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Pervez Musharraf concedes he has 'Indian blood', hence for peace with India

i'm not going to waste my time talking about your patriotism. I don't know you; though based on things you write time to time, it's obvious (in my mind at least) that your loyalties lie elsewhere. I thinkto an extent, you mean well at least.

quite frankly, it makes absolutely no difference to me where your ''loyalties'' lie; none of my concern.

You don't know me, but yet you "know" my loyalties lie elsewhere based on my writings from time to time? :lol:

Trying to appear indifferent at your hypocrisy being exposed is not really working, is it? :D

To come back to the topic, PM was once a great soldier; he them rose to his level of incompetence in politics, and is now a has-been who has sold out his nation, regardless of his lineage (the topic of this thread).
it makes absolutely no difference to me, brah.

do what you do, stand by your stance....i wont attack you for it. You are free to do as you please; i've actually come to your defence on occasions, you overlooked that

if your loyalties are to Pakistan, then that's great.

funny thing is, you claim PM sold out the nation; but then you are willing to defend people like Dr. Afridi, you are willing to spread misinformation about the country and cause confusions.

it's strange for you to label me a hypocrite when --as far as i know -- i have a set of stances on certain issues and have never changed them; never been a cherry-picker

i'm also critical about some policies which have landed us in mess; and that critisicm isnt limited to just incompetent civilian governments. I believe in constructive criticism; not blind criticism based on half-truths

like i said before though, nothing personal; in fact there's no need to delve further into this. If you want to talk to me, you can PM me
it makes absolutely no difference to me, brah.

do what you do, stand by your stance....i wont attack you for it. You are free to do as you please; i've actually come to your defence on occasions, you overlooked that

if your loyalties are to Pakistan, then that's great.

From one gearhead who works on cars to another: Thanks! :)
yes give manmohan singh and take musharraf ,so that manmohan could have brought economic liberalisation in pakistan while musharaf could have soled india and U.S and allowed u.s drones to launch attacks on our territory ,

someone from a country that even today has protectionist/socialist mentality lingering implying to a Pakistani that Pakistan needs trade liberalization

how bizarre....

---------- Post added at 04:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 AM ----------

From one gearhead who works on cars to another: Thanks! :)

you are always invited to DC (or Peshawar) for strong drink and gearheads talk. . .

i will publicly state that my home is your home.
If the Afghans didnt defeat the British and British included Afghanistan in their "British India Empire" these indians would say Afghanistan belongs to India, if British included Iran in their "British India Empire" these indians would say Iran belongs to India.

They always talk big behind the computer but ask these indians what their ancestors were doing when the British ruled South Asia :lol:


What were your ancestors doing in British ruled South Asia Omar?
Here comes the drunk bangali troll with his no value rants.Abt the english... clearly tht aint "hinglish" noooo?(<hinglish)!

@Karan.... pathetic? must be indian army....perfect example was the recent pathetic indian army helicopter pilots were forced to land in Skardu.

@batra: really? Punjab n sindh were princely state n not part of india! today sindh is a Pakistani province yet indians use its name in their anthem does tht matter?

Baluchistan is occupied? LOL ...What a loser...

Are you trying to be funny for a change?
Indian blood ?

A foolish assumption to say the least. My relatives came from Pindi & Gujjar Khan. Does imply they have pakisitani blood ?

Writers go to ludicrous extremes ..
Don't we(Pakistani) all have Indian roots? Before the partition our ancestors were Indian were they not :what:

While that statement may be a matter of fact; I sincerely hope that you do not get targeted for it. I feel that let us move on beyond that.

Notwithstanding the other aspects of Musharaff's talk at the Carnegie Endowment; I will comment only on the matter of his statement- "We must have peace."
This only demonstrates one (or two things) about today's Musharaff. He is now speaking as "Musharaff the politico" NOT as "Musharaff the soldier". Maybe he has changed his hawkish stance(?) or he knows that: in order to claw his way back in to power in Pakistan, he has to impress an international constituency as well (notably an American one). The rest of his statement seems to be catering to his local (Pakistani) constituency.

Just Realpolitik.
It is misleading - I look nothing like a Tamil, they also speak a different language, and have a different culture, I have more in common with a Frenchman than a Tamil.

Monsieur Rafi, mon ami. I am absolutely convinced about that! :lol:
I am afraid you are wrong my dear friend... Mahajir doesn't mean any Urdu speaking individual, Punjabis are Mahajir as well . Anyone who migrated from India at the time of partition is considered to be as Mahajir.

Moreover before partition every individual whether a Muslim, Hindu or Sikh had a common country to live in... There is nothing like native Pakistani or immigrant Pakistani, native Indian or immigrant Indian.. Partition was the division of a common country , people afterwards had a choice to live wherever they wanted to live..

Let us not forget the fact that the people of Pakistan then were not Pakistanis, they were Indians or British Indians whatever you call.

So now the case is either all of us have to do or no one of us has to do with what is now India.

Very Well and Sensibly said Sir/Madame! Saluti!
Is'nt it now time to move on, please.
@Karan.... pathetic? must be indian army....perfect example was the recent pathetic indian army helicopter pilots were forced to land in Skardu.

True, and that helicoptor not only discovered a landing pad in Pak Occupied Kashmir which we were not aware of but also took back a measure of Pakistan's response time and methodology in case of an intrusion.. :)

---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

I dnt have to prove anything! its u who has to prove tht modern day Pakistan was part of any country called india!

Proof is simple.. India as an entity along with all of the provinces of Pakistan became a member of UNO in 1939/42.. Pakistan split and became a member in 1947
What were your ancestors doing in British ruled South Asia Omar?

I think the one sitting on the chair is a fair skinned Pakistani. :P Any way, according to Pakistani psyche, they got independence from Hindu dominated India with the help of British.
But majority of Pakistanis may have back ground of Central Asia & Middle East Arabia.

This is correct. Suppose a pure Syed warrior has, as one his four wives, or as a concubine, a converted Kaffir woman. Then their son will be a Syed (despite being of 50% Indic). The son may marry another woman of South Asian ancestry, and so on.

After 10 generations, the descendant will have only 1/1024 of the original blood, but he has every right to claim with pride that he is a pure Syed.
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