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People please stop dreaming of india as a powerful nation or superpower

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Yaar... I used to like your posts.. now you're just leaning extremely the other way. Take some time off PDF, I know exactly what's triggering your emotions ;)
i am agreed with u ....only one race is superior and that is humanity...superiority lies in righteousness and not in colour of skin or caste....this is why hindus are leaving hinduism and it also cause of people like the OP plagued mind..brain-washed by NDTV

Naw I beg to differ. I've seen Muslims also convert because they simply cannot handle the whole wearing a niqab thing. Seen very secular Hindus, Christians Sikhs and Muslims here, who go to Gurdwara, play Holi at a Mandir, spend time at a church.. etc.

I say everyone relax. Come to to Vegas and all your problems will be over.. 100% guaranteed ;)
India is a country that matters and very important In the world not sure about super power though but definitely going in the right direction and taking the right steps towards becoming one congratulations to all of you !!!
Converts are not Muslims, they are mostly lower class Hindus, but again i don't know as i haven't been to India, so i can't say anything for sure, my whole knowledge is dependent upon Information collected from Media and my own logic..

I would love if someone can clarify for me this Christian missionary problem, why is it a problem and how are they converting people?
And what abut you??? Most of (i mean more than 70%) of Muslims in sub continent are converts....... majority of them by force during Mughal Period
If Not a Sikh PM (MMS) our Economy wouldnt have Grown, If Not a Muslim Scientist(APJ.Abdul Kalam) Our Missile Defense would not have been Strong, If not parsi Businessman(TATA), India would not have fulfilled the Dream of Globalization, If not a Hindu scientist (Vindo Dham) Computers might still not be as developed as it is today.

And You still dont want India to Be Secular?? Its better to give the external Force only one obvious way to attack rather closing all the ways and Fear there next move... Secularism helped us and will always do
the tread starter is right majority is authority.india should be hindu state
I think perhaps we should address the underlying thesis in the original post, which is that a country's progress is hampered if there are strong competing ideologies. Religion is just one ideology and the op seems to think that everything will be fine once that ideological divide is eliminated.

However, even if you do that and impose Hinduism as the 'official' religion, other ideological divides will emerge: hardcore communists v/s socialists v/s capitalists; militant environmentalists v/s materialists. The list goes on, and these ideologs can be just as intolerant and militant as the worst of religious fanatics.

There will always be competing ideologies in any sufficiently large group of people, and the trick is to accept and manage differences rather than trying futilely to homogenize everything.

Spot on. It is clearly evident in the concept of a two nation theory which pits two supposed monolith entities of Hinduism & Islam. The moment Hinduism was effectively removed from the picture (now only available as caricatures in textbooks), other identities i.e. linguistic,sects took their place. Pakistan is proof enough that a large, supposedly mono religious state does not necessarily indicate an end to divisions.


Sunni v/s Shia
Sunni +Shia v/s Ahmedias
Punjabis v/s rest
Baluchis v/s rest
Pashtuns v/s rest

Pre 1971 - West Pakistanis v/s Bengalis


Hindus v/s Muslims
North Indians v/s South Indians v/s North East Indians


Upper castes v/s lower castes

Upper castes:

Brahmins v/s rest

Lower castes:

Scheduled Castes v/s rest

South India:

Tamilians v/s Kannadigas and so on. This does not end here. Tamilians are not a monolith & neither are Kannadigas. They can be divided into various sub groups with no real end. The same holds true for every one of the other segments be they N.Indian, upper caste,NE India (Nagas,Mizos, Manipuris, Assamese)etc.

The search for a unifying factor on the basis of shared religious affiliation is a foolish one. It both underestimates & ignores the complexities of humans. Unity has to be found embracing the differences in search of a larger whole not by trying to wish them away.
To become World Power (Super Power), u have to implement World Order, Like USA do with thier policies like NATO, UN, IMF, Nuclear Group etc.

Can India do that.??................No, never. Who listens u ......pusssssh :p
Okay let me try and answer the OP.

Secular government policy is what holds India together. Unity in diversity is an impossible task to achieve if the state adopts an official religion. All the wet Pakistani dreams of a balkanized India will come to pass if we follow your methods.

India is a country unlike another. Nowhere in modern history have such a country been successfully established and even if they have, it has never been democratic and united like ours.

Our country is unique because every state is like a whole different country. The language, culture, tastes, music, food, art are all different when you move from one state to another. Yet none of us are any different, we all have the same identity even while considering all our differences and that is INDIAN. We are united because we are INDIANS and there is no other reason but that.

Now, what will adopting a state religion do? It will alienate our people. It will disrupt our bond and our reason to be together. Even your party BJP realizes this.

One more thing, why should it bother you what religion another person chooses to follow? So long as you remain true to your faith you have nothing else to worry about.

I suggest you come back to reality and wake up.

Good morning..
lolz.... now i've no doubt left dat rikshaw driver ji is a false flagger trying very hard to depict himselves as indian :P
It not only takes a strong economy and military but also the willingness to make sacrifices to become a super power. US, Europe, China etc had and are sacrificing the lives of thousands of their soldiers and billions in their resources fighting wars far away from their homeland as a part of their foreign policy. Do Indian leadership have in them to make hard hitting, strong policies that may cause us some friends to turn enemies.
Secularism is one pillars of our nation,remember that Nursery story how a bundle of sticks is harder to break than a single stick.
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