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PDM Minister Criticized by Cuban Ambassador for Humiliating his Country

Good to find @Areesh supporting Cuba. And the minister saying this :

Cuba and North Korea should be the model because they are developed and self-reliant to a large extent despite the decades of illegal sanctions by Western governments.

I would not wish my worst enemies to be deported to North Korea
Their army is free of American lobby / Mir jaffars.

Massive respect for Cuba.
They can make their own vaccines despite such economic issues; but where is Pak? No where.....

Just take the big earthquake that took place. Where was Pak medical society.. Sleeping.

Cubans were there on visitation ship. They deployed and worked in most difficult situation and still stayed behind until stability resolved.

Surprised to know that Pakistanis have such feel affection for Cuba 😯
This idiot went and insulted Cuba. Not surprising. Patwaris are namak haram by nature so it's easy for people like him to forget the medical support Cuba provided after the Kashmir Earthquake.

Patwaris are also cowards and slaves of the highest order, so they are likely alarmed by anyone who stands up against power for their freedom and self respect, especially at economic cost, which is something the greedy patwari can never even consider.

What is next? these dudes giving their proverbial back side for usage..... I dont mean to be disrespectful.

After what the Cubans did for Pak under Musharaf...... this was uncalled for. Where were this dudes' american friends with chinooks just a few kliks away. Was it not Nawaz. Sharif who sent rice when cubans were hit with massive hurricane?

I fought face to face with the cubans but i have had the opportunity to visit their country on many occassions and meet fellow vets who were on the opposing side.

By gones were by gones.... as my good friend at Ciego De avila noted.... we fought with AKs now we fight with medicine and bandages..

While I dont care for the cuban communism but the people and its govt have their hearts in the right place.
The DPRK is an utter hellhole and everyone is poor in cuba

is equality of misery really your thing ?

communism = depression, poverty, food shortages, some authority controlling every aspect of your life..

fvck communism
Cuba's per capita income is 3X india's, it is infinitely more cleaner, people more educated with access to housing as well free medical care. People in Cuba don't sh!t on streets and aren't born and die on the same footpath...

It is a heaven compared India...and that too despite over 60 years sanctions regime and attempts to undo the revolution by the most powerful and richest country in the history of the world.

India would have folded and been conquered by it's neighbors if it couldn't trade with the leading economies of the world.
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Cuba's per capita income is 3X india's, it is infinitely more cleaner, people more educated with access to housing as well free medical care. People in Cuba don't sh!t on streets and aren't born and die on the same footpath...

It is a heaven compared India...and that too despite over 60 years sanctions regime and attempts to undo the revolution by the most powerful and richest country in the history of the world.

India would have folded and been conquered by it's neighbors if couldn't trade with the leading economies of the world.
Cuba has stood against the US, while Pakistan allowed the US to bomb and kill its people with Drones based in Pakistan.
Plus the free education and free health care. And this tiny country fought and defeated the Apartheid regime of South Africa in Angola.
Yes they paid the price and stood tall. I visited Havana and Santiago de Cuba in 1996 mutiple times. Their cars were old, food was a bit short but had excellent doctors. Poverty brought its problems but they stood up and did not bow.
Yes they paid the price and stood tall. I visited Havana and Santiago de Cuba in 1996 mutiple times. Their cars were old, food was a bit short but had excellent doctors. Poverty brought its problems but they stood up and did not bow.
They are still more prosperous and happier than the slaves of Pakistan...What has Amreeki slavery brought for Pakistanis?

More humiliation....
Plus the free education and free health care. And this tiny country fought and defeated the Apartheid regime of South Africa in Angola.
now now.... that is not exactly true....

it was a mutually agreed terms to withdraw from both sides; we gave namibia its independence so that Fidel could use it for his victory speech. We got to return back from 30 yrs of conflict back.

All this was done because Pik Botha and the Foreign minister of Cuba at the time; met over a bar after 5 days of useless brokered talks between Russians/US...... It was Pik over some drinks said to the Cubans.... we are done being dictated to by the US and Cubans said they too felt like 2nd class citizens.... Deal was stuck in a bar. Next day at the negotiating table we left together with the Cubans to the horror of both Russians and US - they never believed us; Pik told them,...go home, we reached the deal last night.... what... without us...

YES without these colonialists and communists masters.

Our sides had the balls to stand up face each other and shake hands.... like real men.
So they were blaming Ik for making mistakes but now this bufoon himself made a stupid comment and now doing boot polishing instead of saying sorry.
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