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PCB imposes bans, fines on players

The strict action taken by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) against the top players for their dismal performance during the tour of Australia, has drawn mixed reactions from former players. Here's what they had to say:

Inzamam-ul-Haq: "What sort of message are we delivering to the world by taking such decisions at a time when nobody is agreeing to come to Pakistan to play cricket?" © AFP

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Players/Officials: Abdul Qadir | Inzamam-ul-Haq | Ramiz Raja | Rashid Latif | Sarfraz Nawaz | Zaheer Abbas
Teams: Pakistan

Players' power was affecting team's performance badly. There was no discipline in the team and it had become impossible for the board to tackle the players. That was why the board has been budging down to players' pressure. The decision is beneficial even if we lose in the Twenty20 World Cup. The move has a lesson for budding players. They will always have in mind that if senior players can be punished, then they too are no exceptions

Zaheer Abbas, former captain

Younis and Yousuf should go to court to challenge the decision. This is not a good decision for Pakistan cricket. The board is not setting a good example before young cricketers. I don't understand the thinking that led them to take such a decision. The committee comprised employees of the PCB and there was no neutral person in it. What sort of message are we delivering to the world by taking such decisions at a time when nobody is agreeing to come to Pakistan to play cricket?

Inzamam-ul-Haq, former captain

Our main problem was discipline, but barring players, I am not sure, it doesn't look nice to just end the international careers of such talented players. It is surprising, but at the end of the day, the PCB needed to make an example and took a step to clean up the lack of discipline in the team. I am sure the players will challenge the life ban though.

Ramiz Raja, former captain

It's a brave step. It's a good decision and will go a long way to arrest the continuing decline of Pakistan cricket and improve the state of cricket in Pakistan besides improving the discipline.

Abdul Qadir, former chief selector and legspinner

Younis I think has been treated unfairly for long now, what was his fault and yet he is banned for life. This is not the way to improve things in Pakistan cricket. If things were so wrong in Australia then what was the team management doing. I am getting a feeling that the board has taken these decisions to save themselves after the recent poor performances and controversies.

Rashid Latif, former captain and wicketkeeper

It's the end of players' power from our national team, which is a very good sign. From now on, every player will be very careful because they know that they can be fined or banned if they violate discipline. Younis and Yousuf had played their innings in international cricket as they have got too old, but Naved and Akmal should have also been banned for one year.

i think the time has came to bring ex chief of pcb general tauqeer zia back butt is complete stupid he is creating from a smalll dissaster bigger dissaster for pakistan cricket team this is not fair yousuf younis should not been given this type of punishment they should have beeen fined i hope and pray to ALLAH that nation should stand now for true heroes i agreee with the ban of shaoib and rana
if younis khan and yousuf kept banned i think we seee worst side of test cricket ever evem if we play zimbabwe we lose against them our batting is been our weaknesss without these two it is impossible we have seen when yousuf was not playing how many matches pakistan lost becoz of batting and if pcb counting on misbah it is their mistake
I think Shahid , Afridi served his punishment aleady

Shoib Aktar shoudl get refund for his salary 80,000 USD , stolen fom the guy if the guy has knee injury , board has to pay his slary he has case

Yousif & Younis shoudl simply take PCB to courts for life bans

Kamran Akmal & Umar Akmal , do deserve 2 match ban , for failiure to satisfy the management on why Akmal Jr faked injury after his brother was droped

Malik & Rana Naved , innocent , they won 20/20 recently this is not ideal
acha hoa. we have to remove all this team and make new one. what the hell they play in aus looking like teems can play better then them my younger brothers can make more score then them what a shamefull team we select for a highly tailented pakistan were every street has cirket team.
PCB has come out with a great vision. After firing 7 players they have found out a plausable excuse for loosing in comming five years. Great jobe done Mr Chairman :hitwall: :hitwall::hitwall:
i agreee what happened with malik they should have beeen life banned but yousuf and younis little harsh on them
Same inquiry is being done for the Hockey team , seniors players played bad on purpose.
This Government has divided players, teams win when they play together.

Any player who play for their ego and not for Pakistani sport fans should be banned for every , there are hundreds in line to take their place.

Divided we fall.
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Same inquiry is being done for the Hockey team , seniors players played bad on purpose.
This Government has divided players, teams win when they play together.

Any player who play for their ego and not for Pakistani sport fans should be banned for every , there are hundreds in line to take their place.

Divide we fall.

yes we need similar actions in Hockey team too............ few of the senior players are too old now..... they should resign themselves or else they will have to be dropped from the team
agreed with alibaz but i agreee with the bans of malik he was getting over confident that he will be made captain again he should have continued his focus on batting if he perofomed better than other he have the chance to be captain again

and one advice too alll players if someone want to be captain no probleum in it but dont make groups better keeep perfoming and when the chance will come with his perfomance he willl be make captain captain is made to those who has maked his place and cemented his place in the team by perfomance not by not perfoming and thinking if i dont perfom we losss matches and this captain get sack i get chance to be captain it is wrong
Gul's position should also be under question.............. i am not saying fine or ban he is a good player but he is not performing so should be dropped if not perform in WC again
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