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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Those who did 9/11 were studying in top western universities we should close them too if some run away madrassa or university student do something you can't blame that institution most Taliban are either those who hardly went to a Madrassa for a year or never went in a Madrassah but your secular crap shit will remain still so no need to argue with you as for TTP leadership as long as we don't hit them in Afghanistan more attacks will come

If those universities or simply the education provided in them was found as the cause of these students, carrying out those heinous acts, I would agree with you on their closure and demolition. However, it wouldn't be that they would embark upon that path while receiving education, but only when they would come across some Mosque groups/Jihadi camps/extremists themselves that they choose this path. The argument backfires suddenly, you can verify it, the early life of a lot of 19 hijackers is available in the public domain.

However what to do with Madarsas who are feeding radicalization and extremism to young kids? What to do with institutions where students learn to fight for "true Islam" and to blow themselves up? Zarvan, just parroting "secular secular" will not be enough, it is well established that most of Taliban cadres have had only received education at some Madarsas and had no modern education whatsoever, there are more and more people questioning the role of religious insitutions and the kind of religion they teach which results in these kind of terrorists acts. Just check the FB or Twitter.

P.S Again the same "broken tape". How would targeting just a few first tier TTP leadership in Afghanistan do wonders for us without it being accompanied by actions against the terror cells in the country? The factories that take in the excess children which the people aren't able to raise themselves, provide them food, shelter, extreme version of Islam all through the donations of Middle Class and transform them into this kind of monsters. What sort of Islam do you think, would the gullible little kids be learning at "AL Huda/Red Mosque seminary" type of institutions?
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I swear I have been waiting since yesterday that at least arab members here will show their support but none showed up apart from one saudi junk who appeared discharging his venom from his rear as usual when arabs were criticised. If anyone came, it was mere condolence and no indulgence like us in their matters. Time is gone, people showed solidarity specially Turkey, India and the whole world but if not then our -brothers. 'Brothers' ...you know we call them brothers! Now wait soon I will be suffering from the 'wrath' of brothers and their sympathizers.
It is time to f***K those so called Brothers.
Very disappointed and angry that the press conference went into 'judicial commission' and siasat territory.

The stupid media should've refrained from asking those questions, and both NS and IK should've said they were not going to answer any questions on that topic.


Media also is responsible and shameless about it. They keep asking political questions from anyone they can get their cameras on. It seems they get more excited watching IK and NS sitting together than be worried and saddened about events.

To be very honest NS didnt seem one bit genuine with his feelings in wake of this tragedy, he should have come with a bomb speech but no, these faces never change. We are stuck with these pretenders for life.
And still, we are blamed for exporting terrorism.
Osama bin ladin was found here. Hundreds of Taliban were living in safe heavens in waziristan., What do you expect from international community? Even today banned organisation jamat e dawa holding rallies. Don't remain in delusions & ignorance is big mistake & great asset for enemy..
Osama bin ladin was found here. Hundreds of Taliban were living in safe heavens in waziristan., What do you expect from international community? Even today banned organisation jamat e dawa holding rallies. Don't remain in delusions & ignorance is our big mistake & great asset for enemy..

Really? Do you really believe that Osama was found here?

Why 8? Why not all of them?
Yup, he was very much here. But as we have with all our fallacies.. we want to deny it and bury our heads into the ground.

No buddy. I don't deny the facts. But my question is, where are the facts? Why didn't they show Osama's dead body just like Saddam, Uday & Gaddafi?
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