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Peshawar Airport under attack...

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Who needs India or CIA, Mossad and external forces to break Pakistan when we already are broken.
In fact we never were one nation and its highly unlikely anytime soon.

I saw an interview with a BLA terrorist.
The interviewer asked him a question 'who are you fighting against?' he said we are fighting against Pakistan.
Then the interviewer asked 'who is Pakistani'? He had no answer.
Point is we are so hopelessly lost that we dont know who we are,and who we are with and who we are fighting...
No wonder confusion got us nowhere...
60 year on we still cannot decide why Pakistan was made,whats the purpose of this country and most importantly.... 'who is Pakistani'?

Pakistan was made to establish the Muslim rights in Sub-Continent who are the Minority. The question is who is Pakistani? I don't have the answer.
only important note here is police has to take every complain very serious .if they never assault on that under construction site we have no such big victory .

Yes,dont we know that?
But we cant do jack about it...
Its same as somenody stood on front of you punching in your face over and over again,and you looking away,pretending you dont know who is punching you.
Pakistan was made to establish the Muslim rights in Sub-Continent who are the Minority. The question is who is Pakistani? I don't have the answer.

you should not worry abut it its some 2000km away from your home.as i am not worry of syria iraq and gaza. what we faced we know it.

Yes,dont we know that?
But we cant do jack about it...
Its same as somenody stood on front of you punching in your face over and over again,and you looking away,pretending you dont know who is punching you.

problem is our society is divided even after they bombed they still believe in ABC.our main fault in we select worse peoples to rule us they are busy looting and siting in palaces .they have nothing to do with pakistani or nation. i have strong believe after election and US windrow we have some relax .
We as a nation are useless as showing any unity,against anything...
Can only blame each other,religion and what not...
Cant see the obvious and wont do whats needed...
Right now pulling out of WOT,sealing the Borders for the sole purpose of starving militants of weapons and cash.
And shutting down the humongous US embassy in Islamabad..
Thats whats needed.
Khan, if you pretend to be blind, the world won't be blind.

shut up ok we are the only one nation fighting to them day night .what your BD did what india faces ? what whole africa and EU did ?what middle east did? we lost thousands of solder officers civilians and until this time our solders are fighting to them.whole world is bashing and bashing thats what they can do.if we are afghanistan"s neighbors its our fault? just bring your BD on afghan border and live with it 1 years i will see your country fall apart. its mighty pakistan who kill more taliban then any other nation and its pakistani whom fight with them in real. do you know USA paid france paid to taliban for cross convoys and supply ? who the hell they will fight? and world?go to hell we don't care bloody world .
As an urdu-speaker who has lived among Pathans for over two years.. I find W.11s views extremely insulting..
I can tolerate someone who is anti-Pakistani for a while .. but I have zero-tolerance for racism and bigotry.

As a Mohajir I generally avoid topics that pits Karachi or Urdu speakers against wider Pakistan, since there is nothing worse than arguing with one's countrymen about each others Pakistani-ness. On the other hand, this W.11 fellow represents everything that is wrong with a segment of Urdu speakers. Our inability to accept that the rest of Pakistanis have a sophisticated and complex culture as well. Would it be a reach to claim that the backlash against Urdu speakers may not have taken place at all, had many among us not treated the rest of Pakistanis as less intelligent, less cultured beings, who were as a consequence, less deserving of Pakistan?
It is easy enough to paint myself as a victim, where people of my ilk have been shoved aside and excluded; but that is because it requires far greater effort to look in the mirror and realize no conflict can fester and evolve without the wrong doings of all parties involved. W.11 may be systematic of what has cost Mohajirs their Pakistani identity. We, as Urdu speakers, should be no more Pakistani than Punjabis or Pathans. Yet in our haste to lay claim to all of the sophistication and culture of old Pakistan, we alienated those whose only crime was to be born on the rural outskirts of what was British India. Now, when those very same people are equally educated and even more economically developed; Urdu speakers everywhere lament losing Pakistan to these "Illiterates". If there is one thing that unites Pakistanis of all ethnicities: it is the hypocrisy with which we view others.
as a blouch saraiki i don't care you are pathan punjabi sindhi muhajir or kashmiri balouchi all are our friends in real .i karachi saraikis live with pathans and mohajirs both.in our region we lived with balouchis sindhis punjabis from our all sides. thanks god we have sweet language and everyone like us :cheers: enjoy karo karao . i will cry that day when we have something like all others have an armed group :cry: and blind hate .:hitwall: we are pakistani that's it.

Shut the fuk up....arse hole..
More abuse to come if you comment again.

sir jee suicide mission per hai kiyoon us ke sath jana hai i report him already :lol:
As a Mohajir I generally avoid topics that pits Karachi or Urdu speakers against wider Pakistan, since there is nothing worse than arguing with one's countrymen about each others Pakistani-ness. On the other hand, this W.11 fellow represents everything that is wrong with a segment of Urdu speakers. Our inability to accept that the rest of Pakistanis have a sophisticated and complex culture as well. Would it be a reach to claim that the backlash against Urdu speakers may not have taken place at all, had many among us not treated the rest of Pakistanis as less intelligent, less cultured beings, who were as a consequence, less deserving of Pakistan?
It is easy enough to paint myself as a victim, where people of my ilk have been shoved aside and excluded; but that is because it requires far greater effort to look in the mirror and realize no conflict can fester and evolve without the wrong doings of all parties involved. W.11 may be systematic of what has cost Mohajirs their Pakistani identity. We, as Urdu speakers, should be no more Pakistani than Punjabis or Pathans. Yet in our haste to lay claim to all of the sophistication and culture of old Pakistan, we alienated those whose only crime was to be born on the rural outskirts of what was British India. Now, when those very same people are equally educated and even more economically developed; Urdu speakers everywhere lament losing Pakistan to these "Illiterates". If there is one thing that unites Pakistanis of all ethnicities: it is the hypocrisy with which we view others.

I disagree there are more than enough Urdu-Speakers in the Punjab & I honestly can't recall the last time they & the rest of us had any friction...thats how well we're integrated here. I think it was not the 'condescending' attitude as you paint it, for I don't think there was much of it, but the association of the MQM with Mohajirs & their (the MQM's) continued penchant for playing the victim as the 'poor Mohajir' who left his 'old' home & is treated as a pariah in his 'new' home whenever the rest of us have called them out on some of the things they do. Its that exact differentiation that caused this 'Us & them' divide.

You don't see this in Lahore or in the rest of Punjab or even Islamabad. Granted that most of the Mohajirs are concentrated in Karachi but I think we should give credit where its due - the Urdu speakers of ours areas never lost their cultures or adopted our languages & cultures but they never cordoned themselves into ghettos or refrain from inter-marrying with the rest of us or craved out an exclusive only club where the rest of us weren't invited - They merged pretty well with the mainstream society as being 'Pakistanis' first & then something else.

I suppose some credit is due to Punjab & her culture as well because you've got literally millions of Non-ethnic Punjabis who live here (I'm a Punjabi of Kashmiri ethnicity) very well integrated & there hasn't been a single instance of ethnic or linguistic violence or demonstrations or anything of the sort in Punjab's history. So its probably unfair to pin it to the Urdu-speaker's head solely !
btw muhajirs in saraiki belt talk saraiki and live with us without even a single problem.in our town we have 6=7 mohajir families they are rich they have money they work hard but never ever seen a small issue . but they talk with each other in urdu like aby najeer ja babu ko roti de aa ..:Dwhy only karachi is getting mad?
Glad we Punjabis aren't psychos. All are welcome in Punjab. All are equal.
Glad we Punjabis aren't psychos. All are welcome in Punjab. All are equal.

do you know pathans came every year for sale clothes electronics and quraan and take money next year trip? they come in villages and do it every year . even air guns they sale you now and take money when you harvest wheat or cotton :lol: never ever seen someone throw stone on them :smitten:
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