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Pervez Hoodbhoy Calls the PTI/PAT Marchers 'Fanatics' and 'Thugs'

He participated in election to become PM of Pakistan. He could not become PM thats why he is protesting
Its all depend how you think.

You have no proofs to backup your claims.

its not all about changing Pakistan but lust for becoming PM

Bullshit. He was offered PM seat during regime of Zia while he was in UK. He was also offered alliance with minority parties to gain more seats in 2002 elections. He refused. Then he was given deputy PM seat by PMLN during recent protests. He refused it as well. He is not power hungry. Why would a world acclaimed famed cricketer and a very rich bastard spend his life in a container for so many days in cold, heat, rain and assassination threats on his life? Just to become a PM for few years of this corrupt system? He had better chances to become PM of UK by now, had he struggled that much over there! Hahahaha! :omghaha:

here its same old lota with him to changing the system whom made them poltical leader

It is his ally from Rawalpindi of constituency NA-55 so he didn't need to provide his own PTI member as a competitor from there. IK does not NEED people like mole Hashmi or lota Sheeda Talli. His cause is bigger than these seasoned politicians.
Its called "ambush" my friend. Read some military history. :)

I know it was an ambush but that's not something Police should be doing.

Off topic:
can you recommend any good military history books? I'm thinking about getting some of John Keegan's books.
Well, 1stly, Even I havent seen him rule so cant malign him but I can do that to the current loosers who have failed us REPEATEDLY (not just once but many times)

2ndly you are wrong there my friend it takes 1 man to change the destiny of a nation...1 honest man is all it takes, 1 man who cares for his people...I am not alleging IK is that 1 man...But I sure am hoping he is...coz others have been tested and they failed to even be half of that man!

eg. Modi.....look at the crackdown he has done on corruption and the fast paced development from solar on water systems...that was really a unique idea to implement! They are developing on energy.....the basic unit which we have only managed to get signed they are half way done!!

What i am saying that we boht have not seen him as ruler of Pakistan so saying he will be good leader is as valid as saying he he will be a bad one. Actions speak louder than words

One man cannot run the country alone ..one man cannot change the thought process of all corrupt minds in society. ..you did not answer why he accepted lota in his party and why we see same old faces on his left and right? he even invite others corrupt in society? did not he said to ch nausar come join my party? he is welcoming them as well as doing jihad against them :D

Modi performed in gujraat then he became PM. Imran if perform in Kpk then he would be next PM. No other shortcut. Modi did not became PM by emotional speeches and protesting and inqalbi march on roads
What i am saying that we boht have not seen him as ruler of Pakistan so saying he will be good leader is as valid as saying he he will be a bad one. Actions speak louder than words

One man cannot run the country alone ..one man cannot change the thought process of all corrupt minds in society. ..you did not answer why he accepted lota in his party and why we see same old faces on his left and right? he even invite others corrupt in society? did not he said to ch nausar come join my party? he is welcoming them as well as doing jihad against them :D

Modi performed in gujraat then he became PM. Imran performed in Kpk then he would be next PM. No other shortcut. Modi did not became PM by emotional speeches and protesting and inqalbi march on roads

He needed some experienced politicians on his side and mostly he has been accepting only good people. He may have accepted a few lotas but he rejected lots of them too. The Ch. Nisar thing may have something to do with them being close friends once.

Try Chinese classical favorite of military strategy and tactics: The Art of War
The Art of War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm close to finishing the Lionel Giles translation version, it's pretty basic but I understand how important those basics are. I was wanting something that looked back at some famous battles and analyzed them, but thanks for the suggestion :cheers:
Trust the scientific counting abilities of PMLN and supporters
LOL. They are more pseudoscientific if you ask Hoodbhoy.

Modi performed in gujraat then he became PM
Yes, he oversaw massacre of Gujarati Muslims by Hindu nationalists and didn't raise a finger. He was rewarded of course.

Modi did not became PM by emotional speeches and protesting and inqalbi march on roads
Boy, then you haven't heard his inflammatory anti-Muslim speeches and interviews. Check here how angry he becomes and refuse to be interviewed when questioned for his role in Gujrat Massacre:

A true responsible leader would never act like this. He only won because of growing hindu nationalist sentiment in India against secular policies of congress.
What i am saying that we boht have not seen him as ruler of Pakistan so saying he will be good leader is as valid as saying he he will be a bad one. Actions speak louder than words
hence this point can be thrown out ^

One man cannot run the country alone ..one man cannot change the thought process of all corrupt minds in society. ..you did not answer why he accepted lota in his party and why we see same old faces on his left and right? he even invite others corrupt in society? did not he said to ch nausar come join my party? he is welcoming them as well as doing jihad against them
Well if 1 man can lay the platform then why not dont we see people throwing blame on 1 man called Zia instead of blaming a failed set of about 30 yrs of politicians?

Like I said if they joined his party they have to run by his rules....if they do bad they will be punished if not by him by the next one who will want change....we can only talk about that IF that happens ...no point running your mind on speculations ....not everything works out the way it is speculated!

@Norwegian whatever Modi may have done all what he is doing now is developing India...doesnt matter how he was chosen or won as long as he is doing good...if NS won by rigging and started developing Pakistan (reducing corruption coz thats the bit that eats most of the cake) then I would have supported NS too! Though I would have supported someone voicing the corruption out too ..but I wouldnt be this harsh on Noora system which has repeatedly disappointed us with their corruptions!
What Hoodbhoy the clown is really saying is...

You have no proofs
oh bhi he has declared himself prime minister many times. . you are not closely watching his speeches.. Even before election when he went to india he was calling himself PM as if he was 100 percent sure that he will be the PM of pakistan. Jaan deo nawaz sada number aan diyeo :D
kiskay ghar mein danay?

kamlay kiya hota hai?

It's a Punjabi adage which means it's the wealth that defines intelligence.

Jina de ghar danay = those who have wealth in their house
una day kamlay ve siyanay = fools of that house per se are wise.

Kamla/kamlay is a Punjabi word for fool/fools.
LOL. They are more pseudoscientific if you ask Hoodbhoy.

Yes, he oversaw massacre of Gujarati Muslims by Hindu nationalists and didn't raise a finger. He was rewarded of course.

Boy, then you haven't heard his inflammatory anti-Muslim speeches and interviews. Check here how angry he becomes and refuse to be interviewed when questioned for his role in Gujrat Massacre:

A true responsible leader would never act like this. He only won because of growing hindu nationalist sentiment in India against secular policies of congress.
Well we were talking about his political/economic reforms when referring to performances . Its another debate how good he was with Muslims
Jaan deo nawaz sada number aan diyeo
I know he has said that. What he means by it that true and false can't co-exist. PMLN is all about falsehood and they have been badly exposed during recent crises; lying about COAS, lying about the Chinese, lying about Guinness World Records, lying about Aitzaz Ahsan etc and many more lies to come in line. PPP is far more democratic and truthful than this terrorist regime of Noora kleptocrats.

what does he call the killers of 14 people
Angels, although they are unscientific :)
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