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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

It's not about 90 days it's about delay till next year. Lets talk about PPP and PMLN, as others are either dependent or want elections on time.

* PPP, under normal circumstances, can afford the gap of more than 3 months but can not afford a gap of a year or so as you're suggesting. Zardari will be completing his tenure this year and he can not be re-elected by unelected interim government, for re-elections he needs his electoral college in house before his retirement which of course can only be achieved through general elections. Another aspect that in fact is of great importance is that PPP would lose presidency's benedictions in elections if elections are held after the retirement of the president. Useless for PPP to go into the elections without the support from presidency. Now, in the current scenario where Qadri is paving way for established to play I doubt PPP would take any risk, if they lose centre to establishment they lose Sindh too. Both the establishment and PPP don't really get along with each other, no possibility of reconciliation if things get worsen.

* IMO, results for PMLN won't be different even if they opt for delay in elections, even a gap of years can't fix the damage that the party is having, IK ain't going to leave what he has achieved. Indefinite delay (a delay beyond the completion of the projects) also means more time for PPP to organise in Punjab, they can't afford a blow from PPP too. May be under normal circumstances they won't mind a slight delay but the delay Qadri is referring to is too hard to gulp for them. Anything that effects PPP also effects PMLN at least on the page of democracy.

Mushi! Until CJ is in office Mushi can't dare to come to Pakistan. CJ is last one to go, Zardari and Kayani will retire before CJ. Wiase nobody is going to wait for him, not even Army.

That's just mare dreaming,non of above mentioned players wants to create a power vacum at any cost cause it can bring a sense of differenciate in genrl public which can ne very poisionous for muk-muka mill?
All of them wants , a election but with their own timmings !
QADRI shb is in there cause he don't want to have another term of muk-muka rule & episode no 2 of total destruction of pakistan!
Problem is muk-muka mafia has destroyed the confidence of the awam even on the good peoples of pakistan who wants to see a positive level plain ground with better governence of pakistan?
Since dr,QADRI,s entry & his jalsaa,s sucsess in lahore a great prapoganda mohim is going on against him but he is getting stronger & stronger day by day!
Bt the question remains why?
Because of no-solution to the common peoples in past 5 years ,& worse kind of situation faced by nation frm the hands of so called damo-crazly elected govt, which is bzy in taking revenge from the common peoples of pakistan?
Its the real truth which better we accept with a push to change ?
holysh1t. Do you not have a job? a life?
Boyfriends & hadiths what a relationship in making!lol
Hadiths exposes pathological $cumbag lairs like you. If you had taken any interest in Islam you would have known that it contains information of every aspects of life, but for you Qadri is your master and the supreme god.
Well,I think you are really strt loving QADRI shb,yes he can satisfy all of your , un-completed needs which you keep disscusing every thn & now?
Sounds like Qadri is taking care of his pet. ussshhh go back to your master.
Well for time bieng, just wanted to remind your twisted mind that still youtube is banned in pakistan?
Oh i forgot, Thai immigration deported your *** back to the gutters of MQM.
You will soon see your dam madarsaa- myth bussted on this thread!lol
All what you are doing is exposing yourself to the world what a deluded $cumbag you are.
All of the posted content by you isn't gona work to stop QADRI,s march anyway, do you ever thought about that?
But all of your posts are helping you get closer to Qadri's bed? Sure knock yourself out.
No you don't? Cause you are thought less, I never founded other thn pakistan tht islam & quran hadiths discussed & used for personal gains & opponent,s disadvantages & that's the reason why , pakistani version of islam has been banned even in islamic countries?
Obviously you did not go to school. Poor english, and poor argument. Just b1tching.
That happens because ,we keep finding half scholrs like you creating millions of islamic sects, every minute & the result is TTp & mullana ghazi of lal mosque?
Like i said, stop discussing your ex-boyfriends affairs, we know Qadri is your new boyfriend.
Even I personlly never had followed ,dr QADRI,s version of islam bt I still admire his efforts in the form of his brave FATWAA against the butchers called TALIBANS?lol
Since you are a $cumbag, you failed to realize self contradiction in your post. Accused me of creating sects in Islam and here you are proving to the world what a retarded you are by admitting that you follow Qadri's version of Islam.
Let's see how long you can digest that?lolCome to me again if pain keeps hitting you,I will cure your uncomplete pleasure with more pain?lol lol lol?
I bet you have no life.
Ah ha. Mullah foot fetish lover is back.
Hahahaha U relax let discuss trinity and bible if you are in to it or Fcukoff .
So now you know kissing mullah's feet is bad for your health. It makes you retarded.
and i know your Padri also like boys ;)
You know better since you have first hand experience.
So according to your bible pork is forbidden then why you eat porky,and where in bible Jesus PBUH say i am god worship me .
tell me you hypocrite
Go back to your mullah's feet.
I have never in my life come across such a deluded personality like yourself.

What took you so long busted my myth, cause I was waiting for you?
With all the love from god!
No one is perfect & each one of us can become some sort deluded personality?
Well , only can pray for you that may QADRI shb come in your dreams & set you on the right islamic path, which shouldn't strats from a tora bora madarsaa ,some where down in the roughst of the afghn-Pak hills?
So you can join peacefull, islamic brotherhood with peace & devote urself for the well bieng of the muslims & rest of the humman beings in the world, cause we all are a creation of one & only great god?
Just close your eyes & say god plz help me to the right path ,hope fully you will see dr, TuQ face ,who will guide you towards right direction & will strat your march towards islamabad on jan 14th, to hve a better reformed pakistan?lol lol lol
With these best wishes surly , you will get some reduction in the ever growing pain ,which you hve showen in above post!lol lol lol
Sounds like a terrorists organization plan. Let me inform the CIA and they will bust another holes up your qadri and MQM ***.

You have no life, get a job and have the devil removed from your soul and stay away from cursed Qadri padri scholar.

I am trying to make you come down after your willing support for the voilent islamic defenation, you can contact to hillry clinton or OBAMA right now cause they maybe waiting for you??? Lol lol lol
Well you can do that just mentioning the name of TuQ, I can bet you they will hounr you, cause they know the theory & very practical life of dr, himself?
But plz stay away being abusive , cause it allways bring shame for the peoples like you, who kept using quran & hadiths for their own self intersts & it looks really ugly when with same breath you talk about great versses of quran & hadiths & in very same breath using very bad & abusive wordings???
Yes by doing that you are sharing serious challenges to you your mental health & growth???lol lol lol
Some day you will contact TuQ to get his version of islam, & I really wish good for that??? Lol lol lol
In the mean time , plz keep reading news of TuQ,s long march cause it can become a way of cure for peoples like yo?lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Enjoy long march of TuQ shb? Will you ?lol lol lol
Hope you will feel good now!
Qadri fears clash if long march cut short

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Awami Tehrik & Tehrik Minhaj-ul-Quran chief, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, Monday refused to guarantee peace if his “long march” was interrupted, Geo News reported.

“An attempt to cut our ‘long march’ short will be tantamount to a face-off”, he said talking to media after holding talks with Interior Minister Rehman A Malik.

He denied reaching any “understanding” with the interior minister regarding “long march.”

“There had been no ‘negotiations’ on long march. He was just curious about my agenda, which I explained to him in detail”, said he.

He said he was marching for the supremacy of constitution and true democracy.

“Our aim is to restitute the rights of the people they were stripped of and not to jeopardize the elections”, said Qadri.
Qadri fears clash if long march cut short - geo.tv

Altaf says 'bowed down to avert a clash'

LONDON: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain Monday said there was no harm in bowing down to forestall a clash, hours after the Supreme Court accepted his unconditional apology in the contempt case.

"There is an honour in being modest, since God dislikes being arrogant and likes being down-to-earth," he said in a telephonic conversation with members of MQM Rabitta Committee, senators, MNAs and lawyers.

Altaf Hussain said he wholeheartedly respected the judiciary and other institutions. "There is no loss in bowing down to ward off a confrontation and clash," he added.

He complained that a wrong perception is projected about him, although 'we believe in sorting out the matters through understanding'.

The Supreme Court had issued a contempt of court notice to Altaf Hussain on December 14 stating that he had used objectionable language against the judiciary while addressing a public gathering. The MQM chief had been summoned to appear before the apex court on January 7 to explain his remarks.

Team formed to further scrutinize threats to Qadri's rally

ISLAMABAD: A high-level meeting on Monday reviewed serious threats of targeting rally of Chief of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran, Dr. Tahirul Qadri and formed a team to further scrutinized the matter.

The meeting, chaired by Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik formed a team of senior officers, which was directed to submit report by January 11. The report will also include the ways and means for enhancing the security.

Keeping in view appeals of residents and business community of the Capital, Islamabad Administration informed the Minister that there are number of appeals not to interrupt business in their respective areas.

The procession should not disrupt the business activity and normal life.

Different venues were offered to Dr. Tahirul Qadri to avoid inconvenience to the people.

Islamabad Administration has requested Rs. 250 million initially just to provide protection and create logistics.

The Minister directed to move the matter to Finance Division for supplementary grant.

There would be over 10,000 troops for which food, fuel, lodging and boarding will be responsibility of Islamabad Administration.

The Met Department informed that there is going to a harsh weather with severe wave of cold on the day of rally on January 14 and night stay can put the participants into a risk of getting sick with unbearable cold.

The Islamabad Administration was directed to keep sufficient medical staff and medicines to deal with any kind of emergency. (APP)

Team formed to further scrutinize threats to Qadris rally - geo.tv
Team formed to further scrutinize threats to Qadri's rally

ISLAMABAD: A high-level meeting on Monday reviewed serious threats of targeting rally of Chief of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran, Dr. Tahirul Qadri and formed a team to further scrutinized the matter.

The meeting, chaired by Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik formed a team of senior officers, which was directed to submit report by January 11. The report will also include the ways and means for enhancing the security.

Keeping in view appeals of residents and business community of the Capital, Islamabad Administration informed the Minister that there are number of appeals not to interrupt business in their respective areas.

The procession should not disrupt the business activity and normal life.

Different venues were offered to Dr. Tahirul Qadri to avoid inconvenience to the people.

Islamabad Administration has requested Rs. 250 million initially just to provide protection and create logistics.

The Minister directed to move the matter to Finance Division for supplementary grant.

There would be over 10,000 troops for which food, fuel, lodging and boarding will be responsibility of Islamabad Administration.

The Met Department informed that there is going to a harsh weather with severe wave of cold on the day of rally on January 14 and night stay can put the participants into a risk of getting sick with unbearable cold.

The Islamabad Administration was directed to keep sufficient medical staff and medicines to deal with any kind of emergency. (APP)

Team formed to further scrutinize threats to Qadris rally - geo.tv

They r trying all the tricks in their bag???
It shows how affraid they are ?lol
Muk-muka mafia QADRI is coming?lol
The equation is simple folks,

anyone (even iblees) > Zardari

As I've advocated elsewhere, I'll do the same here on this site: Viva la Qadrivelucion!
aanay do is tahir ul qadri aur mqm walo ko in ko welcome karnai ki tayari karli hai taliban nai
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