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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Just saw the press conference and utterly disappointed with the outcome, that press conference by PM made me even more depressed. As expected macula a diesel walked out...he should be apprehended straight away, no more talks with this lunatic, inshallah he will have same fate with all his rats.
There are some very astute and decent Pakistani members on this forum and it changes my perception quite a bit.
My friend we are a country of 180+ million. There are bound to be a few nutjob afte 13 years of war? But most of us want nothing but peace.
I was born in the 90s had never heard of anything about bombs n terrorists till mid 2000s and trust me most of us here would give anything to bring back the good old days.

یہ کسی معصوم کی کاپی تھی جہاں قلم کی سیاہی کے ساتھ ساتھ اس کا لہو بھی شامل ہوگیا
God love this dear young boy or girl who was studying English literature. This is so sad.
Anyways, capturing Kasab was not the only evidence. We also intercepted substantial amount of chatter through other channels.
covert operations like that dont openly chatter away to give away their planners and leaders there is complete radio silence, the actions are drilled to death and everyone knows what to do.. this chatter thing was bollywood production and bullshite. please no more Mombai now.
capturing a terrorist alive was enough.
enough of this chat
Watched the press conference.

By the look of it, PM have no commitment.. The government will go back to sleep in 2 days and continue with normal business.

Some of the Pak members here seem willfully blind or too scared to deal with the reality. What's the point of blaming India, CIA etc when your own red mullah Aziz is openly excusing the incident?

I'm finding it irritating and, frankly, embarrassing to see some Pak members bending backwards to deflect from the mullahs and extremists in your society. If you haven't got the nerve to deal with the bully don't take it out on the other kids.

Yes the politicians and media are playing the point scoring game but as members on a Defence forum, I'd expect some rational thought and intellectual honesty from you.

I think it's in everyone's interest to recognize the enemy clearly and then talk about how to deal with it.

There are enemies on the inside (certain Mullahs) and enemies on the outside (India).
Both back the TTP, and both should be clearly identified.
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