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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

I really wish this gentle soul had stood for election:

He embodies everything that is good about Islam.

I think he is doing , what he can do best, for politics he is too un-relevent, & under educated but yes if the, needed change can be brought,thn may he can join in parliment? Someday?

PTI Will join they have no choice same as MQM, these are Establishment Parties and there is nothing wrong with it since its our establishment

Positive thinking, yes the establishment is ours & the political parties you didn't mentioned like PMLn & PPP ,also are the product of this establishment!
Which they keep denying shamelessly just to get more votes?
Tahir qadris VIP guards!!


is that a sin to hve security gurds, in a country where a former PRIMEminster, & a head of a party killed in , just like same kind off jalsa?
Dr Qadri has demanded that which no political party has even thought of being the core issue of Pakistan and rightly so he is demanding the implementation of constitution rather than personal wills like military dictators. I think no political party wants to go away from elections as they have nothing to offer but false promises and hope for change of faces and same embarrassment after power and 2-3 years free looting blaming all on previous govts...

he is working on the many aspects of Islam which others have ignored rather have no capacity to do so while Dr Qadri is living abroad.blaming is simplest thing but to defend Islam against strong Western propaganda is a job no one of us is capable of doing.. we have just learnt how to criticize others' good work and achievements.
I really wish this gentle soul had stood for election:

He embodies everything that is good about Islam.

good thought. but this can only become possible if the existing lot of corrupt/fraud candidates are barred from contesting the elections. The system is too unfair for any simple person to contest and win the elections.
in the larger intrests of pakistan it will be important that at least QADRI shahib, PTI, MQM , PML q, should form a alliance, to bring the real positive change, if they can do that, i see pakistan shaping up fast, if not thugs will be there to rule, none of the he discussed political parties hve thse required money , & control over local adminstration to win against thugs?
& if really QADRI shb, IMRAN, ALTAF, chowdries are true to pakistan, that task is not , imposible?

What change you want in Pakistan? You want IK to go and beg mercy from Hakeem ullah mehsood?
We need someone who have guts to ask Kiyani, Mr why this bastard who murders thousands of people still alive and making mockery of Pakistan on American television? You want to see Karachi target killers in Ministry of Interior or you want Qadri Madrassa system to replace our colleges and universities. Choice is yourz
What change you want in Pakistan? You want IK to go and beg mercy from Hakeem ullah mehsood?
We need someone who have guts to ask Kiyani, Mr why this bastard who murders thousands of people still alive and making mockery of Pakistan on American television? You want to see Karachi target killers in Ministry of Interior or you want Qadri Madrassa system to replace our colleges and universities. Choice is yourz

& you think shoe cleanner of gen.jillani & tea boy of gen.Zia mr nawaz sharif can do that? Lol
Or mr, remote bomber putting the remote control fake bombs on the legs of peoples to get thier money from thiebanks can do that?lol
Wakeup budy, its a starday morning ! Not to go school? Lol
See even the idea of this allaince is so dangerous that you & your leaders can't sleep?
Remember lst time when & which baktar band used to carry your so-called leadership NS & AZ , we still taking good care of them & waiting ???
Thts called one man army BATMANs on PDF! Lol
& you think shoe cleanner of gen.jillani & tea boy of gen.Zia mr nawaz sharif can do that? Lol
Or mr, remote bomber putting the remote control fake bombs on the legs of peoples to get thier money from thiebanks can do that?lol
Wakeup budy, its a starday morning ! Not to go school? Lol
See even the idea of this allaince is so dangerous that you & your leaders can't sleep?
Remember lst time when & which baktar band used to carry your so-called leadership NS & AZ , we still taking good care of them & waiting ???
Thts called one man army BATMANs on PDF! Lol

Its not an argument anyways you will understand these things when you get mature n it will take time.
Its not an argument anyways you will understand these things when you get mature n it will take time.

I am mature enough, to understand the difference between yesterdays chor , a dam chor?
Sory , as I understand with so dark past & shamefull background of you beloved leadership, you can't defend them with their dark future ahead & upcomming fast, by th way this time may it be a death-end nt dead-end!
What's the problem ,your anti-idealogical parties forming a united alliance? Wasn't that the damo-crazy you want it?
Or it is the fear of loss , your leadership may suffer by the hands of this new political grouping?
I hope it is speculation. because If PTI joins Qadri plus altaf killer then it would be a bad sign.

Then it would be against ISI funded NS & remote bomb kiddnapr called zardari?lol
Everything is fair in war love & politics after all its muk muka ki siyasat taught by NS & AZ???
I really wish this gentle soul had stood for election:

He embodies everything that is good about Islam.
He is a good person and had done work worth appreciation, but as a NGO. I hope he increases his work to a larger scale with help of Government and funding. However I do not believe he could be the Prime Minister or President, there must be enough knowledge of Political Studies for the candidate and Dr. Edhi is too 'straight-forward' and 'down-to-earth' for this position.
people like edhi, abdul qadeer khan have no chance to become the head of state

8th grade fail like zardari have more chances

if i were to request Edhi, i would request him to stay off from any ambition to involve in pakistani dirty corrupt politics, its too undignified and full of deceit and lies

but for a change good people do need to come forward
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