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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Some of the Pak members here seem willfully blind or too scared to deal with the reality. What's the point of blaming India, CIA etc when your own red mullah Aziz is openly excusing the incident?

I'm finding it irritating and, frankly, embarrassing to see some Pak members bending backwards to deflect from the mullahs and extremists in your society. If you haven't got the nerve to deal with the bully don't take it out on the other kids.

Yes the politicians and media are playing the point scoring game but as members on a Defence forum, I'd expect some rational thought and intellectual honesty from you.

I think it's in everyone's interest to recognize the enemy clearly and then talk about how to deal with it.
Images taken by a BBC team inside a classroom show the level of destruction
An office belonging the school principal was hit by a suicide bomber
@Oscar @waz please can you tell certain members here to refrain from optioning fingers at India? There is almost nothing to link India to this and the Indian state has publicly denounced this horrific incident.

Indian should also refrain from bringing 26/11 here, we can talk about that later, NOT NOW.
No discrimination between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban: PM Nawaz
By Web Desk / Our Correspondents
Published: December 17, 2014

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The Army Public School stands destroyed in the wake of one of the most horrific attacks Pakistan has ever seen. PHOTO: MUHAMMAD IQBAL/EXPRESS

PESHAWAR: The nation begins three days of mourning on Wednesday for the 132 childrenand nine school staff killed by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in the country’s deadliest ever terror attack, as the world unites in revulsion.

The 141 people were killed when insurgents stormed army-run school and systematically went from room to room, shooting children during an eight-hour killing spree.



Addressing lawmakers at the Governor House in Peshawar, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif flanked by Leader of the Opposition in the National Khursheed Shah and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan reads out decisions undertaken during the APC.

We express deep grief over Peshawar tragedy and today’s conference has decided to draft an action against terrorists and act upon it immediately,” PM Nawaz says.

“We announce that there will be no discrimination between “good” and “bad” Taliban and have resolved to continue the war against terrorism till the last terrorist is eliminated.”

“We have all unanimously decided that a committee comprising of all parliamentary parties under Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar will prepare a plan of action which will be submitted to national leadership within seven days,” adds the PM.

Member of armed forces, intelligence and political parties will be a part of the committee, says PM Nawaz.

“Operation Zarb-e-Azb is continuing successfully but what we have decided today encompasses how to tackle terrorism from the whole country.”

Regarding lifting the ban on death penalty in terror cases, PM Nawaz says, “We have proposed terror cases should be expedited.”

“If terrorists are not punished, then who will be punished?” he questions.
Killing them is different from killing them in retribution. These 1000 were not involved in the Peshawar attack. If you suddenly haul them in 48 hrs, then no one is under the illusion that this is retribution. There is a due process for these people, let that run through. An army man will think in terms of what hurts his enemy, but that is not how a state should be run.
there are 8000 inmates facing death penalty
half of them are terrorists
there is no due process left for these 1000 apart from presidential pardon
at least you guys showed that a Pakistani national was involved. at least it gave the ISIS and army the incentive to purge its force from such terrorist planners. you must have missed the news but we are always on the lookout for such radicalised scumbags and have dismissed, arrested and punished such people.
So are you saying that the force was purged of such planners? Who attacked Indian embassy in Kabul one day before Modi came to power? Such elements still exist within some forces

Anyways, capturing Kasab was not the only evidence. We also intercepted substantial amount of chatter through other channels.

Its funny when you guys ex-ISI guys think that just military operations will destroy terrorism, without looking at the actual problem.
THERE IS NO FUCKING GOVERNMENT IN KP, FATA, BALOCHISTAN, AFGHANISTAN. Terrorists run the government there. And therefore they are protected there. And they will keep doing it till someone else establishes a government there. Why will someone listen to a government who cannot eradicate even polio? POLIO. Sierra leone managed to eradicate it. But somehow Pakistan can't. When the government system is so inept, in whom will the people place their faith? At least terrorists look like they can control people. What does the government do in those areas?
Your writing style is being mocked because it deserves to be mocked.

And your childish behavior continues:

If musharraf testimony is proof (the guy who is on treason trial in his own country), then obviously the testimony of Indian political leaders saying that Pakistan is behind terrorist attacks in India should also be considered as truth, since they also have access to all intelligence reports. So according to your own logic, Pakistan is the biggest terrorist country in the world.

And for your Mukti bahini argument, you know that Pakistan backed terrorists against Afghanistan during cold war. What is so surprising if the Pakistanis now support another group of terrorists, the TTP? Similar approach, 25 years later. So by your logic, it can also be argued that yesterday's attack was actually planned by Pakistani intellgence agencies. Now reflect on that kid, and come up with a better argument next time.

Let me explain why I think that the TTP is backed by India, as a covert operation. (Covert operations are specially designed to be deniable, so they usually can't be proved to everyone's satisfaction.)

I know Musharraf is a military expert, and after studying his writing and his interviews, I know that he is not the sort of person who tells explicit lies. He explicitly says he has seen documentary evidence of TTP being backed by India. Hence, I accept his testimony.
You question Musharraf's truthfulness because he is "on treason trial in his own country". But the treason trial has failed, and Musharraf has not been convicted. Now what's the problem? Do you have any better argument than a failed trial?

You really start giving bad arguments when you say Pakistan "backed terrorists against Afghanistan during cold war". o_O Actually, Pakistan helped Afghans defend themselves against an invasion by India's allies, the Soviet Union during the cold war. Is that what you call backing terrorists? Helping people to resist a foreign invasion?:crazy:

You ask "What is so surprising if the Pakistanis now support another group of terrorists, the TTP?" But why on earth would Pakistan's intelligence agencies support the people who have bombed the offices of those same intelligence agencies? Think about that for a bit. This line of reasoning is so nonsensical that it is worse than being childish: most children have more self-respect than to write such garbage.

I started saying that the TTP is backed by India, as a covert operation. And I am willing to listen to evidence against this, yet so far you have given me only very poor arguments.
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