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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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if one of the terrorists could be captured alive like Kassab then we would be able to confirm the planners
without that we can suspect anyone for all its worth it wont mean much to the international world

yes TTP terrorists are funded by a foreign party but it can be anyone , not just Indians but even Saudis as well who are blamed for constant annual funding of sectarian terrorists of LeJ to kill shias but that hasnt stopped them. without proof we must avoid putting blame on Indians who have been more forthcoming coming than the "brother" Arab countries. their leaders maybe just making cosmetic statements of grief but not their children at schools.
We actually did capture Kasab. Did it confirm that ISI was the planner behind the attack?

Planners can always deny their involvement shamelessly.
The Pope led prayers for the innocent children that passed away in yesterdays attack.

I want to ask what has Saudi Arabia, and its religious leadership said about this so far?

They're still in shock from Pakistanis not hanging them by their burqas for unloading bin Laden and coaxing support for the Taliban on your country. It was bin Laden who started these Crusades, and all those Saudi 9/11 hijackers. They've managed to shift all blame to Pakistan. Your men are eating their bullets.
The Pope led prayers for the innocent children that passed away in yesterdays attack.

I want to ask what has Saudi Arabia, and its religious leadership said about this so far?
i was wondering the same. Remembering the out rage against attacks against Palestinian people, i expected more
out rage....
@Oscar @waz please can you tell certain members here to refrain from pointing fingers at India? There is almost nothing to link India to this and the Indian state has publicly denounced this horrific incident.
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These pictures of the auditorium are ugly, sad, shocking, and poignant all at once.
I can only repeat that those responsible for planning this abomination ought to be hunted down by the Pakistan Army and the country's paramilitary forces and killed. It is my sincere hope that all terrorist organisations that plague the Subcontinent are destroyed and their activities ended.

I am unable to remain an impartial observer when it comes to terrorism and the death of innocent people, especially children.

PESHAWAR: Parliamentary Leaders of all Political Parties offering Fatiha for the Martyrs of Tuesday’s Peshawar School Attack
Interior Ministry compiles list of convicted terrorists
The two are not connected
just because te TTP is a enemy we must destroy doesn't mean india isnt also an enemy
We have fought 4 major wars with india and indua is in occupation of Kashmir
india uses its consulates in Afghanistan to try to funnel funds to the likes of TTP and BLA
This is why no one but the stupid gives a fuvk about indian crocodile tears

U must understand there is freedom struggle going on in Balochistan which cannot be denied.Indians don't come to Balcohistan for kidnapping,extortion & to protest on the streets of Quetta. The problem in Balochistan has been going on right from 1948. At that time there was no Indian Embassy. What about Azad Kashmir,was it not occupied ill-legally.
They're still in shock from Pakistanis not hanging them by their burqas for unloading bin Laden and coaxing support for the Taliban on your country. It was bin Laden who started these Crusades, and all those Saudi 9/11 hijackers. They've managed to shift all blame to Pakistan. Your men are eating their bullets.

My hope is that one day Pakistani's realise this.

i was wondering the same. Remembering the out rage against attacks against Palestinian people, i expected more
out rage....

Its the religious aspect that is at play here. If Christians, Jews or Hindus killed this many Muslim children, the whole Muslim world would go beserk. Its more difficult when it is Muslims themselves doing all the killing.
The Pope led prayers for the innocent children that passed away in yesterdays attack.

I want to ask what has Saudi Arabia, and its religious leadership said about this so far?
I wonder when will our nation realize this plain fact. :(
There funding of LeJ, Arab involvement with BLA are all facts there to be studied but don't know when will we wake up and see this for our self.
恐怖分子为什么要杀孩子 太过分了 恐怖分子该死 下十八层地狱永不生
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