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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Qaseeda e Tahir ul Qadri >

Tahir Ul Douchebag is a hypocrite that uses religion as an excuse to put forward his arguments. He was jerking off in Canada for the past few years and has now taken oath to serve Queen of England. Why does this retard think that he can bring change in Pakistan?

Good stance by Dr Sahab. We need people like him.

We need to shoot people like him. Cut the head of the snake before he spreads the virus!
Tahir Ul Douchebag is a hypocrite that uses religion as an excuse to put forward his arguments. He was jerking off in Canada for the past few years and has now taken oath to serve Queen of England. Why does this retard think that he can bring change in Pakistan?

We need to shoot people like him. Cut the head of the snake before he spreads the virus!
He is serving the Islam everywhere, he wrote more than 1000 Books which people are getting benefit from it. There is nothing wrong if he serves Islam and humanity in Canada, India or in Dubai. He has excellent knowledge, great scholar and grip on every topics. we should get benefit from him. A leader who truly believes in democracy and want everything according to the constitution.
He is serving the Islam everywhere, he wrote more than 1000 Books which people are getting benefit from it. There is nothing wrong if he serves Islam and humanity in Canada, India or in Dubai. He has excellent knowledge, great scholar and grip on every topics. we should get benefit from him. A leader who truly believes in democracy and want everything according to the constitution.

If he is serving Islam than what the hell is he doing in Pakistan! He should go to Saudi Arabia! You are mistaken! He does not believe in democracy, if he did, he would not be here to derail the departure of this government. He should be held accountable for the lifes lost or any other property damage that takes place because of his so-called long march. I am hoping that he gets shot and none of this nonsense takes place! :sniper:
If he is serving Islam than what the hell is he doing in Pakistan! He should go to Saudi Arabia! You are mistaken! He does not believe in democracy, if he did, he would not be here to derail the departure of this government. He should be held accountable for the lifes lost or any other property damage that takes place because of his so-called long march. I am hoping that he gets shot and none of this nonsense takes place! :sniper:
If anybody serves Islam, he should not be in Pakistan.
Excellent philosophy!! :thank_you2:
aanay do is tahir ul qadri aur mqm walo ko in ko welcome karnai ki tayari karli hai taliban nai
TTP refutes threatening Qadri long march
TTP refutes threatening Qadri long march - thenews.com.pk

January 08, 2013 - Updated 1254 PKT
From Web Edition

ISLAMABAD: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP) denied that the group had threatened to attack the long march announced for Jan 14, by Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran chief Dr Tahirul Qadri.

“This is not true, we have not issued any threat to attack the long march,” TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location. “We have no comments for the long march,” he added.

Earlier on Monday Federal Interior Minister, Dr Abdul Rehman Malik had said that Taliban militants have threatened to attack a rally for election reforms.

TTP has threatened to attack the long march,” Malik told reporters in a joint press conference with Qadri. “But we will not stop the long march and provide them full security,” Malik said.

Qadri vowed he would not waiver from his mission to stage the protest.

“The long march will take place on January 14, God willing, and it will remain peaceful,” Qadri said.

YOU NEED TO WAKE UP & start march from lahore to islamabad, cause show is about to begun in the gotham city
SC moved against Qadri’s long march
SC moved against Qadri

January 08, 2013 - Updated 1625 PKT
From Web Edition

The petitioner, advocate Arshad Mehmood pleaded the apex court to call off the proposed long-march alleging that Tahir-ul-Qadri was attempting to establish a parallel system and imposing his own ideology on the populace.

Arshad said that Qadri's long march was against the laws and constitution of the country. He said that articles 62, 63 and 218 do not decree any such uprising, adding that the government should not allow anybody to transform Islamabad into Tehrir-Squire.

Arshad argued "any attempt to establish a parallel legislative body seeking to overrule and overthrow the parliament would be a direct challenge to the sovereignty of Pakistan which this court is duty bound to defend".

Tahirul Qadri 'unpredictable', Imran Khan in 'watch out' list

our correspondent
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
From Print Edition

LONDON: Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) leader Dr Tahirul Qadri has been described as an "unpredictable" politician in Pakistan whose true intentions at this stage cannot be gauged. A western diplomat told The Financial Times about Qadri: "With others (from mainstream parties) you can predict intentions, but not with Qadri."

“I will lead an ocean of people to change Islamabad,” vowed Tahirul Qadri in the interview. The paper said that Qadri is calling for the march to bring reforms to the consternation of many established politicians, including the coalition government of President Asif Ali Zardari.

“People who came were not just my supporters,” he said about the rally of tens of thousands of people in Lahore. “Pakistanis are anxious to see major changes in the way their country is being run.” The paper said that Mr Qadri draws his support from Pakistanis who are frustrated at the domination of politics by a handful of elite leaders from well-known families and who are embittered by the parlous state of the economy.

“Since Mr Qadri’s December gathering, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement – the main political party from the southern city of Karachi, allied to Mr Zardari’s Pakistan People’s party – has decided to join Mr Qadri’s Nizam Badlo, or change the system movement. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf led by Imran Khan, the former cricket star turned politician, is widely expected to join future protests too,” said the paper, adding that the PPP and PML-N have united in accusing Mr Qadri of disrupting the build-up to parliamentary elections this year.

Qadri warned of Pakistan’s “break up” unless ruling politicians are forced to abide by laws of the land. He told the paper he wanted tax evaders, loan defaulters and those with criminal records to be banned from standing for elections, because the existing system led to illegitimate results and “immoral and unethical” governments. “The whole process is a total negation of the principles of democracy. “I only want the Constitution to be enforced. Law breakers are the lawmakers in Pakistan. Seventy per cent of parliamentarians are tax evaders.”

Pakistan’s domination by tainted politicians and the rise of domestic terrorism, he said, had damaged the country’s reputation. “There are parts of Pakistan where the government has no control. Internationally, we are seen as a threat. In the past five years, the government has not formulated laws on terrorism.”

Meanwhile, The Times on Monday included Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan Movement for Justice, in “The New Power List – The 100 people to watch in 2013. The list has 10 leading personalities from the world, including Xi Jinping, China’s Communist Party Secretary General, Binyamin Netanyahu, Italian premier Mario Monti, Japan PM Shinzo Abe, Ghana President John Mahama, Venzuela President Nicolas Maduro, Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto, US General Joseph Dunfordf and Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Indian state of Gujarat.

About Imran Khan, who is number on the list, The Times said: “This will be the year that the world finds out whether the former Test cricketer really is leading a tsunami of change in Pakistan. He pulls vast crowds of young voters, but pundits doubt he has the political machine to overwhelm the Asif Ali Zardari in national assembly polls expected in the spring.”
Phone call planning attack on Jan 14 rally intercepted

ISLAMABAD: Sources in the Interior Ministry said that a phone call made by a close associate of Hakimullah Mehsud planning an attack on the January 14 long march was intercepted, DawnNews reported.

Sources said that during the phone call, Mehsud’s companion is heard asking another Taliban member for a car which would be used in a planned attack on Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran chief Tahirul Qadri’s long march in Islamabad.

In an alert issued by the ministry, it was said that the Pakistani Taliban’s denial of planning to attack the January 14 march was a lie intended to mislead the public and in particular Qadri.

Phone call planning attack on Jan 14 rally intercepted | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Some peopleEvery one is trying to discouraged Qadri. Looks like all political parties and media in particular is against Qadri. It reminds me of all parties long march against P.Musharraf. Now TTP has joined ranks to save corrupt regime.
Phone call planning attack on Jan 14 rally intercepted

ISLAMABAD: Sources in the Interior Ministry said that a phone call made by a close associate of Hakimullah Mehsud planning an attack on the January 14 long march was intercepted, DawnNews reported.

Sources said that during the phone call, Mehsud’s companion is heard asking another Taliban member for a car which would be used in a planned attack on Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran chief Tahirul Qadri’s long march in Islamabad.

In an alert issued by the ministry, it was said that the Pakistani Taliban’s denial of planning to attack the January 14 march was a lie intended to mislead the public and in particular Qadri.

Phone call planning attack on Jan 14 rally intercepted | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

this is getting very suspected, after TTp denail,why RM is still insisting that?
if something happens, all this telephonic conversation shouldbe investigated???

Some peopleEvery one is trying to discouraged Qadri. Looks like all political parties and media in particular is against Qadri. It reminds me of all parties long march against P.Musharraf. Now TTP has joined ranks to save corrupt regime.

both media & muk-muka mafia are affraid that they may lose heavy , financialy!
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