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PDF Management Change

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o forgot indian friends

1- @seiko - very calm n friendly person... no ego ever seen:smart:

2- @Aka123 very very well behaved n neutral person:bunny:

2- @Ayush is very balanced n down to earth but as laggin behind in studies so not gud to make him a mod lol:tongue: jk

last but not the least,the Mother of all recommendations is non other than @arp2041

bangladeshies wud be on run for sure:omghaha:

n Marsha.... u r the best mate.. :)

also I'm sad that Talon is not in PDF anymore....
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Webby, seriously, after reading the convo between you and MK, a question comes to mind: Does PDF really have that much wide audience (juice if you will), that it could somehow be the "agent of change" regarding US media's perceptions of Pakistan? I think it to be a long shot at best. National media (of all nations), mostly toe the line as laid out by a State, it can't be even influenced by mega-budget consultancies / lobbying. :blink:

As per my experience, keeping a forum with 50,000+ members online must in itself be one tough job, let alone having a dedicated media arm. I mean, unless you are seriously funded for basics (cloud computing, development of custom PHP classes, db management, security, backups), and then some for the man-hours that you must be putting in yourself......... it must be a nightmare!

My two cents: If Pakistan needs positive e-media exposure (Organic/Viral) plus print-media, it needs to pour in millions upon millions of dollars into this media war. It costs a lots of money, and yes, it can be done. No question about it. However, as everyone knows, there is no free lunch!

P.S. I know because I have run such campaigns and have consulted successfully for various global brands in various sectors.


You answered the question yourself----50000 members is no chicken-sh-it feat to accomplish. Possibly the largest defence forum in the world----.

When you got those numbers----you---by default have the voice to be listened to.
@Hyperion @WebMaster

I have an idea by which PDF can be a force.

First there are a number of things we should notice, firstly, in strategic studies, Pakistanis are extremely underrepresented. I can count about 20 or so Pakistanis in key journals that publish research papers and opinion papers for think tanks and academia.

Second, there is no authoritative source online, I mean like a manual, for Pakistani defence and strategic studies by any Pakistanis, there is one by Harvard university.

Now, if we could do just two things, hold a blog with opinons by our TTs and great posters. Perhaps we could link up our individual blogs, by link, I mean.

Secondly, if we could train our TTs, I can help, to send academic papers in the articles and get them published, we could start having our impact.

Thirdly, we could also host interviews, articles and profiles of various important military personalities and send our articles to various newspapers to host and link them up to PDF.

Slowly but surely we woudl start making an impact. It would be cost effective, I don't think we would even need to put in a single penny. We could release an annual defence in PDF form to everyone to load, it could include our military's updates, battles, victories and important strategic development and direction for future.


Only if you knew for how long I have asked for it. This board should have introduced its list of POINTMAN to the LA Times NY TIMES Washington post, CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC on a regular basis.

Just a simple letter on regular basis----we are 50 k strong defence forum---we would like to have say on pak afg u s issue.

Somebody would have listened----you just needed a foot in the door----.

Ar crucial moments in the the war---the analysts of this board---who were either completely wrong or had no clue as to what was happening---or about the real u s technology and the lack of strength of the pak military---or about the JF17's begining---those members should have been terminated from their TT, MOD, etc post and made regular members---.

Specially Blain2, Agnostic muslim----were so poor and pathetic in their analysis---that when the sh-it hit the fan---they simply chose to disappear for awhile----. They should have been kicked off from their perches---.

These kinds of terminations are a must for a healthy and progressive national group---it makes those who have been incompetent and negligent in their analysis---work harder---it forces them to learn to get back in the limelight----.

MuradK should never been made TT vice chair---because he had nothing to contribute---. When I grow old---my youngsters would say the same for me as well---it is the way of nature---.

As for now---you can talk as much---but there has been so much negative said about pakistan---only a miracle will change things between pak and u s public---.

Pakistan needs a 'winemaker'---someone who can make wine from water.

This management also needs to learn that not all decisions can be democratic 100% of the time. Sometimes the decisions need to be made on a whim---spur of the moment or on a run---and there is nothing wrong with that.

When first time---the discussion of TT chairperson came up many years ago---amongst the TT members ( TT members existed before the TT chairman and vice chairman came into being )----I had suggested that the first TT should be for 3 months rotation have 2 or 3 TT chairs and then go for the most competitive----but how disgusting it is that the most incompetent member of TT got chosen as TT and that also for 2 years from the gitgo---a man who could only steal articles from other magazines and post it as his own---.

What I could never understand---why was MURADK made vice TT chairperson---on what basis----and I want to ask him this question as well----what has your contribution to this board been to deserve that position other than possibly financial----or a past hero.

Sir---you were clueless of what this 21st century warfare was and what american was upto and what the consequences would be to pakistan if it did not take on the terrorists head on from day one.Why did you take that post.

Muradk you were also clueless as to how long would it take for JF 17 to be integrated into service alongwith Blain2 and agnostic muslim and many others.
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Only if you knew for how long I have asked for it. This board should have introduced its list of POINTMAN to the LA Times NY TIMES Washington post, CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC on a regular basis.

Just a simple letter on regular basis----we are 50 k strong defence forum---we would like to have say on pak afg u s issue.

Somebody would have listened----you just needed a foot in the door----.

Ar crucial moments in the the war---the analysts of this board---who were either completely wrong or had no clue as to what was happening---or about the real u s technology and the lack of strength of the pak military---or about the JF17's begining---those members should have been terminated from their TT, MOD, etc post and made regular members---.

Specially Blain2, Agnostic muslim----were so poor and pathetic in their analysis---that when the sh-it hit the fan---they simply chose to disappear for awhile----. They should have been kicked off from their perches---.

MuradK should never been made TT vice chair---because he had nothing to contribute---. When I grow old---my youngsters would say the same for me as well---it is the way of nature---.

As for now---you can talk as much---but there has been so much negative said about pakistan---only a miracle will change things between pak and u s public---.

Pakistan needs a 'winemaker'---someone who can make wine from water.

This management also needs to learn that not all decisions can be democratic 100% of the time. Sometimes the decisions need to be made on a whim---spur of the moment or on a run---and there is nothing wrong with that.

Hello, it's my first time interacting with you and I'm happy to come across someone who is thinking like me.

I have a few strategies and I will continue to put them up and I am hopeful that something would come up. I would do it alone if I have to but I will push articles about Pakistani strategy, her military and people by someone living in the midst of it. IA, I really think PDF will be a great spring board for it.

I really do not know about the history here but I have come across some great minds here on the board, the thing is that people are searching about Pakistan and in defence related hits PDF comes across so we are having an impact just a little more focused effort would greatly increase our impact.

I will continue to collaborate with you on the ideas, I'm hopeful about the future.

Pakistan zindabad!
o forgot indian friends

1- @seiko - very calm n friendly person... no ego ever seen:smart:

2- @Aka123 very very well behaved n neutral person:bunny:

2- @Ayush is very balanced n down to earth but as laggin behind in studies so not gud to make him a mod lol:tongue: jk

last but not the least,the Mother of all recommendations is non other than @arp2041

bangladeshies wud be on run for sure:omghaha:

hamne kya gunah kitya tha bibi jo aap is gareeb ko bhool gaye :cry:
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Hello, it's my first time interacting with you and I'm happy to come across someone who is thinking like me.

I have a few strategies and I will continue to put them up and I am hopeful that something would come up. I would do it alone if I have to but I will push articles about Pakistani strategy, her military and people by someone living in the midst of it. IA, I really think PDF will be a great spring board for it.

I really do not know about the history here but I have come across some great minds here on the board, the thing is that people are searching about Pakistan and in defence related hits PDF comes across so we are having an impact just a little more focused effort would greatly increase our impact.

I will continue to collaborate with you on the ideas, I'm hopeful about the future.

Pakistan zindabad!


We used to have a pakistani member ANG---a professional living and working in the U S---exceptional insight---but got beat up by the ordinary---. Wanted a leadership role---but was told---to take a hike---.

The stage the we are at---your input regarding the image of pakistan---it ain't gonna do anything---. For pakistan---the train has left the station 5 + years ago---they chose ordinary---and Allah has listened to their wants and needs and given them what they desired---.

When people are exclusively talking negative about you and you have not responded to that in a positive and strong manner---the people can retort that you had the oppurtunity to speak up---you kept quiet at your own peril.

So---at times I have wondered about who and what the Webmaster is---and what his priorities are other than pakistan. I have often wondered at him Asim Aquil and so many others---what kind of people they are---when they have had such a strong platform too speak from---when they have people at their disposal to take a stand for pakistan in its moment of despair in the world forum---what stopped them to take the chance.

What it looks like is that this forum must be generating some good income and resource for them to keep and maintain the status quo that they wanted---and as far as fighting for pakistan is concerned---the intellect of Asim Aquil is such that he would pick up a rifle and he and his son would die for pakistan on the streets of Lahore---but to play the mind games with the americans---as he cannot do it---so won't allow anyone else to.

This is what the true mindset of the managers of this board has been----at first it used to be that pak military is not iraqi military---it would teach the americans a lesson---Blain2, agnostic muslim, fatman, muradk, Asim aquil and many others---but when the pak military got spanked hard and the powers to be announced their impotency---these pepole went into hybernation.

During the Musharraf regime---I believe that this board had the destiny changing capabilities for pakistan in the world forum.


My personal and life experiences has forced me to believe that ALLAH gives in so many strange and different ways and if we do not know from which known way it is coming from---we decide that Allah's help is not there----till in my hindsight and moment of despair I have cried out to my Lord of my shortcomings in not understanding HIS WAYS.

I will just give a small example---I applied for a job at a certain place and was not hired---it made me furious---I was able---I was capable---I could move mountains---the job was extremely desirable---working for number 1 honda dealership in the world---next time they advertised---I applied again---it took me 7 years to get the job---applied twice a year---Out of 50---once hired from the very 1st month---I was in the top 5th 6th position in sales---.

I was angry and pissed off at them for not hiring me sooner---and left them after 6 months. Many a years down the road---when I looked back---I found out----that they were not hiring for sales people---they were looking for future managers for their businesses that they were planning on acquiring down the road. So---10 years after that---I came to find out that the colleagues that I worked with---were in the position of general managers / general sales managers in the salary range of $250000 a year to $750000 a year and I was barely hitting close the 6 figure income---. And as I complained to my LORD that so many of these guys could not even hold my pen---I came to the realization that it was me who had failed and not my LORD. Now that I am older----I look back and see that HE gave me so many oppurtunities over the years---and the failure was wholely and solely mine.

In a similar manner---Allah had given pakistan the oppurtunity in the name and form of 9/11---and the pakistaniis got busy in arguing that it was a conspiracy and the americans did it to themsleves and this and that. They never stopped to think for a moment that they were not being blamed---they had nothing to do with it---they were being paid to kill a saudi terrorist AKA Osama Bin Laden and thus in killing him---pakistan may come out of it smelling like roses----but being pakistanis that we are---we decided that coming out smelling like roses is against our manly manhood---we would rather be coming out smelling like the sh-it house that we been living in.

In the end---Allah gave pakistan what THEY ASKED FOR & WHAT THEY DESERVED---Asif Zardari---. If the nation had any character left in it---it would rather ceased to exist than be ruled by by Asif Ali zardari---.

So---my question to you---do you understnad the significance of the book---HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER--BY TOM CLANCY---when it first came out in I believe in 1985 and if you do---the what are your thoughts about it.
^^^ Mastan....if you can promote Pakistan in any way...just do it.
Our cyber entities mattter not. Pakistan matters.
I have tons of disagreements with how this website is run and even wrote a goodbye note back in June after my skirmish with Turkish members and their moderator.
But this website is still is potent tool for promoting Pakistan.

I agree with many points you raise..
The management here has been failing to use the members to the best of their capacity.
Hope new management can fix that.
There was a time when members with technical knowledge used to be here and lots of weapons and military tech related topics were writte.
Even i found this website after googling for some weapon systems .
But now if you google for weapon systems,it takes you to other websites because technical people are gone and no technical discussions happen here anymore.

Same for promotion criteria..
I see Naswar thread trolls as ''jr.thinktanks'' on basis of their good chat in a chat thread...
Thats no good critaria i say...
Pro pakistan, good knowledge and insight of current affairs,and command of defence tech matter... These things should be criteria for promotions.Not favouritism.

No wonder the website consistantly fails to get any well written articles to be published in news papers and on front page.
Because most of those promoted to Blue,red and light blue simply cant write and lack comprehension skills.

What type of write ups you expect from a group of people who waste all day in a Naswar chat thread? And yet they are ''promoted''.

And i am not even talking about the ''yellow people'' the int'mods...who surprise surprise...can ban Pakistanis from commenting in their section,if they dont like them...and thats very encouraging for Pakistani members.not.

But despite my disagreements i rather have this website keep Promoting Pakistan in any which way.
@MastanKhan i totally agree with your point that this being a Pakistani website does nothing to negate the storm of peopoganda against Pakistan on the internet.
In its current form,the website is promoting other countries far more than Pakistan and this needs to change.
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@MastanKhan @Dreamreaper , it's sad what has happened but I think this is more like a platform and we should encourage positivity and academic discussions. From my own experience it has been quite receptive of that and I think that we can make a difference. Why not we do our best and let the management roll as it deems fit, there has to be a reason that this site is able to handle so much traffic. So why not we do what we can?
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@MastanKhan @Dreamreaper , it's sad what has happened but I think this is more like a platform and we should encourage positivity and academic discussions. From my own experience it has been quite receptive of that and I think that we can make a difference. Why not we do our best and let the management roll as it deems fit, there has to be a reason that this site is able to handle so much traffic. So why not we do what we can?

There is a term ''neiche market''.
If you tap into neiche market you get more clients.
Positive vibes about Pakistan....promoting Pakistan in a positive way.... Counter acting negative propoganda against Pakistan....that is neiche market as nobody does it.

I go around the internet,commenting on BLA blogs and websites....and other anti Pakistan websites arguing with traitors and anti pakistan elements ans most of the time i find myself alone doing that.
On the contrary try writing against Israel on the internet and you will find somebody arguing with you soon.
How big is isreal in terms of internet users? Compared to Pakistan they are small but put effort in keeping up their image via internet by counter arguing and negating anything writren against them on internet.

We Pakistanis fail spectacularly to do that and no other country us targetted more on the internet than Pakistan.

Charity begins at home. I see so much anti Pakistan Army.. Anti Pakistan and anti Islam propoganda here.
Under freedom of speech that is deemed fit by site management and i am not going into that debate.

My point being,if you allow negative news about Pakistan....encourage members to counter argue that...
I used to do that here,but i used to be a lone wolf most of the time.

About TT and Jr.TT..
Make yourself useful...Create a threas in your hidden section and post links from websites,blogs,facebook pages which write negative propoganda against Pakistan and then go there and counter argue that...
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