects being developed even in Pakistan Atomic Energy Comission)

d. Skewed balance of payments, shrinkage in net revenues of government as also collection of taxes, higher public debt and foreign debt being a heavy drain on the scare resources.

The whole argument of Omar was flawed for trying to portray Indian aprehensions of Pakistani development and as such needed a rebuttal.

A useful link:


am sure if you google you shall find it.

hope you analyse it and rationalise things in a clear manner and not through glasses of nationalism. That would have made me rebutt omar in purely economical statistics which beats the purpose does it not?

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US has made their way into Afghanistan, haven't they?

Precisely my point. Demographical location of a country does not have anything to do with its influence on the world. So your contention that India's 'poor demographical location will always bother the Indians' is completely foolish & does not stand any scrutiny.
India is not a super power.India should mind their own business.We're not a satellite state of India so that we cannot build Gawadar.


Strange this coming from you. Your posts are usually objective

Anyways who can do anything? Are you not going ahead with it without a problem? So why are you trying to justify it? No need. You can build a damn water sport complex in FATA and no one can challenge it. Its your territory and you have all the rights

Exactly. India cant handle the fact that Pakistan is situated between 4 important regions of the world. Middle East, Central Asia, China, and South Asia...whereas India is situated in the core of only South Asia.

This fact will always bother Indians.

and why should it bother india? we dont envy you trust me.
well...RUSSIA has an old score to settle with us...US wants to stop the Chinese from getting a port close to the arab oil reserves...Iran doesn't want its domination on the straits of hormouz challenged...India well India doesn't want pakistan to ever be strong economically or in a "blackmailing position"....having said that i don't think pakistan will ever blackmail anyone...it just can't even after the development of GAWADAR....

Russia: yes an old and a new one. Old (soviet) and new (chechens. they are trained in Pakistan at times and russia bleeds there)

US: correction, not Arab alone but CARs too.

Iran: wants to be accepted as pre-eminent power.

India: Pakistani economy not any threat. Increased Chinese influence on CARs where Indian and Chinese oil companies are in direct conflict for control of resources is the reason. We need access to CARs as also mainland europe through Iran-Russian route. Gwadar does make us vulnerable for that part.
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Pakistan wants good relations with India, I dont think Gwadar will pose any threat to Indian Oil Imports. Pakistan is not like India, we are not dreaming about being superpower. We just want to be a stable country with a good economy so we can live a comfortable life. Again this port is built only for economic reasons to improve Pakistan's economy.

Why do you say India dreaming about being super power? Is there any minister/Prime minister have this super power agenda ? All our politicians still going to election campaign with "Aam Admi" , Still we struggle to improve the living standards of poor Indians.None of our policies intend to pose India as a super power.

Gwadar port will be used by China in case of war with India, even if Pakistan decides not to help China :) . Why do they invest huge money to help Pakistan to develop its economy. No country would do that.
Gwadar port will be used by China in case of war with India, even if Pakistan decides not to help China :) . Why do they invest huge money to help Pakistan to develop its economy. No country would do that.

actually its reverse. Chinese are trying to ensure we dont disrupt their supplies in case of any hostilities. We are de-facto members of PSI and as such have declared the right to board and impound any vessel which is seen to be carry proliferative materials (a very loose term) on high seas irrespective of the national flag being hoisted on the vessel. a very unsettling idea for chinese and nothing they can counter without adequate resources.
I mean you cant even prove I "hate" Pakistan:

Pakistan??? why even bother

If the almighty had some nice plans for you, He would have long given some indications, seems even He is disappointed in you now and you have lost His blessings

Lol hellfire i agree you do have no "hate issues with pakistan given some of the lines you wrote...!

Honestly whether Gwadar is developed or not, India can do little except make noise. Short of war we cant do anything so we developed Chabahar in in Iran cooperating extensively with finances and in other ways.

Its GoP's decision and rightfully they can do whatever the hell they please in their own territory, India or US or even any other person has no say in it. And its my frank and honest approach

Well see i think you tell us not to be short sighted but you seem to be yourself....IF gawadar is developed ofcourse it will help china tremondously...and unfortunately for india pakistan will have a say in the region...no matter how small...so yes it does worry india if pakistan does have any trump card above its sleeve...

b. Increased perception of risk of fundamentalistic takeover in pakistan

Agreed India is behind it from our point of view...

c. Heavy expenses being incurred by PA to maintain conventional military parity vis-a-vis India which have greatly skewed the financial system in Pakistan

wrong again we never wanted to or can have conventional parity with india...india's sheer numbers mean pakistan can never ever compete conventionally with india...

d. Skewed balance of payments, shrinkage in net revenues of government as also collection of taxes, higher public debt and foreign debt being a heavy drain on the scare resources

this is due to alot of reasons, instability...spending on war on terror....and ofcourse corruption....
Hellfire says:

If the almighty had some nice plans for you, He would have long given some indications, seems even He is disappointed in you now and you have lost His blessings.

What do bharatis know about the Almighty.

Hellfire's name explains all.
and why should it bother india? we dont envy you trust me.

Then why the obsession over Pakistan? Just look at this forum, theres as much bharatis here as there are Pakistanis.

I mean you cant even prove I "hate" Pakistan:

and you could not. only off on tangents as per trademark!

Pakistan??? why even bother

said in context of how the global financial implications are there on respective economies of china and india and the economic similarity to some extent in china and india. Pakistan you all are aware so why bother explaining something you know yourself. Difficult to perceive this POV I know:agree:

If the almighty had some nice plans for you, He would have long given some indications, seems even He is disappointed in you now and you have lost His blessings

You say by grace of god pakistan will come out of these troubled times. and i say god is also giving up now. you simply dont want to work to rectify your situation and invoke his name in vain as the basic principle in the holy book is to work and not expect god to do all for you. You are to follow His path through your acts.

Lol hellfire i agree you do have no "hate issues with pakistan given some of the lines you wrote...!

poor comprehension I guess

Well see i think you tell us not to be short sighted but you seem to be yourself....IF gawadar is developed ofcourse it will help china tremondously...and unfortunately for india pakistan will have a say in the region...no matter how small...so yes it does worry india if pakistan does have any trump card above its sleeve...

why i say is because you persist in making this mistake. I know what it means and have put up a link which is pointing towards same. But the threat is Chinese dominance of economic focus in CARs and India loosing out to them, not because of Pakistani Economy. Why do you think in tangents?

Agreed India is behind it from our point of view...

you deviate a lot ....... whosoever is behind it, still does not reduce your problems

wrong again we never wanted to or can have conventional parity with india...india's sheer numbers mean pakistan can never ever compete conventionally with india...

that is your perception. why do you have standing army of 1 million to oppose indian of 1.3 million or 550+ ACs to Indian 750+? check up the balance of forces you shall see you are alone in your POV

this is due to alot of reasons, instability...spending on war on terror....and ofcourse corruption

agreed to without reservations.
Hellfire says:

You say by grace of god pakistan will come out of these troubled times. and i say god is also giving up now. you simply dont want to work to rectify your situation and invoke his name in vain as the basic principle in the holy book is to work and not expect god to do all for you. You are to follow His path through your acts.

You dont know God personally so dont think what God would say or think. Every nation has some good times and rough times, and they come out of rough times...it happened with many nations in the past and they have come out of it.

You being a member in a Pakistani forum should be aware that we Muslims say inshAllah after everything when talking about the future.

From reading your posts I could see the hate you have for Pakistan and Pakistanis, and people who wish only bad for Pakistan should not even be in this Pakistan Defence Forum. If you just want to make hateful remarks about our nation then whats the point being here?

What is your purpose for being in this forum? Can you please tell us?

I mean you cant even prove I "hate" Pakistan:

and you could not. only off on tangents as per trademark!

Pakistan??? why even bother

said in context of how the global financial implications are there on respective economies of china and india and the economic similarity to some extent in china and india. Pakistan you all are aware so why bother explaining something you know yourself. Difficult to perceive this POV I know:agree:

If the almighty had some nice plans for you, He would have long given some indications, seems even He is disappointed in you now and you have lost His blessings

You say by grace of god pakistan will come out of these troubled times. and i say god is also giving up now. you simply dont want to work to rectify your situation and invoke his name in vain as the basic principle in the holy book is to work and not expect god to do all for you. You are to follow His path through your acts.

Lol hellfire i agree you do have no "hate issues with pakistan given some of the lines you wrote...!

poor comprehension I guess

Well see i think you tell us not to be short sighted but you seem to be yourself....IF gawadar is developed ofcourse it will help china tremondously...and unfortunately for india pakistan will have a say in the region...no matter how small...so yes it does worry india if pakistan does have any trump card above its sleeve...

why i say is because you persist in making this mistake. I know what it means and have put up a link which is pointing towards same. But the threat is Chinese dominance of economic focus in CARs and India loosing out to them, not because of Pakistani Economy. Why do you think in tangents?

Agreed India is behind it from our point of view...

you deviate a lot ....... whosoever is behind it, still does not reduce your problems

wrong again we never wanted to or can have conventional parity with india...india's sheer numbers mean pakistan can never ever compete conventionally with india...

that is your perception. why do you have standing army of 1 million to oppose indian of 1.3 million or 550+ ACs to Indian 750+? check up the balance of forces you shall see you are alone in your POV

this is due to alot of reasons, instability...spending on war on terror....and ofcourse corruption

agreed to without reservations.

Give it a rest, patriotic Indian troll, your posts contain so much anti-Pakistan sentiments, quit it with the BS.
Don't come on a Pakistani based forum and boast about how much stronger India is as compared to Pakistan and how much "trouble" Pakistan has internally.
Don't lecture us, we know our problems, how about you go deal with your countries own problems, like overpopulation, kids marrying dogs or being killed for good harvest in India, hundreds of millions living below the poverty line, Hindu radical extremist groups active in India committing attacks in both India and Pakistan and the list can go on and on..
It seems to me that India has more then enough problems, why don't you start off with those instead?
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