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Pentagon opposes Pelosi's Taiwan trip due to Chinese warning

She thinks she is the Secratary of state. She has no business starting world war 3. What a narcissist
Well we know ccp is just all talk so it’s all good.

She is doing what is good for USA and Democratic Party.

Ukraine casualties are slightly lower per the Pentagon. And the Ukrainians are nowhere close to being short of manpower and are receiving a constant supply of weapons from the West. Meanwhile, Russia is scraping its weapons depots.

Russia is getting bled to the point where the US no longer considers Russia a long term problem.
Winnie the Pooh won’t fight after seeing how his buddy Putin getting *** kicked lol

The war supposed to be over in 3 days and now we are in sixth month…and Russia controls less then 15 percent of Ukrainian territory and still struggling to hold on.
Chinese military exercises in the coming days

BTW, Penghu islands (90 island Archipelago) officially houses 60,000 man strong garrison. How many troops would/could China commit to the invasion of just these islands? 3:1 attacker/defender ratio would dictate a PLAN marine strength of approx 200,000.
Airstrikes would probably soften them up first and then invasion of the islands. Still got some islands right next to China that doesn't need any fleet.

Well we know ccp is just all talk so it’s all good.

She is doing what is good for USA and Democratic Party.

Winnie the Pooh won’t fight after seeing how his buddy Putin getting *** kicked lol

The war supposed to be over in 3 days and now we are in sixth month…and Russia controls less then 15 percent of Ukrainian territory and still struggling to hold on.
Russia is winning in the Russian Ukraine war.
Well we know ccp is just all talk so it’s all good.

She is doing what is good for USA and Democratic Party.

Winnie the Pooh won’t fight after seeing how his buddy Putin getting *** kicked lol

The war supposed to be over in 3 days and now we are in sixth month…and Russia controls less then 15 percent of Ukrainian territory and still struggling to hold on.
Awww yeah Russia is struggling so badly that Zelensky the clown has told his soldiers to leave Donetsk LOL get a grip! Russia is on track to win on its own terms...next it's China's turn to turn US pissing into the direction of the wind.
Indians want US China war so that Asia Pacific countries (Nort East and Sout East Asian) get economic trouble due to war and they want badly to be the next China....:sarcastic:
Chinese military exercises in the coming days

Airstrikes would probably soften them up first and then invasion of the islands. Still got some islands right next to China that doesn't need any fleet.

Russia is winning in the Russian Ukraine war.
Repeating these exercises twice a year (during the two windows when invasion is optimal considering the tides and typhoon season) will maintain the pressure on Taiwan. Any one of these exercises could turn into the invasion.

A smart and pragmatic way to build up to having the ability to successfully invade rapidly and decisively. China probably still needs at least another 10 years to have all the equipment and training in place to launch an invasion, now that key platforms are finishing development and are ready for mass production. As well as China stepping up its nuclear Arsenal size to reach parity with the US in 10-25 years.
Repeating these exercises twice a year (during the two windows when invasion is optimal considering the tides and typhoon season) will maintain the pressure on Taiwan. Any one of these exercises could turn into the invasion.

A smart and pragmatic way to build up to having the ability to successfully invade rapidly and decisively. China probably still needs at least another 10 years to have all the equipment and training in place to launch an invasion, now that key platforms are finishing development and are ready for mass production. As well as China stepping up its nuclear Arsenal size to reach parity with the US in 10-25 years.
Patience. We need at least another 10 years to have those carriers and airwing ready.
So Chinese did a massive military build up and still Nancy Polosi went ahead, where is the deterrence ?

Chinese should refrain from this type of childish rhetoric as its clear it didnt deter the Americans from making the move

also USS Ronald Reagan was in the South China Sea why Chinese Navy did not come to shadow ?

China is much softer than Russia and right now China is looking more worse than North Korea, issuing threat after threat and nothing is stopping USA
I hope there is no war. But if there is US side instigated this just as how they instigated the war in Ukraine. I think China will be cool headed and use other means to retaliate. We are not ready for a full scale war, need another 10 years for our carrier group to be matured enough with the J-35s Etc.
Patience. We need at least another 10 years to have those carriers and airwing ready.
Exactly, in 10 years the PLA will be much more capable then it is now. over the next ten years the PLA will be building up numbers (of platforms and trained men) and will probably be conducting so many more exercises.
Repeating these exercises twice a year (during the two windows when invasion is optimal considering the tides and typhoon season) will maintain the pressure on Taiwan. Any one of these exercises could turn into the invasion.

A smart and pragmatic way to build up to having the ability to successfully invade rapidly and decisively. China probably still needs at least another 10 years to have all the equipment and training in place to launch an invasion, now that key platforms are finishing development and are ready for mass production. As well as China stepping up its nuclear Arsenal size to reach parity with the US in 10-25 years.

With how advanced US ISR and targeting capabilities are and cruise missiles numbering in the thousands, it will be exceptionally difficult for China to take Taiwan.

You see the effects anti ship cruise missiles are having on the Russians. The Russian Navy are 100-150km+ away from Odessa now.
Indians want US China war so that Asia Pacific countries (Nort East and Sout East Asian) get economic trouble due to war and they want badly to be the next China....:sarcastic:

India wants to be the next INDIA.

NO ONE aspires to be china :lol: ......... not even the chinese.

Patience. We need at least another 10 years to have those carriers and airwing ready.


With how advanced US ISR and targeting capabilities are and cruise missiles numbering in the thousands, it will be exceptionally difficult for China to take Taiwan.

You see the effects anti ship cruise missiles are having on the Russians. The Russian Navy are 100-150km+ away from Odessa now.
The Soviets at their peak were around 45% of the GDP of the US. The Chinese are over 75% today. The Soviets spent way more way more of their economy on the military compared to what China is spending.

They also haven’t been overspending on their military. They are trying to leapfrog in technology. The Chinese have come up with ways and means to target US ISR. Not my assessment; which is all open source, but from a Johnny Harris video on a Taiwan invasion scenario. In it he says the Chinese have micro satellites build to physical attack and bind our ISR satellites.

Also, an arms race is a self fulfilling prophecy; like the missile/warhead gap of the early Cold War.


The Chinese will use every psychological means in the book to draw this out and avoid a fight while they build up. Because I agree at present it will be hard for them to take Taiwan. But in 10-20 years if they have a marine corp of 200-400,000 men. Tens of Thousands of attack and transport helicopters. Thousands of dedicated amphibious transport ships, and the technology to be close enough to our technology, and the numbers to reach close to parity with the combined militaries of the US and Indo-PaCom allies as well as a comparable nuclear Arsenal, they will probably then go for it. But, probably not until then.
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The Soviets at their peak were around 45% of the GDP of the US. The Chinese are over 75% today. The Soviets spent way more way more of their economy on the military compared to what China is spending.

They also haven’t been overspending on their military. They are trying to leapfrog in technology. The Chinese have come up with ways and means to target US ISR. Not my assessment; which is all open source, but from a Johnny Harris video on a Taiwan invasion scenario. In it he says the Chinese have micro satellites build to physical attack and bind our ISR satellites.

Also, an arms race is a self fulfilling prophecy; like the missile/warhead gap of the early Cold War.

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The Chinese will use every psychological means in the book to draw this out and avoid a fight while they build up. Because I agree at present it will be hard for them to take Taiwan. But in 10-20 years if they have a marine corp of 200-400,000 men. Tens of Thousands of attack and transport helicopters. Thousands of dedicated amphibious transport ships, and the technology to be close enough to our technology, and the numbers to reach close to parity with the combined militaries of the US and Indo-PaCom allies as well as a comparable nuclear Arsenal, they will probably then go for it. But, probably not until then.

The US is spending 3.3-3.5% of its GDP on defense, less than the 6% of GDP during the Reagan years. The US could easily spend another $500B on defense and be comfortable.

US ISR capabilities are expanding and quickly, especially as the SDA constellation of satellites begin to launch this fall. The likelihood China will be able dismantle US ISR capability is minimal.

In 10-15 years, the US will likely have 15,000-20,000 mix of cruise and ballistic missiles, and 5,000+ antiship missiles.

With so many new systems coming to the US military (B-21, NGAD, etc) US capability will be overwhelming.

Many….many Chinese will die to the point where the Russia-Ukraine war will look like child’s play.
With how advanced US ISR and targeting capabilities are and cruise missiles numbering in the thousands, it will be exceptionally difficult for China to take Taiwan.

You see the effects anti ship cruise missiles are having on the Russians. The Russian Navy are 100-150km+ away from Odessa now.

It's hard.

Taiwan is a strong fortress. Not impossible. But there will be many casualties when the PLA tries to land troops on the Taiwanese shore
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