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FIFA relpaces a-r-@-b gulf with "Persian" gulf

Lol, spell the name correctly first, till then you may talk.


But wait some of your countrymen say otherwise

خليجي اربي looool

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Can we just settle on Indian Gulf, Indian Sea and Indian Ocean?
Why do the Farsis here think that we 450 million Arabs care about the little tiny swallow waters of the Gulf when we have a several thousand km long Mediterranean coastline, access to the beautiful Red Sea with the second biggest coral reef in the world and a sea with one of the richest marine biologies in the world, several Gulfs that have Arabic names (Gulf of Oman next to Mullahistan), Shat al-Arab next to Mullahistan again, Libyan Sea access to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, ARABIAN Sea etc.

Must be because they themselves only have access to water through the Caspian Sea (a big lake), a small coastline to the Gulf of Oman and then the swallow Gulf coastline inhabited by Arabs, Baluch and some Persians. Even their main port city Bandar Abbas derives from an Arab name.

Let them call it what they want. We Arabs and Semites lived near the shores of the Gulf way before the Persians emigrated from their homeland on the Kazakh/Central Asian Steppe to what is now Iran 2800 years ago.

Is that all they can worry about in this time and age?:lol:

Absolutely hilarious. Let us call it the Super Duper Central Asian Persian Super Duper Gulf for all I care.:lol:

We don't give a crap. At least I do not. The few million Khaliji Arabs who live in the coastal areas of UAE, Kuwait, the Eastern Province in KSA will still continue to call it the Arabian Gulf or just the Gulf. No matter if it changed name to the Gulf of Mickey Mouse.

Just for the laugh:

It's Really the Sumerian Gulf - NYTimes.com

Sorry but you only have your shitty penensula
North Africa is Berber
Egypt is Coptic
Sudan is Nubian
Levant Syria Lebanon aramean Phoenician
Jordan is Nabatean
Iraq is Assyrian Babylonian
Israel is Hebrew
All these lands are occupied by nomad barbarian arabs who changed thier indentity by force and the arabziation by the sword
The only arab world is your sand desert bediuan peninsula all others are arabzied by force
Name it after me....I support both sides!
Arabian empire are no longer exist do you remember abu muslim what he did to your ummyads or what babak did to Abbasids or hulagu an timur Lang to to arabs

Omar is not that guy who was gutted like animal by pirouz nahavandi????

Hah! Say whatever you want to say to make yourself feel happy. All what we know is that Persia was wiped out for good!
Next time Indian will try change Bay of Bengal to Bay of ........
Prophet Muhammad: "Men from the land of Persia will attain scientific knowledge even if it is as far as the Pleiades."

Lmao, Do some research on the Battle of the Trench; your prophet have a pure disrespect to the Persian arrogance a lot.

So these backward Arabs with all their money couldn't even influence the corrupt organization of FIFA on this matter? :lol:

LoLz. I don't know who cried a river over Google's decision :D

No more Persia!
Why do the Farsis here think that we 450 million Arabs care about the little tiny swallow waters of the Gulf when we have a several thousand km long Mediterranean coastline, access to the beautiful Red Sea with the second biggest coral reef in the world and a sea with one of the richest marine biologies in the world, several Gulfs that have Arabic names (Gulf of Oman next to Mullahistan), Shat al-Arab next to Mullahistan again, Libyan Sea access to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, ARABIAN Sea etc.

Must be because they themselves only have access to water through the Caspian Sea (a big lake), a small coastline to the Gulf of Oman and then the swallow Gulf coastline inhabited by Arabs, Baluch and some Persians. Even their main port city Bandar Abbas derives from an Arab name.

Let them call it what they want. We Arabs and Semites lived near the shores of the Gulf way before the Persians emigrated from their homeland on the Kazakh/Central Asian Steppe to what is now Iran 2800 years ago.

Is that all they can worry about in this time and age?:lol:

Absolutely hilarious. Let us call it the Super Duper Central Asian Persian Super Duper Gulf for all I care.:lol:

We don't give a crap. At least I do not. The few million Khaliji Arabs who live in the coastal areas of UAE, Kuwait, the Eastern Province in KSA will still continue to call it the Arabian Gulf or just the Gulf. No matter if it changed name to the Gulf of Mickey Mouse.

Just for the laugh:

It's Really the Sumerian Gulf - NYTimes.com

Iranian coastline: 3180 km...that's not that small.. for example, saudi coastline is 2600 km for example

And dont lie to us that you dont care.. you have spent way to much on this issue to change a geographical name. So it's us who don't care, we only defended a correct name which was going to be changed by those who did care!.

We Iranians have other mentality, we just call arabian sea as arabian sea, which is by the way part of the giant Indian Ocean. So save us your kazakh-semite thing and stay on-topic.
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