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Peelkhana Massacre and Indian RAw involvment – Assault on Security and Sovereignty.

Your news sources make me laugh! Blame it on BDR when Indian bad crossed into the border and started the shootout? Lmao. You guys thought fucking around with Pakistan you guys can with bangladesh. Then you guys had test of your own medicine. Anyone will believe bar massacre was done by India and swamp league after what happened back then. It was only natural to kill major shakil. And yes major shakil was extremely popular among people and used to give interviews aim tv and radio. He did talk about issue back then. He did say we have move long ahead and acknowledging our misunderstandings we have become allies. The only thing you guys can **** around with is our govt. not the people.

still waiting for proof.And I bet NyTimes is a better source than your wet dreams.
We like to hear or not, Indian troops fought in Kargil war very bravely. Many troops were killed when they were scaling up the mountain to the top. Finally, world's most difficult war ended in Pak troops' withdrawal from the mountain peaks.

The following is about the Boroibari battle of 18 april, 2001, and not about the Padua conflict a few days earlier.
1) 400 IA troops crossed the border and towards the BD border outpost to take revenge of the Padua takeover by BDR. Another 400 IA troops remained behind.
2) BD BoP was about 2 km away from the border.
3) In the very early morning a father had sent his 12 yr old son to check the depth of irrigation water in the paddy field. He saw a long line of moving shadow in the dark away from him.
4) Being a border child he immediately knew it was a heavy formation of Indian troops. He ran under the cover of trees to his house and reported to his father about this.
5) The father & uncle rushed to the BDR BoP. Like other BoP, only 13 BDR Jawans were stationed there.
6) The commanding officer and Jawans had two alternatives.
a) To run away to a safer place, as it is impossible to fight against such a large enemy troops.
b) To fight tooth and nail to a certain death.
7) The commander explained the situation. He wanted to fight alone, he said, when asked by them. Every Jawan readied himself for a Shahadat. After a very short last prayer to Allah they dressed up, came out of the Border outpost and took positions.
8) They waited for an ambush. When IA troops came within 100 m they opened fire. IA troops fired back with full force, but the exposed IA troops suffered 97 deaths, of which 83 bodies were carried away by the fleeing IA troops.

I have seen photographs showing many thousands of bullet holes in the walls of BDR BoP in Boroibari.

Tell me the truth. U have written bollywood movie BORDER story by replacing pakistanis with indians and indians with Bangladeshis rite ?

Officially, The Bangladesh Government denied it had supported the BDR's initialization of hostilities and termed the incident as "adventurism of its local commanders".
Typical Bangladeshi govt. always changes statements with regime changes. Plus none of the people have been tried for this... So there you go.
Typical Bangladeshi govt. always changes statements with regime changes. Plus none of the people have been tried for this... So there you go.

Right so get your house in order so there is a consistent platform for Indians to respond to.

This 2001 border incident is shrouded in too much mystery and secrecy on your side...

All we know is you killed some BSF patrolling an overlapping claim (coz of bad border markers) who fought back in self defense (albeit too late so it was one sided)......so we get confused when you lot chest thump as though its some great victory, when your own govt is confused as to who is at fault. Then add to this those on your side that inflate the figures to some amounts like hundreds or thousands and we scratch our heads further because we know that would just mean those many more families on our side that lost someone forced to keep quiet and the media hasn't somehow got to them to spill the beans on the cover up? Yeah right.

Now BSF ever since has been very shoot-first ask questions later on the border because of this (and illegal activity in general)....so in the end Bangladesh is the one suffering in the long term.

If you really want to have a drubbing, tick off the Indian army sometime and see what happens :p:
Right so get your house in order so there is a consistent platform for Indians to respond to.

This 2001 border incident is shrouded in too much mystery and secrecy on your side...

All we know is you killed some BSF patrolling an overlapping claim (coz of bad border markers) who fought back in self defense (albeit too late so it was one sided)......so we get confused when you lot chest thump as though its some great victory, when your own govt is confused as to who is at fault. Then add to this those on your side that inflate the figures to some amounts like hundreds or thousands and we scratch our heads further because we know that would just mean those many more families on our side that lost someone forced to keep quiet and the media hasn't somehow got to them to spill the beans on the cover up? Yeah right.

Now BSF ever since has been very shoot-first ask questions later on the border because of this (and illegal activity in general)....so in the end Bangladesh is the one suffering in the long term.

If you really want to have a drubbing, tick off the Indian army sometime and see what happens :p:
Bruh! Calm your tits. Now Indian sides blame Bangladesh for this mess... Bangladesh side blames Indians for this mess... All that I can say is people of the Indian subcontinent (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis) are cunts. Big fat cunts. These cunts didn't rest at peace before British during British and after British. Probably never will. I will classify these as cunt problems... Typically yeast infections and monthly periods to name a few.
Bruh! Calm your tits. Now Indian sides blame Bangladesh for this mess... Bangladesh side blames Indians for this mess... All that I can say is people of the Indian subcontinent (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis) are cunts. Big fat cunts. These cunts didn't rest at peace before British during British and after British. Probably never will. I will classify these as cunt problems... Typically yeast infections and monthly periods to name a few.

Sad but true!

Everyone generally needs to emotionally justify the investment into their particular predicament...
Tell me the truth. U have written bollywood movie BORDER story by replacing pakistanis with indians and indians with Bangladeshis rite ?
Note one thing. I am not Sharatchandra Chatterjy and I am not a story writer. You guys do not even know the details of those two border battles. Do you really know there were two border conflicts in 2001 April 16 to 20? One in Padua and the other was in Boroibari.

I have explained Padua conflict in another post already and ask people of knowledge about the location of both Padua and Boroibari. Padua (BD-Meghalaya) was taken by BDR troops and 31 BSF troops were held hostage on the night of April 16.

To revenge Padua IA masterminded to take over Boroibari (BD-Assam) a few hundred km away from Padua in the early morning of April 20. This battle caused IA troops to be killed and wounded.

Our BDR or EBR troops do not run away from the battle field. Your troops did so in 1962 China border war and this 2001 Boroibari small battle. Although, I agree that Kargil battle was fought by IA bravely.
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