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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Don't waste your time on this munafik .
Yes this is waste of time to debate with him. She looses his patience in many posts and shouts so that somebody read his post. , but people don't like abusive type attitude. Here people like peaceful talk but doesn't like i.e Tu kafir, wo Kafir, Mein Muslim, Wo kafir, Etc.
I bet today instead of praying you carried on your mullah foot worshiping. Oh btw Im married to your sister halal way.

Stop portraying yourself mr. mullah foot kisser.

Hey you hypocrite read what quran says about you

“And when they meet those who believe, they say: “We believe,” but when they are alone with their Shayâtin (devils – polytheists, hypocrites, etc.), they say: “Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking.” Al-Baqarah 2:14

“They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path).” Al-Baqarah 2:18

How can a muslim say that he is a christian you have lost all your credibility and your talking about islam ,quran and hadith is only to spread fitna which you are a result ,

muslim women is only for muslim men and kafir women is for kafir men .you disgracefull sick head wahabi ,deobandi ,ahle hadis unwanted child.

your myth i.e that your are a muslim will bust when the angel of death tore your soul in pieces and that will be just the start for never ending torment .
Yes this is waste of time to debate with him. He looses his patience in many posts and shouts so that somebody read his post. , but people don't like abusive type attitude. Here people like peaceful talk but doesn't like i.e Tu kafir, wo Kafir, Mein Muslim, Wo kafir, Etc.

Losers always resort to playing victim card after they start such offensive personal arguments.
must watch

You are of the it so the not for is to be the it and then you talk the Qadri not the bad for the it and then I say not is the good.??? and then Demoracy is good? not Damocrazy/? Let me give you a chalange understanding this post which is a reflection of your posts.

Yes because I am a Muslim unlike a Padri follower like you.

i got it, now you hve shown how sick still you are:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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:lol: dont worry im with the real revolution and will always be....
the real one which never came out against muk-muka mafia?:cheesy::lol:

Watch this video , in which anchor assma shirazi feuling secterian war on qadri,s long march?
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well MQM maybe not the best party when it comes to firm stance on political matters, but its not the worst party out there when it comes out to internal party politics, they have the strongest foundation as a party and they dont copy paste other party's slogans, they dont buy electables from the auctions and kick out their few remaining genuine members

i can make you count dozens of ideological PTI members who were kicked out like shereen mazari, meraj khan etc

MQM doesnt kick out old ones and import new ones, all of the MQM members are genuine members

and here are ex PTI genuine workers participating in MQM conventions :azn:

MQM is definitely not a good party in terms of stances. They came out of Parliament when Petrol Prices went up 3 rupee and went back and stayed in Parliament when 9 rupee a litter was raised. What was the "logical" stance here? Are we allowing ourself to accept decisions which are paradoxical and openly contradictory? We are also not talking about ONE INCIDENT but PARTY ATTITUDE that shows this behavior every time, every month and possibly every week. Political party is not name of one man deciding everything for you but its a collection of people who collectively decide and support a stance. Countrymen fail to understand how could hundred thousand people be lunatic and be patient of sense-syndrome and they all look left and very logically so and within hours they start to looking right and because they have an equally logical reason to do that?

Some minds have stopped thinking.. My Prophet PBUH said "Wisdom is basis of religion". A religion is 100 times more valuable to humans than a political party could be but I wonder Intellect has to be basis of religion but a "political party" can well exist without it. Strange part is not that the party exists, strange part is that this is supported by people who are blessed with minds and wisdom and yet they fail to question open faults and are happy to embrace nonsense in the name of "political association". If this is meaning of political association, you don't need a mind to vote.
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Support qadri march morly ,if you hve enough time ,bravry, & hope to change?
& bigger balls for
A real revolution!
But if you don't hve the mentioned charactorsitics
Thn plz shut up!
See the revolution happening on 14th jan 2013
& learn revolution never happens by just talking its happen,s by doing, & every great nation before us hve done it in the history?
Don't hide urself, behind the fake slogans of damocrazy ? Don't. Let let ur future in the hands of muk -muka mafia or those who calls themselves inqalabi,s bt hide behind the greedness of votes?
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