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Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

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is this a warning or pruessure build up..ahh god when this evil US empire will collapse.so the world will have finally some peace

its none of those.... they are basically tryin to shift the world focus from afghanistan to pakistan. they want to move the battle field so that they could regain some of their lost respect by blamin pakistan for everything
clever ppl, arent they???????:smokin:
Indians always dreamed about breaking Pakistan ever since partition. Take a look at this
thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...d-break-up-pak-1971-secret-papers-reveal.html

Now anyone who has read Pakistan's history, read Indian newspapers, watched Indian media, visited Indian forums, and talked to Indians and heard statements of Indian politicians regarding Pakistan...tell me why we shouldn't see India as a threat. They do have most of their troops near our border.

Omar, Look towards the East and you will see a giant neighbour with a billion plus people, a huge military and a future economic power !
Now think seriously, if India was hell bent and had a single minded determination on destroying Pakistan, India would have done so and no power on earth would have saved Pakistan

India is generally reactive and most people are indifferent towards the state of Pakistan. Indian politicians as well have not adopted as a strategy to break up Pakistan !

Do remember, a majority of people do not want to break up Pakistan, yes there is a vocal minority, however no government has ever had a policy of breaking up Pakistan !

Give India a bit of slack, and do not be selective in your reporting. You can pick up things that you want to hear and generalise a billion plus people. However the whole process is self defeating.
there is no scope for a military dictator in Pakistan as US will not permit it and PA has clear understanding of the same.

at the same time it is nice to note that Zardari has stuck to his comments of India not being a threat persistently ...... he should survive in office for some more time I guess if not assasinated for being so bold (reminds of Anwar-el-Sadat)

will it be that son in law follows father in law? the father in law saw east pakistan break away, the son in law whole of it?

Americans can dance all they like for india on bollywood lyrics it makes no difference where it counts zardari makes one wrong move and he will meet the same rope his father in law did.

but keep dreaming the part of pakistan falling a part yet its akways claimed that pakistanies are obssessed with india sure seems rge other way around

Funny these same experts are a sleep on there own country 11 trillion in whole and growing.
Omar, Look towards the East and you will see a giant neighbour with a billion plus people, a huge military and a future economic power !
Now think seriously, if India was hell bent and had a single minded determination on destroying Pakistan, India would have done so and no power on earth would have saved Pakistan

India is generally reactive and most people are indifferent towards the state of Pakistan. Indian politicians as well have not adopted as a strategy to break up Pakistan !

Do remember, a majority of people do not want to break up Pakistan, yes there is a vocal minority, however no government has ever had a policy of breaking up Pakistan !

Give India a bit of slack, and do not be selective in your reporting. You can pick up things that you want to hear and generalise a billion plus people. However the whole process is self defeating.

You are wrong. A good majority of Indians want Pakistan to be broken. Just few weeks ago, Indian government wanted to declare Pakistan a terrorist state so Pakistan can be isolated from the international community and fall.

Last year, Indian navy officer made a public speech about how Gwadar Port of Pakistan was a threat to India. The port would give Pakistan geopolitical importance and Pakistan is much closer to Central Asia and Middle East than India which worries India.

India would love it for Pakistan to be broken into pieces. Also last year, an Indian defence analyst said that a stable Pakistan would not be in India's interst.

India was, is, and will always be the biggest threat to Pakistan not some cavemen near the Pak-Afghan border.

Pakistan’s Gwadar Port worries Indian Navy

Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest

Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest | Indian Defence Review
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is this a warning or pruessure build up..ahh god when this evil US empire will collapse.so the world will have finally some peace

Speak for yourself. Do you mean to say, when this US empire will collapse so that Pakistan can have some space?

I agree that is one dream most Indians have .... but it shall be counter productive to our need to ensure security in the present scenarios .......

I laugh at my fellow country men who want to see Pakistan collapse - for if that happens, we shall reap the "benefits" for generations in terms of conflict and strife in our cities and homes ........ Our security today hinges on Pakistan's today.

I do not think that there's a lot of evidence for saying that most Indians dream of Pakistan breaking up. On the contrary my experience has been the opposite. I do know that neither your opinion nor mine is verifiable unless someone conducts a scientific poll.

And BTW the link that Omar gave and you quoted does not have any proof either.
lol @petraeus taliban control 70 % of a-stan and he's worried about us I wish somebody in pakistan should tell him to stfu and worry about his own battle.
Speak for yourself. Do you mean to say, when this US empire will collapse so that Pakistan can have some space?

don,t worry uncle sam has certainly plans for india too.wherever there are yanks there is a war.u know americans love war. they posses small arms in every house.they started killing native americans and now they are killing muslims.
I do not think that there's a lot of evidence for saying that most Indians dream of Pakistan breaking up. On the contrary my experience has been the opposite. I do know that neither your opinion nor mine is verifiable unless someone conducts a scientific poll.

And BTW the link that Omar gave and you quoted does not have any proof either.

no need of scentific poll.what can u expect from people who sayed in 47 that pakistan will collapse in 6 months.indira gandi saying NWFP is part of india ect.ect.
It looks as if the US is getting really frustated with GOP and probably has lost patience maybe because the GOP is not producing results as GOA desires.

We shall wait and see what the next 2 weeks brings?
no need of scentific poll.what can u expect from people who sayed in 47 that pakistan will collapse in 6 months.indira gandi saying NWFP is part of india ect.ect.

I disagree, you do need more rational arguments to believe something like that.

Because otherwise it would be similar to saying that 'all Muslims are evil' based on the actions of a few.
I disagree, you do need more rational arguments to believe something like that.

Because otherwise it would be similar to saying that 'all Muslims are evil' based on the actions of a few.

Look you can't deny that the feeling of hatred exists well over the term called hatred and i may add on both sides. And yes i may dare add that if a poll is conducted, most Indians majority will talk about breaking Pakistan, because honestly speaking they are not aware of the implication of such a move, they just want to punish evil Pakistan and its evil populace. Malay the other day was saying something similar that the feeling towards breaking Pakistan has increased among Indians on all levels in recent years. I am sure he wasn't just saying it for the sake of saying it and that is exactly why when the US tells us India is not a threat, we laugh at the yanks thinking who are they trying to fool here, us or themselves.:disagree:
WASHINGTON: The United States said on Friday that it had not given Pakistan a two-week deadline to finish off religious militants but expected Islamabad to continue its current military operation against the extremists.

'We are under no illusions. It’s going to take more than two days worth of action,’ State Department spokesman Robert Wood told a news briefing in Washington.

‘It’s going to take consistent, determined and forceful action. And Pakistan seems committed to that. And we’re willing to be as helpful as we can in terms of dealing with the militants,’ he said.

On Thursday, the US media quoted a top US general, David Petraeus, as saying that if militants were not defeated within the next two weeks, the Pakistani government may collapse.

‘I don’t know where this two-week timeframe came from, but we have said very clearly that we believe the Pakistanis need to take action against these extremist elements,’ said Mr Wood when asked to comment on the statement attributed to Gen Petraeus.

‘And clearly, the Pakistanis are, trying to do that. We’re going to be working with them, providing assistance where we can.’

He said that other countries around the world who believed it’s critical to international security to deal with the Taliban would also support Pakistan. Mr Wood rejected the suggestion that the US had persuaded Pakistan to launch the Dir operation.

‘Obviously, Pakistan is doing this in its own national security interests. And we will be there to help them,’ he said. ‘It’s important that these extremists be dealt with, and we’re going to continue to work with them and others.’

The last couple of days, he said, had been ‘positive’ in terms of Pakistan taking action against the militants but the US had set no timeline for Islamabad.

‘This is not something you can put in a timeline in terms of taking action. It has to be consistent, decisive, and we need to understand that this is not something we’re going to be able to deal with in two days, two weeks, two months. This is going to take time.’

The State Department spokesman said it was important that Pakistan made ‘110 per cent effort’ in this fight and it did seem willing to go in that direction. ‘And we’ll continue to try to help them if they move in that direction.’

Mr Wood said he was not surprised by the reports that the Taliban had imposed a tax on religious minorities in the areas under their control.

‘These are ruthless killers, the Taliban. And they’ll do anything they can to upset Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s fragile democracies,’ he said.

‘This is why it’s important that we, the international community, cooperate in trying to rid this region of these extremists. And the sooner we can accomplish that mission, the better.’
DAWN.COM | World | US quashes two-week deadline speculation
Look you can't deny that the feeling of hatred exists well over the term called hatred and i may add on both sides. And yes i may dare add that if a poll is conducted, most Indians majority will talk about breaking Pakistan, because honestly speaking they are not aware of the implication of such a move, they just want to punish evil Pakistan and its evil populace. Malay the other day was saying something similar that the feeling towards breaking Pakistan has increased among Indians on all levels in recent years. I am sure he wasn't just saying it for the sake of saying it and that is exactly why when the US tells us India is not a threat, we laugh at the yanks thinking who are they trying to fool here, us or themselves.:disagree:

I do not deny that hatred exists on both sides. But we go wrong when we say that this hatred runs through the fabric of a country, India or Pakistan.

My perspective: Nations are run by elites who shape the national ideology. Of course this ideology requires some level of consensus among the people else, like Soviet Russia, the nation will break down at some stage.

However, elites shape ideology in both Pakistan and India. Regardless of who these elites are (military, political class, businesses, media etc), they form not more than (at the most) 10% of our populations.

A fight between India and Pakistan may involve our entire nations but it is essentially a fight between the elites.

You and I are both part of this elite structure. Our motivations are roughly the same - to retain our elite status first and foremost. This is natural human behaviour.

The remainder of the population doesn't give much of a damn. It just wants to be left in peace. For example, people see the Taliban taking over FATA, Buner, SWAT, the rise of a very dangerous religious fundamentalism etc. I see that. But I also see the greater majority of people there suffering, and where they can, getting the ell out of there, voting with their feet.

This, and my experiences in India (and I have done hardcore NGO work for four years so I'm not speaking theoretically of what the common people feel), lead me to believe that the remainder of our populations doesn't really give a good goddamn about those "evil" Muslims/ Hindus/ Pakistanis/ Indians.

They. just.want. to. get. on. with. their. lives. in. peace.

Of course the elites can mobilize this larger mass of people and their worst passions. But it isn't consistent nor is it permanent.

Our mutual elites fight each other because of the divergent ideologies that have shaped their world views. Then they (we) involve our fellow citizens to believe what we believe.

I have also seen - at somewhat close range without becoming an active participant - Indian politics and its players at the highest level. Based on that knowledge, I have lost all the 'traditional respect' that we are supposed to give to our leaders. I like to take the 'long cool look' at my history and my nation, your history and your nation. I now also look at Nehru and Jinnah and the others dispassionately.

What we read in our histories, what we believe, how we feel towards each other is shaped by the elite culture and institutionalized memory of battles won, betrayals, victories, defeats. And as elites - you and I - we perpetuate this.

This is one of the many reasons that I do not believe that the 'majority of Indians' would like to see Pakistan breaking up. Let me nuance that last. The 'majority of Indians' wouldn't care one way or another because they have their lives to lead.

I even refuse to believe that the majority of Indian elites would like to see Pakistan break up, but that's another discussion.

India and Pakistan, we're hostiles, fine, although I look forward to the day we wont. However, let's not get one part of this wrong - our mutual peoples are not hostiles, some of our elites definitely . To believe the former would require you to believe that and entire nation or religion even is hostile. Which would be racism/ jingoism at its worst, apart from being logically indefensible thinking.
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i wish someone would ask UNCLE SAM...what is the aim of this war who is the enemy and what is your goal...? where will the US stop and WHEN will they stop??
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