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Persian gulf or Arabian gulf?

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King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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- Used in most of the maps from long time ago so there is no need to change the name. It has been and will always remain the Persian Gulf
- Used by United Nations in their documents
- It's a historical name
- On almost all maps printed before 1960, and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known as the "Persian Gulf".
- Arabian gulf means the Red Sea so the "Arabian gulf" name may create confusion with the Red sea so it's better to use the name Persian gulf
- If the Arabian Gulf gets it's name from the fact that more Arab countries are surrounding it, then India Ocean should also change its name because India has a smaller border with it than other countries.
- One of our users suggests this site that includes several popular ancient maps: Click Here!

Why Arabian gulf?

- Used by the Arab League
- Used by United Nations in their Arabic documents and Arabic Language is an official language in the United Nations
- The name "Persian gulf" is linked to the Persian empire that does not exist any more. As Mediterranean sea used to be called Roman Sea
- Iran does not mean Persia, Iranian people consist of Persians, Arabs, Azeri, Turkmen, Kurds, Gilakis, Mazandaranis, Lurs, and Baluchis
- The people who live around the gulf are mostly Arabs so by demography it should be called Arabian Gulf
- There are 6 Arabic countries around the gulf but Iran is alone and 70% of the coast line is under Arabic countries

Voting ongoing: http://persianorarabiangulf.com/index.php

Current result: 57% Persian Gulf, others arabian gulf.
I call it Middle Eastern Gulf.
what happened?

Persia is an ancient civilization and had controlled that waterway for thousands of years. And thus, it has the right to be called the Persian Gulf.

Don't know why this is up for debate.

And besides the Arabs have the Arabian Sea. Don't know why it is called that. Arabs were never a Naval Power.
I am not a big fan of changing names, unless it has imperialistic or negative connotation. Persian Gulf will be a dedication to the history of the region, and personally sounds more free flowing!
Persia is an ancient civilization and had controlled that waterway for thousands of years. And thus, it has the right to be called the Persian Gulf.

Don't know why this is up for debate.

Because there are people who think Iran right now is weak and they are trying to take things from us.when the lion is down the hyenas will arrive.
is it not our fault they have no history.
Similarly how about arabian sea should be renamed as south asia sea or any neutral name which denotes the region
Well it was always called Persian Gulf so why should that be changed now because of modern agendas? After all the Arabs have a Sea named after them.

PS: Im totally neutral between Arabs and Iranians
Because there are people who think Iran right now is weak and they are trying to take things from us.when the lion is down the hyenas will arrive.
is it not our fault they have no history.

Iran has an ancient history rivaling the Greeks and Chinese. It has culture, art, philosophy, music and first universal human rights were written by Cyrus (I think). Iran is one of the most important countries in the world.

The Arabs were desert nomads and have little or no history before Islam.

So Iran isn't weak. Its a strong nation with a nationalistic population.
Well it was always called Persian Gulf so why should that be changed now because of modern agendas? After all the Arabs have a Sea named after them.

PS: Im totally neutral between Arabs and Iranians

This is not Iran v arab.
It is Iran v the retarded gulf monarchs.
a bunch of viagra taking terrorist funding people v a country with great history and civilization.
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