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PDV VS Arrow 2

Arrow-2 has 50 km altitude and its operational since 2000.
The claimed range is 150km:
Come on Griffin

For use in anti satelite weapon, A missile must have the capability to reach Leo orbit. Arrow is no where closer to that since ceiling is just 50 to 60 meter. It must have at least 8 to 10 time celling to reach leo orbit.


from where did you get this figure????

its in KM.but its not the bound.they simply tested it that far.about ASAT,as I've posted,even long range A2A missiles or even Ballistic missiles can be converted,so why not a long range ABM armed with KKV??its not that the missile's ceiling is only 60km.it intercepted a target at that altitude.

compare it with SM-3.similarly weight,similar height and other characteristics.yet,it can be use as ASAT.everything is based on flight characteristics.if simple AIM-120 can be modified,why not a BMD??

Not at all. Arrow 2 was designed for threats of 200-2500 km range.

my bad,I was posting on the radar while I wrongly posted it.it was talking about Skyguard.
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