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Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

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I still staunchly believe that Pakistan needs to fight this war on their own terms and conditions. I just don't buy the American goodwill argument. The Americans aren't sincere and have turned down our fencing proposal so many times. Neither do they accept mining or any other measures to curb illegal border crossing. The Americans have also refused to provide any equipment or spares for our grounded Cobra fleet which we require so badly in the troubled regions. The GoP is only following orders due to aid. Pakistan shouldn't accept American aid. Any esteemed and honourable nation would refuse the clutches of aid. Instead, we should opt for expanding trade relations. Also, we need to substitute the Americans with the Chinese. The Chinese have every stake in having a stable Pakistan. The Chinese are directly affected by any instability in the region. The Chinese are a much more important stakeholder in the WoT. Pakistan is immensely important to China. We should fight the WoT with the support of our ally China. The Chinese will be sincere in their approach and will never impose pressure or resort to blame games. Instead of making a PR trip to the US el presidente should consider visiting China.
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daily times is edited by NAJAM SETHI...and i honestly believe he is the biggest anti pakistani person out there....
Intense social and political changes in Pak can explode into Islamist revolution : Expert - Yahoo! India News

Intense social and political changes in Pak can explode into Islamist revolution : Expert
Buzz Up
Sat, May 2 06:35 PM
Washington, May 2 (ANI): With the Taliban gaining ground and establishing its writ in newer regions of Pakistan, the intense social and political changes that the country is witnessing could ultimately explode into a full blown Islamist revolution, experts believe.

The Obama Administration, which has expressed its concern over the precarious condition of Pakistan, has sent a host of top officials to Islamabad to discuss the issue, but it still remains unclear that whether Obama has a clear cut idea as to what he wants to do and achieve in Pakistan, vice-president of the Heritage Foundation Kim Holmes said.

Holmes, in an article, said that Washington must develop a more enhanced and logical and long term policy for the troubled state, safety of which is directly related to the safety and peace of South Asia, and even the US and Europe.

He warns that with such a volatile situation at hand, Obama must avoid making any false move, as it could have dire consequences in near future.

Reffering to the US role in defusing tension between President Zardari and former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during the recent political bedlam in the country, Holmes said Washington should not personalize politics in Pakistan, instead, it should pursue a consistent policy of supporting democratic institutions and processes in the country.

Furthermore, Pakistan may also want the US to get more directly involved in resolving the Kashmir dispute and to pressure India to make concessions. This would certainly damage the relationships between New Delhi and Washington.

Holmes said that any such attempt by the US, besides damaging relations would further destabilize the Kashmir region by raising false expectations and giving extremists reason to increase violence to push an agenda they believe in within their reach.(ANI)
Last year, Indian navy officer made a public speech about how Gwadar Port of Pakistan was a threat to India. The port would give Pakistan geopolitical importance and Pakistan is much closer to Central Asia and Middle East than India which worries India.

Pakistan’s Gwadar Port worries Indian Navy


Thank you for drawing my attention to the statement by Adm. Sureesh Mehta in respect of Gwadar.

Please let me know, in your opinion, what danger will Gwadar pose to Indian Oil Imports from the Persian Gulf.

I hope you remember that Kuwait “re-Flagged” its Oil Tankers to the “US Flag” during the Iran-Iraq conflict so as to not have its Oil Tankers blown to smithereens by the Iranian Air Force or Iranian Navy

Thank you for drawing my attention to the statement by Adm. Sureesh Mehta in respect of Gwadar.

Please let me know, in your opinion, what danger will Gwadar pose to Indian Oil Imports from the Persian Gulf.

I hope you remember that Kuwait “re-Flagged” its Oil Tankers to the “US Flag” during the Iran-Iraq conflict so as to not have its Oil Tankers blown to smithereens by the Iranian Air Force or Iranian Navy

Its not the PN which India is worried about but Chinese who will base some assets out of this base .... a rather uncomfortable idea at best.
Its not the PN which India is worried about but Chinese who will base some assets out of this base .... a rather uncomfortable idea at best.

Gwadar Port is built for economic reasons only, for trade, it was not built for military reasons.

Indians are just very paranoid that China is helping her closest ally Pakistan build a port that will help improve Pakistan's economy.

From the Indian article:

Chennai, Jan 23 (ANI): Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has said that the development of Gwadar port, the third deep-sea port of Pakistan with Chinese assistance, worries India as the port would have serious strategic implications for the country.
While delivering a memorial lecture on T.S. Narayanswamy here, Admiral Mehta said that the port would empower Pakistan to control strategically important energy sea-lane on the Persian Gulf through which over 13 million barrels of oil pass every day.
“A highway is under construction joining Gwadar with Karachi and plans exist to link the port with Karakoram highway, thus providing China with the gateway to Arabian Sea,” he said.
“Being only 180 nautical miles from the exit of the Straits of Hormuz, Gwadar, would put Pakistan strike major aisles of the Persian Gulf. Thereby enabling her to exercise control over the energy jugular of the world as also easy interdiction of Indian tankers,” he added.

Gwadar port is on the Arabian Sea in the south-western province of Baluchistan. It is about 450 km (280 miles) west of Karachi and about 70 km (45 miles) east of the Iranian border.
Gwadar is looking to handle transhipment traffic for the Gulf and ports on the Arabian Peninsula. Pakistan also plans to use it as the main trade link with land-locked Afghanistan and resource laden economically emerging Central Asia.
China bankrolled 80 percent of the project’s 248 million dollar initial development costs. (ANI)
Pakistan’s Gwadar Port worries Indian Navy

You can see how paranoid the Indian navy officer is. Pakistan just wants to be economically stable and this port will help Pakistan's economy. India wants nothing good to happen to Pakistan.
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Thank you for drawing my attention to the statement by Adm. Sureesh Mehta in respect of Gwadar.

Please let me know, in your opinion, what danger will Gwadar pose to Indian Oil Imports from the Persian Gulf.

I hope you remember that Kuwait “re-Flagged” its Oil Tankers to the “US Flag” during the Iran-Iraq conflict so as to not have its Oil Tankers blown to smithereens by the Iranian Air Force or Iranian Navy

Pakistan wants good relations with India, I dont think Gwadar will pose any threat to Indian Oil Imports. Pakistan is not like India, we are not dreaming about being superpower. We just want to be a stable country with a good economy so we can live a comfortable life. Again this port is built only for economic reasons to improve Pakistan's economy.

Gwadar Port is built for economic reasons only, for trade, it was not built for military reasons.

Factually, any port is definitely not meant only for commerce is it?

Indians are just very paranoid that China is helping her closest ally Pakistan build a port that will help improve Pakistan's economy.

As for the port in question, no doubt it shall be better for Pakistani Economy to have a more modernised port for its operations.
However, Indian apprehensions, I repeat, have nothing to do with what PN can do or how Pakistani Economy will develop due to it (for now very less likely to do so seeing the growing instability and flight of foreign capital in backdrop of global financial meltdown), instead it is to do with large component of Chiinese help. This help can be utilised in future to bargain for base for Chinese Naval Assets. Over 70% of World trade moves thorough these waters and as such it has tremendous geostrategic importance. Gwadar is one of the worlds largest deepwater port and as such surpasses the Jinnah Naval Base (developed as alternative to Karachi) at Ormara which was developed in order to better redistribute the PN naval assets which invariably got 'bottled up' in Karachi in last major confrontation of 1971 and again in the heydays of the Kargil conflict and Op. Parakaram (by which time Jinnah Base was getting online).

Gwadar as a port, due to its deepwaters, is a potential base for :

a. Any future SSBN fielded by PN in extension of its Nuclear Triad

b. Deployment of Chinese SSBNs in order to "project power" in Indian Ocean region thus challenging the Indian and US dominance of high seas in consonance with Chinese policy of "string of pearls" establishment.


China wants to join Navy initiative on Indian Ocean, MEA says no need

Articles #2823 , China’s Naval Strategy: Implications for India

Chinese navy in the Indian Ocean rim - Windows Live

Please do analyse these to correlate, any queries feel free to get back.

The Indian dominance of Indian Ocean as also increased cooperation between US, Singaporean, Japanese and Indian navies as also the launch of Proliferation Security Initiative has ensured that Chinese are compelled to take steps to counter growing threats to their energy requirements which are met through imports being transported from Indian Ocean. Its a logical extension of protecting your interests and energy security.

Stop giving too much import to yourself in this. Pakistan is hardly a sea power, and as such has no significance in this area apart from being a potential irritant in combination with Chinese.

What your role is relegated to today is that of a pawn in a game of chess between India and China.

And stop with 'India wants nothing good for Pakistan' your economy is in dumps and this in unlikely to change in the near future due to increasing perception of instability in Pakistan. There is no interest in your economy as its unlikely to do well and even begin to come close to Indian growth levels.
^ Again an Indian member showing his hatred towards Pakistan.

Pakistan is going through some tough times right now and Pakistan will get out of these tough times, whether you like or not. Who are you to predict the future? Pakistan's economy will improve. We will see where Pakistan is in 5 years from now and we will always side with China.

Also Sri Lanka already offered a naval base to China.

You Indians need to wake up and smell the coffee. More Indians are living below the poverty line than the entire populations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh combined. Your India is stricken with poverty it will never become a global power. China has a much better chance of being a global power. You can't compare 3rd world developing country India to China. Everyone knows China is the power of Asia.

Also all your neighbors have problems with you because India cant mind its own damn business. If China wants to help Pakistan build ports in Pakistan's territory, it shouldn't concern you, same with ports of Sri Lanka. We Pakistanis are going to help China become a global power and Pakistan will get out of this economic crisis inshAllah.
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for now very less likely to do so seeing the growing instability and flight of foreign capital in backdrop of global financial meltdown)

hellfire this is what pakistani's believe...that the instability is directly correlated with building of gawadar...and india is funding to make pakistan unstable as well as other countries who don't wish pakistan to develop gawadar...!!
India is not a super power.India should mind their own business.We're not a satellite state of India so that we cannot build Gawadar.
India is not a super power.India should mind their own business.We're not a satellite state of India so that we cannot build Gawadar.

Exactly. India cant handle the fact that Pakistan is situated between 4 important regions of the world. Middle East, Central Asia, China, and South Asia...whereas India is situated in the core of only South Asia.

This fact will always bother Indians.
Exactly. India cant handle the fact that Pakistan is situated between 4 important regions of the world. Middle East, Central Asia, China, and South Asia...whereas India is situated in the core of only South Asia.

This fact will always bother Indians.

Gone are the days when demographical location of a country used to decide it's strategic importance. So by your standards, US, your 'evil superpower', should be most bothered as it is nowhere close to any of the 'important regions'.
Gone are the days when demographical location of a country used to decide it's strategic importance. So by your standards, US, your 'evil superpower', should be most bothered as it is nowhere close to any of the 'important regions'.

well...RUSSIA has an old score to settle with us...US wants to stop the Chinese from getting a port close to the arab oil reserves...Iran doesn't want its domination on the straits of hormouz challenged...India well India doesn't want pakistan to ever be strong economically or in a "blackmailing position"....having said that i don't think pakistan will ever blackmail anyone...it just can't even after the development of GAWADAR....
Gone are the days when demographical location of a country used to decide it's strategic importance. So by your standards, US, your 'evil superpower', should be most bothered as it is nowhere close to any of the 'important regions'.

US has made their way into Afghanistan, haven't they?
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