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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

USA is escalating softly.

They by know hipocritely dont support all of them the Pelosi trip.

But they will proggressively escalating the confrontation against China in the coming months.

USA is provocating China by the same reasons they are provocating Russia, because Russia and China are military threats against USA mainland, and they need to slow down their military development.
Are you a child?! Do you think it's over? It's actually the beginning of things to come. China said there will be consequences is she lands, it never said she will be stopped. China has given US enough rope to hang itself.
If China was serious then one single missile at Taiwan would have halted the trip. It's all political jostling and macho talk by both the US and China and both know the serious consequences of war. However the US has been naughty by renegading on the Taiwan position with China.
The US has turned Ukraine into a land of never ending nightmares for Russia and a source of income for defence companies across the world.

If anything, Ukraine is a symbol of Russia's decline from the signature powerful bogeyman to a mediocre, poor, corrupt and militarily incompetent oligarchy.
As if it was Ukraine that took Russian territories.

Ukraine is being punched left and right. It is a sign of Russian rise again. But as for American world order, it is a huge failure and a sign of US decline. The day that USA dictated orders to other nations is over.

PLA is a brave force, they have every reason to fight. I just don't get the reason behind this hesitation.
I blame China for making this visit a huge issue, if Chinese just ignored her visit and did not issue those threats then no one would be talking about it, and I said in a different post, that I knew that she will land in Taiwan and Chinese will just watch, if they attack Pelosi than its War with America, but if they Attack Taiwan soon than the world will sit back and watch, and if any country threat China to attack than threat them back with Nukes, learn something from Putin.
I blame China for making this visit a huge issue, if Chinese just ignored her visit and did not issue those threats then no one would be talking about it, and I said in a different post, that I knew that she will land in Taiwan and Chinese will just watch, if they attack Pelosi than its War with America, but if they Attack Taiwan soon than the world will sit back and watch, and if any country threat China to attack than threat them back with Nukes, learn something from Putin.

I’ve said it before and saying it now; the Chinese should screw UN resolutions and arm the North Koreans heavily along with Iran & Co., and create a death by thousand cuts to Western forces in North Africa and Middle East. Play the same game the West does by copying their play book and if they moan throw them the same book.
I’ve said it before and saying it now; the Chinese should screw UN resolutions and arm the North Koreans heavily along with Iran & Co., and create a death by thousand cuts to Western forces in North Africa and Middle East. Play the same game the West does by copying their play book and if they moan throw them the same book.
They can do, they sure does have the resources to do it as well, but thing is that if China wants to become a Global super power and make the world fear them they have to fight a war, practice and exercise wont cut in. Having fancy and new weapon system will do them no good, because with the combine resources of NATO Americans will outmatch them for next 50 years easily. China is literally just issuing threats while no major action has been taken by them, I mean look at Russians their economy was worse than China, their military condition/equip was old as Qaim Ali shah and yet they Attacked Ukraine, yes they are paying heavy price for it but they will earn the respect from their enemies (NATO/America), the lack of fighting will is why western countries although say they are worried about China's rise but no one take China Seriously.
American vassals must keep something in mind: if someday USA defeats Russia and China, their vassal cheerleader job wont be necessary anymore.

USA treats well to their little Eurasia vassals because need their support to harass China and Russia.

But if USA achieves that, it wont be necessary treat them well anymore.

Any American little vassal must pray everyday to keep the world in a eternal cold war state between USA/Russia/China, because if someday USA achieves full dominance, they will start to piss in the face of his dumb vassals.
“kill the chicken to scare the monkeys”

First time I have ever heard that idiom. Interestingly it is a Chinese one.

They can do, they sure does have the resources to do it as well, but thing is that if China wants to become a Global super power and make the world fear them they have to fight a war, practice and exercise wont cut in. Having fancy and new weapon system will do them no good, because with the combine resources of NATO Americans will outmatch them for next 50 years easily. China is literally just issuing threats while no major action has been taken by them, I mean look at Russians their economy was worse than China, their military condition/equip was old as Qaim Ali shah and yet they Attacked Ukraine, yes they are paying heavy price for it but they will earn the respect from their enemies (NATO/America), the lack of fighting will is why western countries although say they are worried about China's rise but no one take China Seriously.

Your Russia analysis is missing one thing that the sanctions is mostly targeting Putin's friends. They just released new sanctions on Putin's partner

Another thing is that Russia controlled a lot of the oil and natural gas exports to Europe and as a result of the war we have seen effects on wheat shortages along with petrol price hikes.

Taiwan is no Ukraine.

It kinda is considering both Ukraine and Taiwan are egged on by the West.
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I blame China for making this visit a huge issue, if Chinese just ignored her visit and did not issue those threats then no one would be talking about it, and I said in a different post, that I knew that she will land in Taiwan and Chinese will just watch, if they attack Pelosi than its War with America, but if they Attack Taiwan soon than the world will sit back and watch, and if any country threat China to attack than threat them back with Nukes, learn something from Putin.
I think the visit gave the Chinese government the green light from its citizens to invade Taiwan. Before the visit a lot of Chinese were on the fence about a military reunification, but now those voices have seem to be drowned out by the ones calling for blood. If war does happen, it will enjoy popular support from the Chinese side, I can’t say the same from Taiwan or America. I think that may be the Chinese will be going for after Pelosi leaves with their “special military exercise”. They may turn that into a full blockade or conduct future operations closer and closer to the shores until it triggers a response from Taiwan. The visit also give China an excuse to openly support Russia in Ukraine.
With how advanced US ISR and targeting capabilities are and cruise missiles numbering in the thousands, it will be exceptionally difficult for China to take Taiwan.

You see the effects anti ship cruise missiles are having on the Russians. The Russian Navy are 100-150km+ away from Odessa now.
My friend, you think we don't have the same capability? The issue is not whether we can invade Taiwan, the issue is whether we can face a global war with US. If we invade Taiwan then what? We have a trillion $ in treasury, we need time to sell it and convert it to resources, what about rmb substitution, is the CIPS in full swing? Sanctions and embargo, are our semiconductor equipment makers ready? Nope, not yet. Remember it is not us stirring a conflict but US, you might laugh now but if a world war happens, inflation will skyrocket and the world will be very different.

You guys accuse China if being dangerous, but in this situation, who is the shit stirrer? Not us my friend, the same with Ukraine, US wants us to attack.
I think the visit have the Chinese government the green light from its citizens to invade Taiwan. Before the visit a lot of Chinese were on the fence about a military reunification, but now those voices have seem to be drowned out by the ones calling for blood. If war does happen, it will enjoy popular support from the Chinese side, I can’t say the same from Taiwan or America. I think that may be the Chinese will be going for after Pelosi leaves with their “special military exercise”. They may turn that into a full blockade or conduct future operations closer and closer to the shores until it triggers a response from Taiwan. The visit also give China an excuse to openly support Russia in Ukraine.
Thing is that we can discuss all possibilities but truth is without taking any action, China will not get back Taiwan, and if China is not yet ready than why issue such big threats to Americans ? I mean yes Chinese people would be angry and rightly so because their govt is issuing warnings but pictures from Taiwan coming in hot, with Pelosi laughing and entire world media who first reports on Chinese threats now are like, Ok. Like Chinese makes their own life difficult, if you are not prepared to do anything than do issue threats to a country you can not fight, they could have just issue Statements of condemnation etc but threats ? I mean now look how USN is in their backyard, try anything with them and see how things change.
Thing is that we can discuss all possibilities but truth is without taking any action, China will not get back Taiwan, and if China is not yet ready than why issue such big threats to Americans ? I mean yes Chinese people would be angry and rightly so because their govt is issuing warnings but pictures from Taiwan coming in hot, with Pelosi laughing and entire world media who first reports on Chinese threats now are like, Ok. Like Chinese makes their own life difficult, if you are not prepared to do anything than do issue threats to a country you can not fight, they could have just issue Statements of condemnation etc but threats ? I mean now look how USN is in their backyard, try anything with them and see how things change.
You make the choices most logical to you. Shooting down her jet was not a option on the table, China wants Taiwan, not a war with America. Shooting her down would unite both republicans and democrats, it would be a strategic blunder to end the constant rivalry between the parties. What is on the table after the visit is Taiwan, now China has enough justification for their people to increase tensions and escalate up to war with minimal resistance from its populous while The American right and left still remains extremely divided in the issue.

But I do think if China does want to escalate their “special military exercises” it should be soon or at least before America decides to put permanent personnel on the island as their next escalation. At that point America will be dragged in no matter what. If it’s now they will hesitant to be personally dragged into the conflict much like Ukraine.
You make the choices most logical to you. Shooting down her jet was not a option on the table, China wants Taiwan, not a war with America. Shooting her down would unite both republicans and democrats, it would be a strategic blunder to end the constant rivalry between the parties. What is on the table after the visit is Taiwan, now China has enough justification for their people to increase tensions and escalate up to war with minimal resistance from its populous while The American right and left still remains extremely divided in the issue.

But I do think if China does want to escalate their “special military exercises” it should be soon or at least before America decides to put permanent personnel on the island as their next escalation. At that point America will be dragged in no matter what. If it’s now they will hesitant to be personally dragged into the conflict much like Ukraine.
They do not have to shoot her plane, nor they need to issue threats, if they want to take the long diplomatic route than don't issue harsh threats, they could just condemn her visit and increase their military presence in the area and world will forget her visit in two days.
China im sure will act and respond maturely, unlike the wishes of some indian cheerleaders here. China may as well start providing intelligence and military help to Russia.

Xi Jinping asked Putin to invade Ukraine after the Winter Olympics. And Putin respected his wishes.

They are already working together in some ways.
They do not have to shoot her plane, nor they need to issue threats, if they want to take the long diplomatic route than don't issue harsh threats, they could just condemn her visit and increase their military presence in the area and world will forget her visit in two days.
Manufacturing consent, because this was made into a big deal China now has carte Blanche to carry out any military activities in the region. China’s “special military exercise” is carried out over Taiwanese air space (not AIDZ, actual air space) and within 12 nm of its coast. You could not justify that before without it being seen as an act of war but now not a peep from anyone. The Chinese military actually gained quite a bit of leeway from this, one would hope they would capitalize on it.
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