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PDM Minister Criticized by Cuban Ambassador for Humiliating his Country

An apartment in "utter hellhole DPRK" :

Parks in "everyone is poor" Cuba :

Pathetic and weak, which, unfortunately we have all come to expect from you as you try and argue your indefensible positions on matters of governance.

I could just as easily post countless pictures of nice houses, areas from just about any major city in India too.
@PakSword @Jango @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Can you guys please look into this issue?

This idiot @jamahir turns every thread into socialist/commie propoganda and derails it completely

He is a continuous nuisance with his continuous commie propaganda which nobody wants to listen to but this guy wants to derail every single thread and shove that commie propaganda down forum members throat

Please discipline this commie
Do you think I have nothing better to do all day?

Now that you have tagged me, tell me something: do you want Pakistan to be sanctioned like Cuba or North Korea? Do you think it is wrong to avoid being like either of those? I respect Cuba & Cubans, but still do you think that would translate to wanting to be in their position?

What do you think will happen if Pakistan lost ~ 15 Billion USD in trade with the Western Hemisphere due to possible sanctions? Do you think that would be something good? How do you suppose we shall get foreign exchange to buy Oil without which the country can not function? How will our power plants run? How will trade & industry be possible? What shall we do with the extremes of unemployment? What will we do about the mass unrest that will occur?

You live in Italy. It is easy for you to buy Imranist crap cakes because consuming these does not affect your survival. It is a different matter altogether for those of us who actually live in Pakistan. So, think a little about the country & its economy instead of bleating like an Insafi sheep.

Perhaps choice of words could be a bit better, but there is no denying the logic & the argument. Only fools would disrespect their country to secure political points. Don't be a fool.

We actually do. Ahsan Iqbal's words were not well chosen.

Im not a fool, im a successful businessman.
The team that has been assembled is incompetent, thats not my opinion, its a fact. If you truly want to ufplift pakistani economy you need a tecnocrat not a political dynasty. Last time i checked we were put of sanctions because of Miftah's incompetence. Our exports are non existant and we import everything thats directly linked to Dar's economic model. I can continue all day, but the point is if Imran corrupt then PDM is no less. If the pretext is to stop corruption the dont bring back even more corrupt to power.
@PakSword @Jango @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Can you guys please look into this issue?

This idiot @jamahir turns every thread into socialist/commie propoganda and derails it completely

He is a continuous nuisance with his continuous commie propaganda which nobody wants to listen to but this guy wants to derail every single thread and shove that commie propaganda down forum members throat

Please discipline this commie

But there are also others who are appreciating the achievements of Cuba. Why did you create this thread if you couldn't accept the outcomes ?

@PakSword @Jango @AgNoStiC MuSliM, I tag you as witnesses to my reply to Areesh's irrational outbursts such as here and also because he tagged you - I usually report a post by the official method - the report button. Surely you gentlemen will not want to take away my human right to express my views on an internet forum especially when me and a few others are on topic in this thread and are simply going with the natural flow of the thread. Do you support Cuba or not ? Instead of Areesh rationally answering my posts and those of others here supporting Cuba he calls in the mods unnecessarily.

correction, because its a full commie country, most of their citizens have no MEANS to purchase private vehicles.

will you ever stop with your anti private vehicle agenda ?

even in Sweden, Germany or Swizerland, which boast of arguably some of the best infra/public transport in the world, people prefer to own their means of transport.

People like freedom more than free-things.

Is it necessary that you will always understand by example or implementation and not by idea itself ? Fine, if you want example of places where personal vehicles will not be allowed look at the upcoming cities of NEOM in Saudia and Net City in China.

We're not universally poor like they are over in Cuba and the DPRK.

Most people I know own multiple cars/bikes and more that one piece of real estate.

1. What is "universally poor" ?

2. LOL, most of those cars and real estate in India will be "purchased" on interest-based loans from banks. You don't own those things, your banks do.

Can say this though, that Cuba, despite their many faults, is far superior to crazy Kim's giant gulag of a country. At least they have good beaches, fishing, cigars, music, food.. they have their own culture, one might say... while crazy Kim's pathetic gulag scores a grand 0 on any and all of those metrics. /fact

How on earth can you even defend, much less be full of praise for a state like the DPRK ?!?! ...smh :tsk:

You want North Korean sea recreation and a ski resort ?





Excuse me, but it is not/never me who goes around the forum spouting solutions to the worlds problems, such as the one pill to cure it all for all the countries of the world and the entire human race..

who might it be who constantly does that, then ?


So I am to be blamed if I present solutions to a few critical things ? That's a strange notion you keep. So no philosopher and revolutionary in history should be respected then.
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Is it necessary that you will always understand by example or implementation and not by idea itself ? Fine, if you want example of places where personal vehicles will not be allowed look at the upcoming cities of NEOM in Saudia and Net City in China.
Those are what one may refer to as "smart cities", basically experiments.. they may work, they may fail. They might well work out too, but it'll be for a small select set people.. not feasible to impliment it countrywide there, much less globally.

1. What is "universally poor" ?

2. LOL, most of those cars and real estate in India will be "purchased" on interest-based loans from banks. You don't own those things, your banks do.
By universally poor I mean the overwhelming % of the population are so poor they can't afford 3 healthy and hearty square meals a day.

Did you know the DPRK regime regulates exactly how many calories are ok for their citizens to eat ? No thank you.. I prefer to walk into whatever place I want for a meal, and will order according to what I can reasonably afford to order. Which translates to, unfortunately, no daily lavish meals at the Bukhara at the Delhi Sheraton for an example.. but I'm ok with every once in a while too, because I can do that ?


Sure.. same with real estate, most middle class types (I'm guessing) don't have 75 lakh - 3 Cr in handy change to just go and buy on cash.. banks step in and offer to help in exchange for some interest earnings.. it's a fair system of a bit of give and a bit of take.

oh, look at them North Koreans living the good life.. family outings at the beach.. isn't that wonderful ?
no, probably regime chamchas getting a tiny bit of rest and recreation time.. that population does not live the good life in the same way as we do here in India where any random can head to Goa, Pondicherry or the Andamans etc without owing an explanatin to the government. In the DPRK, you cant move out of your city, village etc without some pass.. very few are ever allowed into Pyongyang, and only the most elite of the lot can ever get decent government housing, pics of what your were showing here as if anyone can get into one of these. That kind of thing is reserved for party members, top generals and nuclear scientists etc exclusively.

So I am to be blamed if I present solutions to a few critical things ? That's a strange notion you keep. So no philosopher and revolutionary in history should be respected then.
Oh please, you are neither a philosopher, nor a revolutionary, there is not the slightest chance of you going down in the history books as either villain or hero... :sarcastic:

don't give yourself that much credit, you sound like a total ego maniac pontificating your rubbish ideas.


nobody is "blaming" you.. just calling you out for your 'not very intelligent', shall we say ? ideas to fix problems.

Curious, but.. which great communist revolutionary ideas of the past do you see in action today and those people living the good life because they got implemented ?
Cuban Ambassador Zener Caro has thanked Pakistanis for showing solidarity with him over Ahsan Iqbal's disrespectful remarks about Cuba in his press conference.

The ambassador tweeted about his statements saying his remarks are a disrespect to their country. This started an outrage on twitter and Pakistanis criticised Ahsan Iqbal for his remarks. Zener later thanked Pakistanis for their support.

Cubans would have cars and homes too if you didn't cripple thier economy with sanctions.

It is like India saying they are poor because they are subject to economic sanctions from Pakistan
Every country has the right to decide who they trade with. We do not trade with Cuba. Cuba can find other trading partners

And what about the rest who are not homeowners and thus either homeless or are indebted to acquire something as a basic human right as a home ? The USA government can spend 700+ billion dollars as the military budget for just 2020-21 to maintain a Capitalist imperialist invasions-oriented military and invade such progressive countries as the Libyan Jamahiriya ( no longer existing ) and North Korea where the system provides free housing but the same USA government doesn't care for the welfare of its own citizens by providing them with free homes and instead preferring to keep them homeless out in the sun, cold and rain ? This is irrational. Why is one American citizen homeless but the American president in a palace ? I quote from my thread from 2016 whose OP is an essay by Muammar Gaddafi from 2011 :

If you can afford it ? Why should one have the unnecessary worries about paying the monthly installments for loans added with interest ? This on top of paying tax for even water and electricity and other such things ?

USA is among the top three polluters in the world including India and China and much of this pollution comes via the personal cars and two-wheelers industry primarily, secondarily and tertiarily. Close to you in USA the South American glaciers are melting. So the American freedom to have personal cars has contributed to climate change. Personal cars and two-wheelers throughout the world should be banned and intra-city transport made available only through buses and taxis. There's no point arranging for governmental climate change conferences in Scotland or where ever if the governments cannot take radical steps.

And it would be good if instead of Americans guzzling on six-pack beer and watching mindless action films they overthrow the Capitalism system they have. Some Americans were serious about this in 2011 but their movement was subverted by the Establishment.

I already acknowledged the technological contribution of some Americans, though Boeing planes are not respect-worthy among them, but Americans also came by their own contributions because of prior work done by various parties such as Egyptians, Greeks, pre-European Americans, Indians, the Islamic Golden Age and then the European Renaissance and Industrial Age.

There are photos on the internet of White people, possibly Americans, posing with dead bodies of beautiful caracal cats they just killed by shooting. These people are criminals who should be presented to a firing squad for killing cats. If these people feel brave by holding guns why can't they form armed revolutionary groups in USA and bring progressive ideas there ?

Oh they have managed to give homes to their citizens despite the sanctions but there's no need to have personal cars. :) Please read above.

We can stretch that argument to claim that most Indians are also not poor.

His intellect is superior to you it seems. :)

Electricity and water are not taxed. It cost money to generate it. The consumer pays fees proportional to the amount they consume

Hunting is accepted way of controlling numbers of animal species. I consider it cruel. That is my personal opinion.
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