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Pervez Musharraf concedes he has 'Indian blood', hence for peace with India

My ancestors were never indians!

They dropped from sky?

Indian itself is a foreign european created word when invaders saw the Indus river flowing through our land. When you talk to Pakistanis, they will tell you their grandparents and great-grandparents never accepted the foreign created word for them. We used to call ourselves Punjabi, Pakhtun, SIndhi, Baloch. You people kept the foreign-created words for your people and your land and somehow you people think you own us. Wake up and smell the coffee, and learn history.
All i know is tht historically modern day Pakistan was never part of india... nor any of our civilisation spread to the gangetic plains of hindustan.... even by ethnicity how many punjabis reside in india?2% at max?sindhis? NONE? Punjab itself was a country n not part of india!

Nobdy hates mohajirs... infacts its the urdu speaking people who have actually coined the term!

My ancestors were never indians!

Exactly bro. My ancestors never called themselves indians. They called tehmselves Punjabi Muslims, your ancestors probably called themselves Baloch Muslims. During the Pakistan Movement, both our ancestors called themselves Pakistanis. We created a name for ourselves, while indians had foreigners europeans create their names.
Dont want indian muslims in our country... and kashmiris r not indian by the way.... we have millions of them..not to forget millions of kashmiri refugees tht came frm IOK...And are not called mohajirs!:tdown:

that whats i saying, those kashmiri who want to be part of pakistan, they are living at P O K( yaa some of them celebrate 22 october as black day) and those who believe they are indian are living at J&K.
that whats i saying, those kashmiri who want to be part of pakistan, they are living at P O K( yaa some of them celebrate 22 october as black day) and those who believe they are indian are living at J&K.

Their land is being occupied by Indian forces.

Look at the massive crowd in India Occupied Kashmir telling you indians to go back to india and leave Kashmir.
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that whats i saying, those kashmiri who want to be part of pakistan, they are living at P O K( yaa some of them celebrate 22 october as black day) and those who believe they are indian are living at J&K.

"YAA(indian style english) srinagar n whole of kashmir thts why they r hoisting our flags. surely are part of Pakistan thanks for accepting tht...
"YAA(indian style english) srinagar n whole of kashmir thts why they r hoisting our flags. surely are part of Pakistan thanks for accepting tht...

So you are saying that India not only took BD away from you, but has also been sitting on your land in Kashmir for last 60 years.. Hmm... Looks like PA is doing a pretty pathetic job of protecting Pakistan's land and sovereignty..
"YAA(indian style english) srinagar n whole of kashmir thts why they r hoisting our flags. surely are part of Pakistan thanks for accepting tht...

Is that tribal style of English as opposed to Indian style English? Just wondering! :coffee:
All i know is tht historically modern day Pakistan was never part of india... nor any of our civilisation spread to the gangetic plains of hindustan.... even by ethnicity how many punjabis reside in india?2% at max?sindhis? NONE? Punjab itself was a country n not part of india!

Nobdy hates mohajirs... infacts its the urdu speaking people who have actually coined the term!

My ancestors were never indians!

Whatever you are citing is a different debate altogether, it has nothing to do with my point of view, nowhere I referred to civilisation, customs, traditions, moral laws and legal codes. I am strictly talking about the immigrants who fall into the category of Mahajirs. As you are stating your ancestors weren't Indians the same way Mahajir can state their ancestors were not from India, as per your views 'India being union of different states'.

Most of Sindhis at present have a Persian or Baluchi descend, does it really makes a case of Mahajir? No, obviously not.

And yes, there are Sindhis in present India, more than 5 million.
Sure baluchistan was also hindu..lol

we take name of punjab and sind every mourning because it is in our national anthem which is surely made before 1947 beacuse it was our part and not balochistan which is never part of india nor pakistan( because pakistan is made from india) thats why balochistan is called occupaid land and left pakistan( area near durand line) is belong to afghan
we take name of punjab and sind every mourning because it is in our national anthem which is surely made before 1947 and not balochistan which is never part of india nor pakistan( because pakistan is made from india) thats why balochistan is called occupaid land

Dream on. Punjab, SIndh, Balochistan, and NWFP all decided in a referndum to be part of Pakistan. Kashmir was not given the referndum hence the dispute and Balochistan has more historical links with Punjab and Sindh than your dravidian hindustan.


Indus Valley Civilization


Ghaznavid Empire


Durrani Empire


Alexander the Great's Empire


Achaeminid Persian Empire


The Persian Sassanid Empire


Ummayad Caliphate


Extent and expansion of Umayyad rule under Muhammad bin Qasim
All i know is tht historically modern day Pakistan was never part of india... nor any of our civilisation spread to the gangetic plains of hindustan....

Throughout the written history areas under present day pakistan were ruled by empires whose capitals were in present day india.From mouryas ,guptas to delhi sultanate,mughals and british india..
Their land is being occupied by Indian forces.

Look at the massive crowd in India Occupied Kashmir telling you indians to go back to india and leave Kashmir.

BLAH BLAH BLAH!! Whom you talking?

Friends ignore him! He is just disturbing a good conversation
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