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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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For Our Children (The Nation Editorial)

Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif, despite all that has happened, despite the many sacrifices of the brave soldiers who have died fighting terrorists, you refuse to employ a blanket policy against non-state actors. While the military conducts operations against bad Taliban in FATA, it continues to protect sectarian elements in Quetta, the Afghan Taliban and other ‘jihadi’ organisations such as Jamat-ud-Dawa
Why do major terrorist attacks happen in Pakistan always after Pakistan defeats India in a sporting match?

I will do a trend analysis on this soon and report my findings on here.

So now you are beginning to supect India ? When was the last time India killed Pakistani children in a terrorist attack ? Was it after Pakistan defeated India in a match too !? As @Oscar was saying you guys still are in denial and living amongst terrorists
Why do major terrorist attacks happen in Pakistan always after Pakistan defeats India in a sporting match?

I will do a trend analysis on this soon and report my findings on here.

Yeah so now I understand why we nuked each other after that sixer by Miandad!
Guys, do u have picture of the terrorist killed by SSG Sniper ?
You can't compare Indian situation with USA because of geographical proximity.

They sit halfway across the world and with the best capability of defending terror attacks on their soil. We are just few hundred miles to the west and certainly not that good at defending terror attacks. It will be sheer suicidal (and stupid) if we end up "helping" an organization, which considers India to be an enemy, just for the sake of showing Pakistan in bad light.

Do you really think USA would have behaved in the same way (as they do) if middle east were in their own backyard? I doubt so.

You are thinking too small of showing in a bad light. The idea is to keep the Pakistani state embroiled in the same sort of conflict India has had to suffer since the late 80s. Insurgency is a huge drain on a country's resources and road to progress.
India does not want a broken up Pakistan, just a very sick one that cant do anything more than just sit meekly on the side.. much like Bangladesh.
Yes we get blamed for it and rightfully so. Its time to stop denying the fact that snakes have been breeding in our home against your, mine or millions of people's wishes.

You need to understand that TTP and other factions had strong hold in these areas earlier, besides putting military families thru pain their objective also was to scare people into stopping their support for on going operation with future threats.

You have the this insane d!psh!t mulama aziz who STILL doesnt condemn this attack and he is living free. Not only he is related to lal masjid operation as among extremists leaders but he doesnt even have the decency to shut his mouth on this day still blaming others. If people like him can walk free and no action taken against, how you think the biggest douche OBL next only to hitler cant live/hide in pakistan?

I swear if I was in Pak, I would find this mullah d!pshIt and strangle him to death infront of public

I agree with your opinion that they have a strong hold inside our country especially by these Funky Mullahs who bring Islam when it comes to killing innocent civilians. Musharraf should've hanged Mullah Aziz of Lal masjid along with his brother. My main point was, a country who export the terrorism cannot be a victim of it. Simple
Yes, but I remember that during the Israel-Palestine conflict, a number of Jews were very vocal against Israel. The head of Human Rights Watch (Kenneth Roth) who is Jewish himself, and is considered to be biased against Israel. So were many other organisations and prominent individuals.
yes later that came into my mind as well.
Normally western intellects or educated people are capable of thinking over religious boundaries..but 3rd world is not exactly the same. I have observed religion based tribalism involving mostly muslims. At the same time ethnicity, caste and nationalisty based tribalism can be observed in asia.
APS student Bilal said I will join army and go after the terrorist
I agree with your opinion that they have a strong hold inside our country especially by these Funky Mullahs who bring Islam when it comes to killing innocent civilians. Musharraf should've hanged Mullah Aziz of Lal masjid along with his brother. My main point was, a country who export the terrorism cannot be a victim of it. Simple

Yep, he should have but you can still find many who would oppose lal masjid operation, where are they all now?

We as a country don't intentionally export it, we just don't have control on our own country therefore any half wit with a gun can breed and spray his shit around.

Such a beautiful sight
How can they kill a 6 years old child just saw pic :cry:

check zaid hamids tweets. :cry:


An Indian schoolchild places a lighted candles at their school in Mumbai on December 17, 2014, in memory of schoolchildren killed during an attack on an army school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar by armed Taliban terrorists. Schools across India have observed a 2 minute silence as called for by prime minister Narendra Modi in memory of those killed in the attacks. PHOTO: AFP

MUMBAI: A day after 132 children were brutally killed in a gruesome Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan’s Peshawar city, Bollywood celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan are still in shock and feel “anger” and “disgust” for the “monstrous” act.

Here’s what the stars shared about the act on digital platforms:
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