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Penn Judge: Muslims Allowed to Attack People for Insulting Mohammad

When someone insults Islam, Pakistanis sound more righteous than god himself. But we often see them slurring abuses like 'cow piss drinker' at Hindus on this forum. They also abuse India for not allowing bovine slaughtering. For all the talk about respecting one's beliefs, shouldn't Pakistanis also respect Hindus beliefs about sacred cow. No, they are quite happy being hypocrites. In the present age where people ask for logic behind the thinking, Islamists should grow thick skin.

How many of us call Hindu's 'cow piss drinker'? And is that not true? Isn't cow piss sacred to you enough to drink or something like that?? I wouldn't be offended if I was called an anti-pork meat person or something like that because that is the truth....so why do you consider the truth to be an insult?

And don't we respect your belief about cows? Do we feed cow meat to you? We respect your sentiments, you should do the same.

So if some one abuses your religion, your solution is to physically abuse him. Great. If all the religions in the world follow the same, there would be constant wars among us.[/FONT]

If you notice, we are in a constant state of war, we Muslims are facing our holocaust during the present time, both internally and externally.
How many of us call Hindu's 'cow piss drinker'? And is that not true? Isn't cow piss sacred to you enough to drink or something like that?? I wouldn't be offended if I was called an anti-pork meat person or something like that because that is the truth....so why do you consider the truth to be an insult?

And don't we respect your belief about cows? Do we feed cow meat to you? We respect your sentiments, you should do the same.

If you notice, we are in a constant state of war, we Muslims are facing our holocaust during the present time, both internally and externally.
sorry mate, In INDIA the senario of Muslims facing holocaust is not true. Post Godra riot we have had no religious violance for the past 10 years. but in present day pakistan the case is different. Shia attack Sunni, Suni attack Ahamadi, etc etc. But untimatly you all follow the same religion yet you have this much of hatred to fellow human being. I think that it is in your DNA to kill and live with that sin.
Thats true, no one has right to ridicule any religion, But at the same time, Protest must not turn into arsenal,riots,Stone pelting, Murder, rape or threat to murder. Do you agree with that?????

Yes Peaceful Protest is our right.

Don't get emotional. And moreover how to differentiate between ridicule and criticism??? Criticism is widely believed as ridicule and blasphemy by Islamic followers.

Why it is always muslims who react? as mentioned in first page the atheists were criticizing Islam and Cristianity on the same banner, why only Islamic follower reacted???

Muslims are treated well in non Muslim country (As shown by there migration rate). Not every muslim is potential threat.

You, my friend, are neither American nor a Muslim, then why butt in? Furthermore, simply stating your personal opinion is not enough as it clearly clashes with reality.
Rioting, arsenal, stone pelting, assault is something most common in Muslims protest/demonstration.

I think Many Muslims don't understand there religion. And I am appalled to see that many PDF members are defending it. Under no circumstances any one is allowed to attack ppl for "so called blasphemy". I have seen American shows (Simpson and FAmily guy) mocking jew/cristian/hindu god, But I have never heard Vatican/Israel/India threatening killing the producers.

While we saw how danish cartoonist was threaten. Islam is misunderstood by its followers.

Rioting, arson, stone pelting, assault and any abuse of religion or law of the country, as per my knowledge, is prohibited in Islam. But under Shariat law, ridicule of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or Muslim tenants of faith are punishable acts. Under Shariat law, minorities are protected and their right/religious freedom is protected as well.

* I replaced the word 'arsenal' in your post and replaced it with 'arson', hoping that I wrote what you actually wanted to write.
sorry mate, In INDIA the senario of Muslims facing holocaust is not true. Post Godra riot we have had no religious violance for the past 10 years. but in present day pakistan the case is different. Shia attack Sunni, Suni attack Ahamadi, etc etc. But untimatly you all follow the same religion yet you have this much of hatred to fellow human being. I think that it is in your DNA to kill and live with that sin.

I was referring to Muslim countries when I worded 'internally' and not India :)
How many of us call Hindu's 'cow piss drinker'? And is that not true? Isn't cow piss sacred to you enough to drink or something like that?? I wouldn't be offended if I was called an anti-pork meat person or something like that because that is the truth....so why do you consider the truth to be an insult?

And don't we respect your belief about cows? Do we feed cow meat to you? We respect your sentiments, you should do the same.

If you notice, we are in a constant state of war, we Muslims are facing our holocaust during the present time, both internally and externally.

Arey yaar, if you going to call Hindus "cow piss drinkers" and you feel it to be true, then I can give several names to your prophet Mohammad and they all be true as well. If you are going to be offensive to someone (Believe me everyone knows the intent behind such slurs), please mind that you get paid back in the same coin. Also I have heard Muslims believe camel piss has healing powers. Now should I mock you. In any case, we don't physically hurt someone for such slurs. May be muslims should learn that.
If God loves you, why are the most religious Afghans, Africans and Arabs being killed more than pigs, while the atheist Europeans are enjoying exceptionally high standards of living?
So you are implying that whoever will be rich or will have high standard of livings on this planet will be more near and dear to God and whoever will suffer more on this planet will be because God don't love him/her. This logic is totally flawed if you read about lives of different Abrahamic prophets who were very dear to God but faced so much hardships and difficulties through out their lives.

If God loves you, why are the most religious countries in the world also the most violent?

If God loves you, why are the most religious countries in the world also the poorest?

Doesn't God want people to worship him? Then why is he punishing his biggest worshippers?

Or maybe religion is just a scam and is a nice tool to make people dumb and weak.

You are again blaming God for all evils which exist in this world or peoples commit on his name. Its fav hobbies for atheist to say that why there is evil in this world when there is God and they forget that God has given us freewill to chose both good or evil and if evil exist in this world its because of us not because of God. wow really most religious countries are most violent..then tell me how many peoples killed by Iran, saudia Arabia and Afghanistan by waging war in different countries?

Did religious countries started world war 1 and world war 2 and recent Iraq war? Did religious soviet/US invaded Afghanistan ? Did religious Britain occupied different countries illegally ? compare the statistic of death tools by religious countries and non religious countries and get back to me

last but not least rich countries are rich because of exploiting the resources of poor and backward nations
You continue to state a twisted argument. Technically, tigers can be farmed, dogs are not endangered, yet states, on cultural sensitivity grounds place restrictions on consumption of that meat. That does not mean it is somehow against secularism. Taking another example, Salman Rushdie's book 'Satanic Verses" was banned in India. Why, since it certainly didn't offend Hindu sentiments. Why should Hindus be stopped from reading a book that is in no way offensive to them? Why do Muslims protest the cartoons in Denmark because surely what non-Muslims do is not within the realm of Islam's boundaries, is it? So, you can ask non-muslims to be respectful of Muslim sentiments in secular countries but the same should not be expected for Hindu sentiments?

Weird logic this.

Tigers cannot be be farmed my friend.
Farming means to raise the number of animals to be economically viable.
Tigers are a solitude animal, you cannot put 50 tigers in a barn and everything will be ok.
But will you go to jail for reading his book?
I agree that "Secular" India should not have banned it. But no one is going to go to jail for 7 years because they read his book.
The Denmark argument is a strawman that has nothing to do with this discussion, you are just desperately trying to throw anything out there hoping something will stick.

Simply using words like "twisted" and "Weird" does not magically make it so.
I presented a coherent though out argument, and your reply was "But but but, the Muslims are angry about Denmark cartoons and Salman rushdi"

That is not a coherent and thought out rebutle.

I will restate my initial point, since you seem to be doing your best to get away from it.
India says they are secular, but Hinduism has much more influence on the state then it should. Hindus can make laws sending minorities to Jail for not acting like Hindus. That is not secularism, so please make up your mind, are you secular or not.
Lol Turns out that the Judge is not even Muslim.He is Christian..confirmed to AP.
The fact is, the reason cow eating ban was put into place was to appease the Hindus and this appeasement negatively affects all the other minorities. secularism doesn't give any religion extra influence, but here in India Hinduism clearly has more influence then it should. So once again, please decide if you are secular or not.
Is cow slaughter mandatory in Islam? Is it ordained by the Holy Koran or any of the authoritative Hadiths? If not, then banning of cow slaughter (in some states) doesn't present any impediment, real or imagined, to Islam or its practice. The tenet of secularism is, therefore, not violated.

Just to remind you, India doesn't practice exclusivist secularism as in Europe. Indian secularism is inclusivist.

I will restate my initial point, since you seem to be doing your best to get away from it.
India says they are secular, but Hinduism has much more influence on the state then it should. Hindus can make laws sending minorities to Jail for not acting like Hindus. That is not secularism, so please make up your mind, are you secular or not.
There is a difference between Hinduism having influence on the state of India and Hindus making laws. Due to the simple reason of statistics - Hindus being in overwhelming majority - Hindus in India will be in a predominant position in law making (as Muslims are in Muslim majority state, e.g. Pakistan). If this predominance is used in making laws that unduly favours the Hindus and Hindus only, only then can we say, that 'Hinduism has influence on the state of India'. Unfortunately for you, there is no law in India that unduly favours Hindus or creates stumbling blocks for Muslims or other minority religions. Laws, putting minorities in jail for not acting like Hindus, is a product of your fertile mind, unless you are suggesting that slaughtering cows or eating beef is so integral to the practice of Islam that by not doing so, on fails to be a pious Muslim and falls out of his religion.

So, yes, the state of India is secular in every sense of the word.
Arey yaar, if you going to call Hindus "cow piss drinkers" and you feel it to be true, then I can give several names to your prophet Mohammad and they all be true as well. If you are going to be offensive to someone (Believe me everyone knows the intent behind such slurs), please mind that you get paid back in the same coin. Also I have heard Muslims believe camel piss has healing powers. Now should I mock you. In any case, we don't physically hurt someone for such slurs. May be muslims should learn that.

Read my post again, I have clearly stated that if I state something true that it must not hurt anyone, so if Hindus do not drink cow piss or wash temple's with cow urine or anything like that, they may come out and say it now. And I will stand corrected.

Muhammad (PBUH) indeed has several names and you may call him any of that as long as they are correct, any incorrect name will, quite obviously, invite the wrath of Muslims! Similarly if I were to give names to Shiva/Brahma/Vishnu etc. that are not their actual names, acceptable by Hindus, then I would be inviting the wrath of Hindus.

By the way if you have really heard that Muslims believe camels have healing powers then you would have come across Muslims using it, on the contrary I am quite certain what you heard was about Camel milk but chose piss because that is probably your preferred drink!
Americans are shameless people , they dont understand logic and they only understand the language of weapons which afghans are doing.....

They need to understand that whole world dose not follow their rules and Muslims are not like them, they will take things in their own hand if their LAW allow people to violate Basic human rights...

When we burn their flags they say why do that and its shameless act. but on the other hand if some american do any act they come up with first blah blah.... who cares anyway
In India one goes to jail for killing a cow or eating a steak. Hindus slaughter the minority with impunity. Indians should not post or discuss this kind of thread.

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