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People who vote for Noon League have low IQ and are idiots : Dr. Mooed Pirzada

BTW, arguments like in the OP are also used in America to describe Trump supporters--and you know, there was the backlash against Hillary in 2016 over her 'deplorables' remark and similar Democratic ivory tower elitism.

And here is one more thing I am finding disturbingly common between the PTI/Democratic Party supporters on one side versus the Non-PTI/Republican Party supporters: I have seen anchors in Pakistan and America who are sympathetic to Non-PTI/Republican Party, respectively, to be more objective; on the other hand, the likes of Moeed Pirzada and the ivory tower Democratic supporters are almost totally blind to 'the other' argument. Honestly, they reek of cultism! Or maybe they know, being a PTI supporter in VLogs is more 'profitable'.
You can see in this forum the venom, the vulgarity, the aggression the PTI supporters exhibit while even an obvious non-PTI guy like @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE manages to post more reasonable posts on occasions.
PTI supporters need to admit that PMLN and PPPP are real parties with real support

It's their country and their choice

You cant force feed people and change their opinions

Even today in Sindh and central Punjab most people support PDM or atleast are disgruntled supporters of these parties expected to come back soon to their fold

PTI is acting like fascists calling PMLN supporters as sub human/patwaris

PMLN for example has never lost an election in central Punjab over last 40 years

That's generational support

(except for 2002)

actually you don't need to be a doctor to figure out their idiotic mentality .. only being able to add 1 + 1 = 2

if you haven't figured by now for the last 4 decades these families + army toons have ruled Pakistan .

end result = Failed state

and you still support them?..

Like the good Dr. said only idiots support noonie and co.

hence proved.
Look it's irrelevant what Pakistan has become

Question is do people support PMLN and PPPP

Answer is yes they do.

Go to Lahore and ask 10 people 2/3 will not be PTI voter which basically mean they are PDM supporters or disgruntled ex PMLN supporters

If Pakistani want to make Nawaz sharif as king who are you and me to say no

IQ is specific test pretty sure punjabis have normal IQ
You may think "khata hey tu lagata hey is bad" but Punjabis don't mind it

Similarly Sindhis don't even believe that Mr 10 thing being popularized

The defacto ruling by just two families will bring stability in Pakistan, let them do a bit corruption we are okay with it
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PTI supporters need to admit that PMLN and PPPP are real parties with real support
It's their country and their choice
You cant force feed people and change their opinions
Even today in Sindh and central Punjab most people support PDM or atleast are disgruntled supporters of these parties expected to come back soon to their food
PTI is acting like fascists calling PMLN supporters as sub human/patwaris
PMLN for example has never lost an election in central Punjab over last 40 years
That's generational support
(except for 2002)

You know Benazir Bhutto long denied Nawaz Sharif had a vote bank in Punjab? To the PPP, Punjab was still the PPP bastion of the pre-Zia era but Zia's political machinations had changed that in his 11 years rule. She ended up eating humble pies some years later and accepted the Noon League / Nawaz Sharif having a large vote bank.
Only issue is that PDM refuses to accept that their rentleas bombing and blocking food delivery means they have no support in KP or GB
Only issue is that PDM refuses to accept that their rentleas bombing and blocking food delivery means they have no support in KP or GB

GB is beautiful but very insignificant electorally. KP is significant but there the Noonies have a strong presence, especially in Hazara Division. That, and Pervez Khattak and his electables, will doom PTI in KP even in the fairest of all elections in Pakistan's history--and the upcoming elections, or at least its post voting results, will be engineered. People here just don't understand that personal popularity doesn't translate to electoral success in Pakistan.
Moeed Pirzada is what, Javed choudhry or iftikhar is for pmln.

These are fan boys masquerading as political anchors.

not really..

he is balanced, he is also critical of Khan's errors

the other you mentioned are just paid clowns.. 100% butt licking
And moeed pee .is even more idiot.
When he believes every thing that the FAUJI TOLD him..to be true fact..

well he did admit his mistake.. have you people done the same?.. instead you clown went back to the same formula... ride on the military back for power.

Look it's irrelevant what Pakistan has become

that has got to be the must dumbest comment of the century.

look around over 1 million capable Pakistanis have left, economy in shambles , every index Pakistan is a total failure etc and you think it is irrelevant ??

seriously what is your IQ ?
well he did admit his mistake.. have you people done the same?.. instead you clown went back to the same formula... ride on the military back for power.

that has got to be the must dumbest comment of the century.

look around over 1 million capable Pakistanis have left, economy in shambles , every index Pakistan is a total failure etc and you think it is irrelevant ??

seriously what is your IQ ?
No it's not.
Let say you have heroine junkie who says I love using heroine you cant force him to be clean

He will be junkie

The same is true for democracy and free will

It's people choice to choose who ever they want even if they are not good for them.

Punjabis and Sindhis want Nawaz sharif and zardari it doesn't matter how bad these rulers are
PTI supporters need to admit that PMLN and PPPP are real parties with real support


noonie & co have no support real or imagined...and why would they have zero achievement.

the fact they are unwilling to allow free and fair elections is evidence in it's self. they are using every dirty trick the devil has thought them and yet every independent survey confirmed Imran Khan is the top choice by a MASSIVE margin. You clowns are not even close.
Those who are crying are in minority and they should leave the country or keep fighting politically if they disagree with the majority
No it's not.
Let say you have heroine junkie who says I love using heroine you cant force him to be clean

He will be junkie

The same is true for democracy and free will

It's people choice to choose who ever they want even if they are not good for them.

Punjabis and Sindhis want Nawaz sharif and zardari it doesn't matter how bad these rulers are

regardless his assessment is correct and yours as usual wrong.

noonie & co have no support real or imagined...and why would they have zero achievement.

the fact they are unwilling to allow free and fair elections is evidence in it's self. they are using every dirty trick the devil has thought them and yet every independent survey confirmed Imran Khan is the top choice by a MASSIVE margin. You clowns are not even close.
I went to Lahore to visit my friend spoke to dozen of people

4/10 supported Nawaz sharif and 3/10 were ex supporters

So you are wrong, there is 40 years of 100% success in elections in Punjab for PMLN 9/9 they won elections

For Sindhis even in APPNA in USA every Sindhi I met support zardari
The defacto ruling by just two families will bring stability in Pakistan, let them do a bit corruption we are okay with it

seriously what planet you came from?

you need go out the side your village and see how the rest of the world works... they are successful and you are not.
regardless his assessment is correct and yours as usual wrong.
Are you saying all those people who ask questions in Lahore from ordinary people who they want to vote is wrong??

Are you ignoring 40 yrs of history?
9/9 times PMLN won in punjab

seriously what planet you came from?

you need go out the side your village and see how the rest of the world works... they are successful and you are not.
I left pakistan because people are corrupt and support corrupt people

What I am saying fix the people don't blame nawaz sharif he is doing what people want him to do.
"Khata hey tu lagata hey" is not a phrase invented by Nawaz sharif but his supporters

Democracy is a rule for the people by the people

People want Nawaz sharif and corruption who are you to say no

You are arguing nawaz sharif is bad

What I am arguing is doesn't matter who nawaz sharif is people still love him

We arguing two different things
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