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There is a term ''neiche market''.
If you tap into neiche market you get more clients.
Positive vibes about Pakistan....promoting Pakistan in a positive way.... Counter acting negative propoganda against Pakistan....that is neiche market as nobody does it.

I go around the internet,commenting on BLA blogs and websites....and other anti Pakistan websites arguing with traitors and anti pakistan elements ans most of the time i find myself alone doing that.
On the contrary try writing against Israel on the internet and you will find somebody arguing with you soon.
How big is isreal in terms of internet users? Compared to Pakistan they are small but put effort in keeping up their image via internet by counter arguing and negating anything writren against them on internet.

We Pakistanis fail spectacularly to do that and no other country us targetted more on the internet than Pakistan.

Charity begins at home. I see so much anti Pakistan Army.. Anti Pakistan and anti Islam propoganda here.
Under freedom of speech that is deemed fit by site management and i am not going into that debate.

My point being,if you allow negative news about Pakistan....encourage members to counter argue that...
I used to do that here,but i used to be a lone wolf most of the time.

About TT and Jr.TT..
Make yourself useful...Create a threas in your hidden section and post links from websites,blogs,facebook pages which write negative propoganda against Pakistan and then go there and counter argue that...

The Israeli government has a programme that moniters the internet for anti-Israeli sentiments and engages them. I think that illustrating positivity or accuracy would be more benefitial than countering negativity. I have already done so, I'm hopeful about the future.
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The Israeli government has a programme that moniters the internet for anti-Israeli sentiments and engages them. I think that illustrating positivity or accuracy would be more benefitial than countering negativity. I have already done so, I'm hopeful about the future.
@jaibi I defer from this view.

Human race, in general, has huge affinity toward pessimism perhaps way higher than optimism. Negative news draws our attention much better so countering negativeness is the key. Positives can easily be ignored/bypassed.
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@jaibi I defer from this view.

Human race, in general, has huge affinity toward pessimism perhaps way higher than optimism. Negative news draws our attention much better so countering negativeness is the key. Positives can easily be ignored/bypassed.

That's why we have things like Positive Psychology :) we can focus on good things, at least.
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That's why we have things like Positive Psychology :) we can focus on good things, at least.

What we can or what we should is actually a non entity here, the point is what we do in general. If you want to showcase something in good light, first counter the negativity around it then go after positives. The sequence is important here for the reasons I have stated above.

In an ideal world positives should come first but then its not an ideal world we live in. :)

I never was silent---I told them many a times---directly on this board. I was ready to sacrifice myself for pakistan---but webby and his team chose to stay the cowards.

Nobody stood up for pakistan in the us media---if this board would have pushed me forward and reached out to the media---I would have fought for pakistan's cause tooth and nail---.

You have only been a member since 2010---I was invited to be a part of this board since 2005. A lots of stuff happened between 05 and 10---.

I would have never let pakistan be humiliated in the u s media as it was---. The nation that has paid the most for the blunders of the u s military.

A little diplomacy goes a long way and you my man have the charms of the wild cat when it comes to criticizing others. I have yet to see you say an encouraging word about anyone. Man one needs to have a lot of spunk to stand up and do what muradk did l. You do not know the background and the lead scene so I suggest a quiet exit would be appropriate. Sir fatman resigned his commission when zia took power and blain I do not know well enough to say much about.As to taking one for Pakistan the opportunity is still there. Take it and let us see what you are madeup of. You have talked the talk lets see you walk the walk.
I propose Developreo for Mod he is balanced.

Congrats to all the mods with whatever betterment you got.

Nice to see Oscar in top mode there.

Thank your for your post. What does fatman's leaving during Zia, has to do with the leadership of this board during u s invasion of afg---. He had a conscientious choice to make and he did---but what does that have to do with his ability to lead from the front on this board---. What does that have to do with understanding and confronting the american onslaught in afg and pakistan's reaction.

As for Muradk---you say that he took a stand---a stand against what---for not accepting the over priced bid---. What was it--- 1/2 MILLION MORE FOR ONE AIRCRAFT---OR WAS IT ONE MILLION bribe for each aircraft---. So what was the big deal if the price was 26 mil or 27 mil.

The question to be asked was---is this a capable aircraft and is it the answer to our problem. The answer was---it was a capable aircraft---it was an answer to our then problem---.

Then the result should have been to swallow the PRIDE---take the step forward and do what was needed---make the purchase---and when the time was right---confront those who committed the crime.

Let me put it this way---If a jew was out to make a procurement in the 60's and 70's for major weapons systems for israel---and he knew first hand that the man in power had his hand in the cookie jar---it would not have stopped him to make the deal---because the security of israel came first and foremost---what's the big deal about a few bucks---if israel survives tomorrow---we will get our money back and the culprit will [pay with his life.

Charm is the last thing in my dictionary---I never had it---I never will. I never ask to be charmed nor will I su-ck up. For me---charm is a sign of DECEIT---.

Charm is something that maybe good in times of peace but not in war---.

Pakistan has no oppurtunity left---it is mayhem and misery for times to come---there was oppurtunity and you guys floundered it---. You have absolutely no clue the power that this board yielded.

Araz---let me ask you this---you took the position of vice chair for TT---in all honesty---put your hand over your heart---what did you really contribute in your tenure---what strategies and game plans did you come up with to take on any problem---what original plan did you have of addressing the terrorist issue or that of law and order. Except for some 'feel good' stories about paf what was your real contribution.

You remind me of Bahadur Shah Zafar---during the war of independence he favoured his son to lead against the british---his son an incompetent man---a waste of a prodigee---because Zafar's wife wanted his sone to be the next king---but when defeat was obvious Zafar turns to Gen Bakht Khan and asks him to take charge---.
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