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Petition to expel all Afghans out of Pakistan

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indians do not start behaving like hypocrites on here. we all know how well indians have been treating afghans in india...

Come to the Khan market in New Delhi if you want to see how India treat Afghanis. They will also gladly tell you their thoughts about Pakistan and believe me you dont want to hear that.
Come to the Khan market in New Delhi if you want to see how India treat Afghanis. They will also gladly tell you their thoughts about Pakistan and believe me you dont want to hear that.

Great. India should extend the Khan market to accomodate 4 million more Faghanis. We know the namak haraam Faghnis and their terrorist snake nature is closer to the Hindu back stabbing nature. That is why bhartees and Faghanees get along great. Please take them from us for free.

Kick the Faghanees out of here. Pakistanis and Pakistan first.
Come to the Khan market in New Delhi if you want to see how India treat Afghanis. They will also gladly tell you their thoughts about Pakistan and believe me you dont want to hear that.

why dont you take our share of afghanis than, hopefully they will increase indian afghan brotherhood and will have lots of crowd and opportunity to bash pakistan there..
Great. India should extend the Khan market to accomodate 4 million more Faghanis. We know the namak haraam Faghnis and their terrorist snake nature is closer to the Hindu back stabbing nature. That is why bhartees and Faghanees get along great. Please take them from us for free.

Kick the Faghanees out of here. Pakistanis and Pakistan first.

What am I supposed to write in reply to such a post ? You said it all my friend, good luck to you and Pakistan.By the way what happened to your Muslim brotherhood and Muslim Ummah, or was that just another rhetoric like everything else. And what is "Fagnis "? No wonder every Afghani I have met hates Pakistan with passion. God your even racist against Afghanis lol
Great. India should extend the Khan market to accomodate 4 million more Faghanis. We know the namak haraam Faghnis and their terrorist snake nature is closer to the Hindu back stabbing nature. That is why bhartees and Faghanees get along great. Please take them from us for free.

Kick the Faghanees out of here. Pakistanis and Pakistan first.

How are you not banned yet?
What am I supposed to write in reply to such a post ? You said it all my friend, good luck to you and Pakistan.By the way what happened to your Muslim brotherhood and Muslim Ummah, or was that just another rhetoric like everything else.

Just shut up, and don't reply at all.

You hindus don't care about Muslims and Islam. You don't understand Muslims and our nature.

And so what if we put our country first? If you have any problems, come here and i can sort this out for you.

We love our Country :pakistan:
Just shut up, and don't reply at all.

You hindus don't care about Muslims and Islam. You don't understand Muslims and our nature.

And so what if we put our country first? If you have any problems, come here and i can sort this out for you.

We love our Country :pakistan:

Hope you know im a Muslim before you go onto your Hindu bashing spree. And stop being a cry baby and threatening people on the internet, everyone is a tiger behind the screen.
What am I supposed to write in reply to such a post ? You said it all my friend, good luck to you and Pakistan.By the way what happened to your Muslim brotherhood and Muslim Ummah, or was that just another rhetoric like everything else. And what is "Fagnis "? No wonder every Afghani I have met hates Pakistan with passion. God your even racist against Afghanis lol

Fagnis is for homo sexuals or fags. Please share with us the Khan Market extension plans. Please take them for freeeeeeeeeee, we are willing to open Wagha 24-7 and export them to India.
I ve met a few afghans in the US....What a despicable lot!
Most of them are sad as they miss their ways of the 60z and somehow blame us that they cant @#$%# around anymore!
Anyways, alo met some nice one. He could nt stop thanking Pakistanis for their hospitality and acceptance as he ended up marrying a Pakistani woman in Peshawar.
Regdless, who cares about these baifaiz afghans in india? Perhaps they should first show some pashtun pride/honor and take away their low-lifes from our contry and then complain.
Hope you know im a Muslim before you go onto your Hindu bashing spree. And stop being a cry baby and threatening people on the internet, everyone is a tiger behind the screen.

You are a muslim, OK? Must be one of those who were against creation of Pakistan and wanted to live in India s a minority. Your heroes will be not be Khalid-bin-Waleed or Muhammad Bin Qasim but maybe Aamir Khan, Sahrukh Khan and definately have a poster of Salman Khan and all of the muslim khans dancing with hindu women and marryig them. Or you may be the kind of muslim like Abdul Kalaam Azad who praised Israel on his visit to Jerusalem while Israeli Jets were bombing muslims in Gaza.

Now back to the topic. Yes we are sick and tired of free loader Afghnis because they have over stayed the muslim hospitality by 32 years.
Hope you know im a Muslim before you go onto your Hindu bashing spree. And stop being a cry baby and threatening people on the internet, everyone is a tiger behind the screen.

Oh really? What kind of Muslim are you? You come here constantly and insult the most powerful Muslim nation on Earth!

We Pakistanis, who have always defended you bharati Muslims from your hindu masters, and this is how you repay us?
I usually keep my thoughts to myself but on this occasion i feel i must speak out and this is directed towards anyone that is in favor of signing this petition.

I have one words for all of you and i will try to be as polite as i can

IDIOTS, the entire lot of you.

Second thought i had, this must have been started by someone from the MQM block.

A word of advice to you and anyone in favor of signing this petition, pack your bags and return to India, that is where you belong not in Pakistan
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